Tell me the Heat don't have 49 points well into the fourth quarter.

this is sad
Originally Posted by BrandonL32

see...i told Heat fans when LA gave them Shaq, they would win and then were gonna suck in 5 years....i was right...lls

GOOD THEY GETTIN BLOWN OUT.....AND D WADE IS OVERRATED...I know he ain;t play but it wouldn't made a difference.

but Marion will not re-sign with them...I know that...Heat going back to was a good run Heat Fans

Man, Riley is losing his DAMN mind.

Last night he compared Jason Williams and Chris Quinn to Jerry West and Gail Goodrich, and tonight he says Cook had a "Jordan night".
I really hope this team ends up with the 3rd or 4th pick or something. This is pathetic.
Hate to say it, but it all started going down hill when they got rid of Wayne Simien. I think he was the emotional glue holding it all together

see...i told Heat fans when LA gave them Shaq, they would win and then were gonna suck in 5 years....i was right...lls

GOOD THEY GETTIN BLOWN OUT.....AND D WADE IS OVERRATED...I know he ain;t play but it wouldn't made a difference.

but Marion will not re-sign with them...I know that...Heat going back to was a good run Heat Fans

listen at this laker clown,

There's really nothing else to say, can the draft take any longer to get here ?
at the NCAA comment

You just KNOW that they are tanking now. I mean, common, they scored 54 against the Raptors D? Like carlos said, butter soft.
Originally Posted by BrandonL32

see...i told Heat fans when LA gave them Shaq, they would win and then were gonna suck in 5 years....i was right...lls

GOOD THEY GETTIN BLOWN OUT.....AND D WADE IS OVERRATED...I know he ain;t play but it wouldn't made a difference.

but Marion will not re-sign with them...I know that...Heat going back to was a good run Heat Fans


The general feeling around the time of the trade (yeah, you weren't the only one) was that the Heat were mortgaging their future for a ring. Missionaccomplished. Also, many people who shared your sentiment also believed that the Heat were gonna be stuck with Shaq, killing their cap. Well, guess what? Shaq is gone. Worst case scenario is that Marion won't re-sign which leaves cap room which people swore up and down the Heat wouldn't have.

They got a ring and got rid of Shaq. You laughing on NT is doing what exactly?

I'm sure Wade got the message, with you typing in caps and all.... If I was overrated like Wade, I'd be on NT clowning myself.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

It hurts to see my team play so bad. I know we'll get a good draft pick, but right now the Heat are the laughing stock of the NBA.

Wait...the Knicks are officially in the d-league now?

Originally Posted by BrandonL32

see...i told Heat fans when LA gave them Shaq, they would win and then were gonna suck in 5 years....i was right...lls

GOOD THEY GETTIN BLOWN OUT.....AND D WADE IS OVERRATED...I know he ain;t play but it wouldn't made a difference.

but Marion will not re-sign with them...I know that...Heat going back to was a good run Heat Fans



1. LA didn't "give" Miami Shaq. They actually got players in return too! Remember Lamar Odom, Caron Butler, and the mummified remainsof Brian Grant?

2. How the hell did Wade's alleged overrated-ness get into this thread if he hasn't played in weeks?

3. Yes, the Heat absolutely suck this year. GREAT observation. However, don't be fooled into thinking this will be a long stint of futility. With likelythe top pick in the draft, Wade, and Marion, they could be right back in the playoffs next year, especially in the east. Which leads me to...

4. Nice to see that you "know" Marion won't re-sign, when just about every NBA expert anywhere thinks he probably will stay, if for no otherreason than he probably won't get the big deal he covets in this summer's market, so it's probably best to wait it out 'till next summer. Notsaying it's 100%, but I don't know if I'd be brandishing knowledge that he won't re-up as if it's guaranteed.

5. How is this season a return to normalcy for the franchise, when in 10 of the last 12 seasons prior to this one the team finished over .500, with sevendivision banners?

Take that hyperbolic hate garbage elsewhere please.
off topic but its good to see that the real heat fans stayed to support their team...cant say the same for the switch hitters from that Finals run
Wow, that has to be at least close to the record for least amount of points scored in a single game
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