I just realized something crucial in this case. 69 wasn’t that smart. I say that because he was involved in street activity. When your involved in the streets, you have to always think about the negative what if’s that might come around your way. I say that, to say this. The majority of his money was inside of a bank (his accounts). Did y’all notice that Shotti, his manager, made over 2. Something million off of him, but it’s reported that he only has $60,000 in his bank account. Seems like Shotti was thinking ahead while 69 wasn’t. I didn’t know the feds could seize your parents accounts also.
I know people who’ve caught fed cases. But I never knew they could do that. So can they basically do that to anybody that’s close to the person who their trying to take down, even if they didn’t even commit a crime. I’ve heard if it happening to people who where around and knew of the activity, but the Feds would have to know or have evidence that you where in the know. Crazy, they even took moms $. I wonder if they have evidence that he put some of his money in her account. If her account has abnormally more cash in it than she usually does, then it safe to say I know why they did it then.