Texas Beaches Full Of Poop

Aug 6, 2012
There's so much poop along the Texas Coast, swimming could make you sick, new report says

  • According to a new report, 55 out of 61 Texas beaches tested by environmental regulators were potentially unsafe for swimming on at least one day.
We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but if you're heading to the Texas Coast this weekend, there's a good chance you'll be swimming in doody.

Environmental advocates estimate 57 million Americans contract a waterborne illness every year. And it’s likely that many don’t notice because the symptoms are similar to the flu or COVID-19.

People usually think they “just caught a bug,” said Dr. Sara Andrabi, assistant professor of emergency medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. “But this could have been from water exposure,” she said.

Texas has a dirty water problem, and there are three main contributors, according to the 2021 Safe for Swimming report from Environment Texas Research and Policy Center: buildings and concrete pavement of natural areas, leaking city sewer systems and large livestock farms.

In 2020, 55 out of 61 Texas beaches tested by environmental regulators were potentially unsafe for swimming on at least one day that year, according to Safe for Swimming?, an annual report issued by Environment Texas Research and Policy Center.

Texas beaches as a whole were mostly worse than the national average, with 82 percent of the 220 beaches tested in the state being listed as "potentially unsafe" on at least one day last year, according to the Environment America report.
Never understood people wanting to get in that nasty water. That goes for anywhere though. Only water I'm getting in is the bathtub and my own swimming pool (if I had one).
No bs. Anyone that jumps in any water that is green or dark as hell must have no self respect. Just asking for an Infection 🤮 :smh:
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