That time i got got. (Athletic edition)

Jun 29, 2018
In this thread, tell your tales of athletic misfortune. All endeavors welcome.

I'll kick it off with the time i got spectacularly posterized twice ,by 2 different people, within 24 hrs of each other.

It was a chilly fall sunday night back in 02, when a more youthful slappy decided it was hoopin time. So i grabbed my black 17s, my black jordan calf length shorts , a tall t, headband, a bag of endo and the keys to the Legend. It Was go time.
So im hoopin up at the college like the imaginary white hotsauce i was, when this 6'5 nigerian looking gentleman walks in wearing the colleges gear. New recruit i guess, who cares, back to rippin nerds socks with these ill and 1 snatchbacks.

Anyway i could always dunk and won a few contests and all that, so i fancied myself quite the mack daddy when it came to Lebronesque chase down, pins off the back board.
Two plays in to the first game the new nigerian looking gentleman gets a steal up top and is off to the races.
All i could think of was the reaction to me pinning this lay up.
As i caught up to him tho, he slowed down a bit (pure bait that i took) .
We then jumped.
I was up there at full vert thinking
" why is homies chest in my face at this altitude?" And then blam.
I got blown out of the sky like i violated restricted airspace.

This L didnt sit well with me as i tossed and turned in bed that night, ball was life and right now life was getting tea bagged. I had to get back out and regain some mojo asap.
The next evening i hit up my local gym which is really packed and competitive with mostly college guys.
I still brought my black 17s, although now i looked at them in distain for being a part of yesterdays aerial shame show. Clearly after a failing black tall t and jordan shorts combo the previous day, we we're switching it to some red giant jordan shorts, with a white tall t for better luck today.
So anyway, as im shamgodding and boomeranging peoples self esteem into the drain to match my own, in walks this 7ft ginger farm boy looking dude.
"Whatever " i think, " i have robb k crosses and moonwalks to complete here, he can have some when its his turn."

So obviously his turn was 2 plays into the next game.
So big red catches it in the post and i see him start to spin baseline.
I was up by the foul line and just knew i could surprise him at the rim, as the man he just spun around was camouflaging my intent.
I got to the rim alright.

But Orange Country got about 2 ft over the rim and i ended up getting deflected into the wall like a damn frisbee.

He boomed it and it was worse than the day before, not because it was a more devastating jam, but because everyone i knew saw this one.

Everyone kept asking " bruh why did you try and stuff a 7 ftr" and i couldnt tell them it was because i was trying to retrieve my soul from the previous days spiritual exorcism.
So I went to a school with a Senior graduating class of 30 students. Yes that’s right. 30 seniors. Maybe 100 kids in the entire high school.

We played 8 man football league. Crow High School. Look it up. Anyways, as you can imagine with these backwoods middle of nowhere towns, there are never any real athletes. Just whoever wants to play a sport is automatically varsity.

My junior year we played a school called Dayton. Also a middle of nowhere school. But this school had a guy named Dante Rosario playing for them.


Yes. Future NFL starting tight end Dante Rosario.
Dude was 6”3 240 with D1 allamerican athletic ability playing in a league of special Olympic kids.
I can’t even put into words what he did to our team, but it looked something like this for 1 half


Then they mercy ruled us at halftime. Dude played every position. Had me in the fetal position both trying to tackle him and getting tackled by him.

I learned that day. I was not about that life.
If this thread gets going i will recount that time i had almost made it back to my car after my team won Hoop it up

Only to be called back via microphone to the juicy fruit court

To get destroyed by king handles.
When me and my boy was like 13/14 we would hope on the 6mile bus and just ride until we saw people hooping outside and just go run people off the court then on to the next. We thought we was league bound :lol:. I remember we stopped and ran wit some dudes who was our size but we’re about 5/6 years older. ****** was yelling mouse int the house everytime in the post and would turn and dunk. We hooped on our own street after that.
Got tko’d in my second amateur mma bout. I was winded going into the second round. We were on the ground and I was fairly in an advanced position and decided to go for a freaking toe hold and I never trained for that in camp or in my life. I could’ve easily taken his back, but I was so winded and thought I can pull this dumb submission off. My face was left exposed which he saw and just nailed me with a clean hammer fist and continued to pummel me. I remember getting hit many times and the ref stepped in.

Some of my friends thought it was stopped too early, but from my point of view, I couldn’t protest. I refused to go back and watch my fight again. I ended up winning my next fight tho which was more grueling. So I’m glad I can overcome a loss with a win in a tougher fight.
Tell us how he finessed you out that 20

Sorry long reads, took 5 minutes to type so might take the same to read.

I got a few. I used to be good, REALLY good, like legit everyone including college dudes would ask where I play or where I'm going. I probably also had the fastest/steepest decline in history too in overall game (confidence) but also athleticism which was a huge part of it from like 22 to now. I didnt even touch a ball for about 5-6 yrs until very recently and when I walk up to a gym now and look at a 10 foot rim, that **** might as well be the Eiffel Tower it looks so high.

So dunked on, not really nothing terrible, I been in the vicinity when guys dunked, but never like pushed down or mega body contact like that. I never played any meaningful balls so dudes who could do that to you, nobody's really just anxious to get their whole day ruined in pickup games that dont matter even tho we were competitive.

But we played in a tournament in Anadarko. As the name suggest, Native American city, homeboy who put us onto the tournament was native (people think blacks are tribalists, Natives are as bad, or good depending on your perspective, as it gets in that regard) and most the guys in the tourney were. We had 2 on our team and a bunch of bruthaz though. Most teams were like all or most Natives. The stereotypes about them and alcohol and cigarettes and being fat and out of shape... mostly true. But you wouldn't expect that at a basketball tournament with iirc a $250 buy in, $2500 1st place, $2000 2nd.

But legit, the tournament was at the high school. Dudes were literally outside drinking and smoking up until the buzzer, put their jerseys on (they like being shirtless or wearing wife beaters) and walk in the game, like 6ft tall with a beer belly and an obese walk, and first play is a backdoor alleyoop. I'm like :wow: what the, homie who went to USAO in Chickasha told me that's how they do, the ones who do. Whatever we had a squad. A pro (semi pro? they were a team who just travels and enters tournaments) team named CSC, us, and this other squad were the favorites. Lots of D1s in the building, Tulsa, Redlands, Oral Roberts, Langston, lots of Oklahoma colleges well respresented. ANyways to me getting got

They got this white dude, short, glasses, nerd looking, had done nothing athletic the whole tournament. He was your john stockton meat and potatoes pg minus the scoring so like Eric Snow. Just dribble handoffs, took open shots, made entry passes, directed traffic. I get iso'd on him and I see him do the Kobe (the iso gesture) and they're clearing out a whole side. Whatever this video game playing *** dude aint getting by me and if he does I got hops and timing of the block from behind. He hit me with THE MEANEST right to left cross, like as he indicated right (his right my left), his shoes and toes like squeaked 2 times that direction, I bit, cross back in front of me, the classic made me turn around to recover level of crossed and I tried to block it, foul, and 1! Couldn't do nothing but dap him up as he walked to the ft line. I'm a smart dude, I don't even know how he baited me to bite on a fake towards middle when everyone is over there and its clear he is going left since that whole side is empty. It was the 2 stutter steps and the shoe skeet skeet. I could demonstrate, hard to describe.

Same tournament, we're playing aforementioned Pro Travel team, CSC. I am checking CSC's big dude, he's about 6'8 (I'm 6'0, probably 220 at the time, I could still dunk so I hadnt completely joined team obesity yet) because I guess I had the most girth in our lineup even though guys on our team were taller. Whatever, I got him. Bent forearm in the back I'm keeping him from getting deep post position, but he's just crab dribble, crab dribble, spin into a jump hoo baseline; crab dribble, crab dribble, spin back baseline, hook with the left, crab dribble, crab dribble, jump stop back and turnaround to 45 degree angle face up shot off glass, money. He probably gave me 5 or 6 straight buckets. Which is fine, he's a pro. I'm in college at the time, the IT dude, he should lol But it was so textbook, mythodical, like Duncan working in a gym with nobody guarding him, like shooting over a chair. Again, he had like 8 inches but still.

Fast forward to the last game, playin for 2nd. There's 7 of us there so 2000 is like 286 each right. We're playing a team, like 90% Natives, last play it's tied I'm "guarding" a dude at like half court, he just flings up some **** and dives at me. Misses badly, overtime, walking back to the bench to plan for extra bsketball... tweet!! Foul, bird dogs me and whatever my number was, the ref furthest from the play (it was open court a ref literally right there) under the basket comes running up, gives him 3 shots with no time left. Gym goes bananas. He smirked, he just has to make 1 out of 3. I think he missed the first, hit the 2nd, then tossed the 3rd. Rumor had it ref was his cousin. IDK, but we were getting shafted all tournament because we had all bruthas and our 2 N.A's actually looked Latinos so we were treated like some invaders. Then I realize this ***** Kev and Brandon got dropped off. We had to ride 7 deep basketball players squeezed into my Grand Prix. #youcantmakethisstuffup Everyone sweating and crying on each other

So it was an NT thread about a summit in NYC. This would be after I have started my rapid descent into obesity and mediocre every once in a while basketball dude, but I was going to NYC that summer anyways so I went. NT heavyweights in the building lol. Got there super early to the CC, Proshares IIRC and I played 2 on 2 against a tall Latino-ish dude in those ugly Foamposite LeBrons with the strap across the top and an athletic, aggressive lefty with Jordan 8 Aquas iirc. We won. I was Shamgodding and Pro was hitting open jumpers. Fast forward to everyone there and us running 5s, had to get used to playing with NY dudes (****** called a lot of fouls B) and different things like inbounding from the angle so close to the basket, and we played Utah or 44 a few times, and ****** called a lot of fouls. But I was guarding Smittydadon, i dont even think he ever posted much, dude was likr 6'6 very thin, dude was scoring at will. He never missed. I was just mostly rebounds and putbacks, glass taps, could still be good for that at that point in my career. Then he Shamgod'ed me on a fastbreak. I was heartbroken. I used to do that move religiously, never knew how it felt. It's like a man getting pegged. You never want to do that to someone again after finally feeling how it feels. Matter of fact I even have a picture of myself myself mid Sham at one of those And 1 games after that **** fell off and they had to pay that white lady to use their own names. Oh and NT was roasting because I didnt really talk to nobody much, it was no shade, I'm just a shy weirdo (at the time) and NY ****** weird to me calling everyone Gaawd. That's just my steez

Oh and I guess Hot Sauce got me too. Now that I'm talking about that "game," I had a homie record it and uploaded it on Vimeo by the way, Sauce iso'd me and did that dumbass (clearly a double dribble by the way) start to go then grab the ball from one hand to the other and reach back and grab it and go the other way then hit a jumper. I didn't fall or even appear crossed but when I went to jump to contest the jumper, like I couldn't. My legs froze. Nobody was there tho, this was like the 3rd yr holding the game and every time they'd say he was gonna come, he wouldn't because his manager and my guy who was the promoter who set these up had some sort of beef. I had 10 in that game in limited minutes because Coach just played all his guys more.

Crossed and cheated in and Indian Basketball Tourney
Shamgod'ed and just generally given buckets by a NTer in Queens
Alimoe (RIP, strange dude but he was cool) beat me 1 on 1 at Fort Sill Honeycutt gym
I had some nice gots in my time too but thats not what this thread is about. Hot Sauce and White Chocolate (DMV) were scared to play me 1 on 1 when they were picking people out the crowd and cheating at the Open Run
I certify everything to be 100% true with no exaggerations

Make a non athletic version of the thread too
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The time i got leveled in tae kwon do exclusively by jumping push kicks sticks out too. I was a noob with a yellow belt, i didnt even know those things existed, nevermind that they were allowed.

I still use the pain from that day as motivation when i do sit ups
Pics still on Tinypic. Both J's were NBA line and absolutely panties. Cant find the crossover stills

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