The 10 Human Regrets vol. motivational

Dec 19, 2011
The 10 Human Regrets

You reach your last day with the brilliant song that your life was meant to sing still silent within you.

You reach your last day without ever having experienced the natural power that inhabits you to do great work and achieve great things.

You reach your last day realizing that you never inspired anyone else by the example that you set.

You reach your last day full of pain at the realization that you never took any bold risks and so you never received any bright awards.

You reach your last day understanding that you missed the opportunity to catch a glimpse of mastery because you bought into the lie that you had to be resigned to mediocrity.

You reach your last day and feel heartbroken that you never learned the skill of transforming adversity into victory and lead into gold.

You reach your last day regretting that you forgot that work is about being radically helpful to others rather than being helpful only to yourself.

You reach your last day with the awareness that you ended up living the life that society trained you to want versus leading the life you truly wanted to have.

You reach your last day and awaken to the fact that you never realized your absolute best nor touched the special genius that you were built to become.

You reach your last day and discover you could have been a leader and left this world so much better than you found it. But you refused to accept that mission because you were just too scared. And so you failed. And wasted a LIFE.
The purpose of life is to struggle your way to the grave, die, and be forgotten. Get over it.
^ Word cuz ppl could try to accomplish these things and still die not getting any of them done.
Damn depression much????? No but seriously op should have thrown like a happy face at the end to cheer us up.
It's not depressing, it's introspective.

Most of us are fairly young here. We all still have time to accomplish goals that are important to us. If you've never considered these common regrets before, you should before it's too late.
I found pretty inspirational. 

Cease everyday....go after what you truly want/love.......or better yet, work and make *&^% happen!!!!!

Lol....i dunno seeing people at the end (grandmother, grandfather etc) i don't know if this is what people TRULY think about at the end. I think that is why the goal is to stay young and have these thoughts. People at the end are too physically and mentally messed up to really feel this way it seems. They just try to stay within their routines and make sure everyone else is in their routine too. Though my grandfather got his master's and then PHD after he retired at the age of 73-78. Mad respect for that. He had a family of 5 daughters and he did backbreaking railroad work his entire life to be able to give them everything they needed. He died having left each of them a house, an education and a good life. I think old people don't have these sort of childish regrets...they just feel that there family should be 'right' before they go. It's why their is always that presssure to get married, have kids etc. At the end it seems to be that the legacy of you lives on properly through your children, rather than what you did/didn't do. Just my thoughts seeing it in person. My grandmother has no 'dreams' unfulfilled she just struggles because her routine of having her husband around for everything is now messed up. She can't get over that..and understandably.
i love the first one. you guys all have a song to sing. make sure you're heard before it is too late.

if you need some inspiration, just look at yourself in the mirror. understand that your time is limited. just think about how fast the last 5 years flew by. what do you have to lose? what do you EVER have to lose? in the grand scheme of things, you are unbound and limitless.

look at your hands. you have the power to build amazing things and inspire other individuals with these two hands. the only thing holding you back is the voice of doubt, the fear of failure. don't be afraid of failure, embrace it's ability to transform you into someone more capable than you could've ever imagined.
thats nice and all but i feel like those "regrets" include the idea that you would've accomplished what they say you will regret which is impossible.

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