Tekashi 69 lookin at RICO

TBH all this talk about gangs and rank and all this is actually kind of corny to me. Gangs aren’t that organized. It seems like this when indictments ome out. Rank and status is just whatever natural pecking order develops amongs a group of people from the same area and hang together messing with drugs and crime to make money. This makes it sound like there’s promotions and demotions. It’s all really just neighborhood stuff. Prison is very different because there’s shotcallers and spokesmen. That’s just because prisons are broken down into wings and dorms and whole units. So say bloods will have a leader of a dorm. Then a leader of a wing which has several dorms. Then a leader for the whole unit. Then a leader for the gang over the whole prison system. It’s not like that in the neighborhood.
When I think real organized crime in the free world, I think Mexican cartels. Those are actual drug companies with logistics divisions and stuff like that. This is just a bunch of street dudes that got hot like a rapper would and had the juice in their area. Nobody in Houston was worried about 93 bloods when they were beefin with rap a lot
have you ever been to mexico? there are white Mexicans.
a white latino is not exclusive to when a person has one parent that is a latino and the other parent is a white American. you keep posting the same thing but its just not so.
there are latinos with both parents that are white. period.

I don't care what you try to push. facts are facts.

I challenge anyone in this thread to visit various latin American countries and view with your own eyes.
argentina would be the biggest and best example if you're looking for a lot of white ppl in a latin American country.
Alot of them would prefer to be called lightskin because of the negative Connotation "white" has
I see what yall both saying tho
Just to be fair...I've never heard ANY Mexican claim to be white, ever (and I grew up in a majority Mexican neighborhood, have tons of Mexican friends). Even if they actually are white in appearance, they always refer to themselves as "brown" and always distance themselves from white people.

This actually applies to every single Latino I know; I have a Guatemalan friend who looks like a light brown haired Spanish woman, but she will go off on you if you call her white :lol:

Not saying there aren't white Latinos out there/Latinos who claim to be white, just saying that it's not common for them to do that. Definitely might be a Cali thing where damn near all Latinos are anti white supremacy, while you got the sellouts in FL.

However...I do have Dominican friends who claim to be black Latinos. They always make sure to clear that up.
just like ninja, or even myself, our singular experiences are our experiences but aren't necessarily facts.
lets use facts.

factually speaking, are Spanish ppl white?
did Spanish ppl colonize latin America (along with other groups of Europeans)?
in non latin America, are there ppl that are descendants of those that colonized America?
so then, is it a reach to say that...there could be descendants of those that colonized latin America still in latin America?

lets go further...

are there areas of the united states that have more white ppl than others? say states like...maine, Connecticut, iowa, Oregon?
are there areas of the united states with large(r) native American populations? like Alaska, Oklahoma, etc.?
areas with larger black populations like dc or sc?

why then can we, as americans, no accept the fact that the same can be said about any other colonized country on this side of the globe?
with that said, I've met many Mexicans that do identify as white and one of my friends that's white is a Mexican. both his parents are white and they too are Mexican.
I wouldn't use that as the end all be all example, tho.

I've been to mexico. I've seen white ppl. they were Mexican. there are parts of mexico with larger white populations than others. period.
dunno what else to say. it just is what it is.

Alot of them would prefer to be called lightskin because of the negative Connotation "white" has
I see what yall both saying tho
I put that in the same category as black latinos distancing themselves from being called black due to the stigma of being black.
TBH all this talk about gangs and rank and all this is actually kind of corny to me. Gangs aren’t that organized. It seems like this when indictments ome out. Rank and status is just whatever natural pecking order develops amongs a group of people from the same area and hang together messing with drugs and crime to make money. This makes it sound like there’s promotions and demotions. It’s all really just neighborhood stuff. Prison is very different because there’s shotcallers and spokesmen. That’s just because prisons are broken down into wings and dorms and whole units. So say bloods will have a leader of a dorm. Then a leader of a wing which has several dorms. Then a leader for the whole unit. Then a leader for the gang over the whole prison system. It’s not like that in the neighborhood.
When I think real organized crime in the free world, I think Mexican cartels. Those are actual drug companies with logistics divisions and stuff like that. This is just a bunch of street dudes that got hot like a rapper would and had the juice in their area. Nobody in Houston was worried about 93 bloods when they were beefin with rap a lot

Exactly. Ain't no money in the B's and Cs. If they getting money, they're doing it own their own. A lot of these clowns just using gangs as an excuse to fight and shoot guns.
Ppl always ready to call indigenous people that were taught Spanish and christianity white.
no, those would be native americans.

the problem is lack of knowledge of self and the indoctrination that came during and after colonization.

i'm a blunt person. don't believe me. do one of these dna tests. look at your results. there is no latin race.
/discussion ended.
Exactly. Ain't no money in the B's and Cs. If they getting money, they're doing it own their own. A lot of these clowns just using gangs as an excuse to fight and shoot guns.
Honestly a common pathway for Cali gangs to end up in other places is the drug trade. Cali is the Mecca of weed and since the early 2000’s has been the place to go for cheap authentic lean. When a person gets on their frank Lucas and goes out there whatever gang their connect is tied with is usually what the people claim. Then they take it home with them. Nipsey got a lot of people claiming 60 because of his death, but before he died there was a lot of people claiming 60 as a result of being tied in with them through weed and lean.
just like ninja, or even myself, our singular experiences are our experiences but aren't necessarily facts.
lets use facts.

factually speaking, are Spanish ppl white?
did Spanish ppl colonize latin America (along with other groups of Europeans)?
in non latin America, are there ppl that are descendants of those that colonized America?
so then, is it a reach to say that...there could be descendants of those that colonized latin America still in latin America?

lets go further...

are there areas of the united states that have more white ppl than others? say states like...maine, Connecticut, iowa, Oregon?
are there areas of the united states with large(r) native American populations? like Alaska, Oklahoma, etc.?
areas with larger black populations like dc or sc?

why then can we, as americans, no accept the fact that the same can be said about any other colonized country on this side of the globe?
with that said, I've met many Mexicans that do identify as white and one of my friends that's white is a Mexican. both his parents are white and they too are Mexican.
I wouldn't use that as the end all be all example, tho.

I've been to mexico. I've seen white ppl. they were Mexican. there are parts of mexico with larger white populations than others. period.
dunno what else to say. it just is what it is.

I put that in the same category as black latinos distancing themselves from being called black due to the stigma of being black.

I am not saying that there aren't any white Mexicans/Latinos. All I am saying is that 99% of Mexicans/Latinos in California (one of the major centers for Latinos in the US) do not claim to be white due to being anti-white supremacy, and they call themselves brown as a result (at least here in California). HOWEVER the Latinos of black descent here definitely identify as black. I specifically stated that this isn't the case in places like Florida, where you have Cubans who associate themselves with white Americans.
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i'ma leave it alone so we don't derail the thread further.
on topic tho,


Tekashi 6ix9ine was rat material from the start, and now he's going to get what's coming to him ... so says Rap-A-Lot Records honcho J. Prince.

Prince claims "clown" Tekashi's recent testimony -- specifically the part about an attempted robbery of Rap-A-Lot reps last year in NYC -- is a bunch of lies.

The rap boss says he's been warning everyone for awhile ... that if Tekashi "keeps campaigning with dumb sh*t that he was gonna get elected! Election Day has come and now I’m hearing lies he’s telling under oath about robbing me or representatives of #Rapalot."

J. Prince adds ... "If him or any of those clowns were to try to rob me or anyone from the #Rapalot family bad news would’ve beat them home."
Money in ****** pockets and they bodyguards, hitmen, managers, bill collectors and 69 a certified blood.

Dudes get cut off then 69 was never a blood, kidnap dude, gotta super violate him.

business partners and **** went left
a white latino is not exclusive to when a person has one parent that is a latino and the other parent is a white American. you keep posting the same thing

outside this website this is what da standard is.

dunno why you acting like its not :lol:
Alot of them would prefer to be called lightskin because of the negative Connotation "white" has
I see what yall both saying tho

A lot of Mexicans I've met pride themselves on having Spanish (from Spain the country) blood and look down on darker Mexicans as "little Indians"

Same ish, different toilet.

Spanish colonized the Americas before the Western Europeans, Protestants, Quakers etc.

The seat of religious authority (Vatican) was in the Latin part of Europe.
Columbus (Italian/Latino) "discovered" the Americas on behalf of the Spanish Empire in 1492.
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But I understand being 40+ and affiliated. It’s what it is. Whitey Bulger was in his 60s, wilding.

All them old mob dudes were/are in their 60s and 70s. Paying for hits.

Them mob outfits really are forever. At 40, that’s all Jimmy know
The Jim stuff is just a pedrfect example of people talking too much as well as the perception that things are highly organized.
Jim didn’t have anything to do with this situation. He was basically talking to a homie and offering him advice on a racket the homie had going on. He just got caught on a wiretap basically gossiping with a friend who was confiding.
But when you listen to these gangster\trap songs right up there with no snitching is also no talking on phones like that. Phone convos are supposed to be to arrange to link up and then talk in person.
When I was young a person told me “you might be cool as a fan but the person you’re dealing with can be hot as a firecracker”. Jim is just a casualty in that situation. Smh Jim just dry involved and prob got his whole camp u def investigations now
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