thats really crazy...some stupid person who thinks he can wear a pair of mint og am87s and then complains about cracking the midsole...

also a shame for that pair... RIP
thats really crazy...some stupid person who thinks he can wear a pair of mint og am87s and then complains about cracking the midsole...
I don't know if he tried to wear them, maybe he just wasn't careful when holding them...either way, I'm pretty pissed. It hurt me sell'em in the first place, now they might be returned to me broken if paypal doesn't rule in my favor. Wish they went to someone who deserves 'em...ohwell.

Nice XIs up there...mad crispy!
^ hahaha
Originally Posted by BigSlamDaddy

Originally Posted by kapepper

nice pickups!!!!!!!! but those stabs keep killing me hahaha
my air internationles have arrived: here are the pics: enjoy!!!

Team Vintage Heat

Never too old.

What's the story behind these? Since it looks like the 180's without the clear sole...
these are the air international BGS inspired on the air max 180...in essence a child version of the AM180

and some vintage jordan

Thanks kapepper! I just couldn't figure that out... It didn't seem so small, like those "fake" bordeaux couple of pages back!

I love 180's!
School me on ewing shoes...i am personally not such a big fan of them...but thee are very sought after.... so rare to find these? from which year are these?
thats a nice pick up, at least the box..the shoes could be restored, and i have a feeling this will not break (there isnt that much left to beak)
nice pick up after all

and nice cb34s
Yea I am hoping that the foam around the pump part is in decent shape. Usually, especially the DS pairs the foam is cracked everywhere. These dont look halfbad. I may even try to wear them. If they turn to dust then I at least got the box.
Thanks for the pics Karl. You alwasy contribute nicely.

I picked up some vintage shoes/clothing recentaly. Ill post em soon. Need to upload them to me computer.

lboiczo - Sick boxes! Whats in em?
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