Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone like Children of Bodom
Glad you had an awesome time. Its always good hearing reviews like that when you meet a band and get stuff signed and the best part was you were at the rail. Inever get to get on the rail. I'm always the dude behind the person at the rail. But it sounds like good times especially seeing one of your favoritebands. It kind of brings me back when I met Kerry King and Corspegrinder for Mayhemfest. So whats your next show.

By the way Rust Queensryche is going your way are you gonna go?
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

I'm barely getting into metal. Any recommendations? I only listen to Opeth, but I heard of other bands and %@@%.
I made a list on page 56 you should check out. Other than that just browse this thread, lots of good bands mentioned all throughout.
Originally Posted by Physicx

ok, here they are. camera phone btw

Spoiler [+]

for some strange reason my phone wasnt taking pictures DURING the concert. that pissed me off. henkka and roope spent alot of time RIGHT in front of me
. alexi also played the hate crew deathroll solo in front of me
you broke the "wearing a shirt of the band your gonna see" rule tsk tsk
jk but god damn you got a lot stuff signed im surprised they didnt deny you.but thats awesome man especially since their your favorite band.

am i the only one heres that thinks THE CLAW > THE HORNS???
I'm curious on two things J1Goku. What the hell is THE CLAW and what is the shirt rule. I always wear a shirt of the group I'm going to see. I find itodd for the people that do the opposite. I must be getting old.
Originally Posted by BCF06

I'm curious on two things J1Goku. What the hell is THE CLAW and what is the shirt rule. I always wear a shirt of the group I'm going to see. I find it odd for the people that do the opposite. I must be getting old.
I was thinking of Liar Liar. As for the shirt I always wear something that I don't care if it gets torn up in the pit.
Originally Posted by BCF06

I'm curious on two things J1Goku. What the hell is THE CLAW and what is the shirt rule. I always wear a shirt of the group I'm going to see. I find it odd for the people that do the opposite. I must be getting old.

and the "shirt rule" has been around for a long time. i personally dont wear a shirt of the band im going to go see, hell a lot of the times i donteven wear a band shirt. also i dont care what other people wear but i would feel a little weird wearing the same get up as 10+ other people
. im sure if you search google for this you'll find plenty of argumentsreguarding "the rule". and i feel you on the "old" thing cause im only 24 but sometimes at shows full of 15 year olds i feel old.
I got you now. I guess I worded it wrong but I don't wear a group shirt either when I go to a show. I normallly go in a plain black t-shirt or a whitet-shirt because I buy a shirt there at the concert and just put it on. Never knew about the shirt rule though. Now I know why when I went to go see JudasPriest I saw a whole bunch of Maiden shirts. I guess you learn something everyday. The claw is awesome.
i was thinking about doing the claw, but said eff it
like ninjalla, i prefer the horns, especially for a band like this. if i met skeletonwitch, or anyblack metal band for that matter, then the claw would be in full effect

i knew about the shirt rule, but its +$+@*+% bodom man, cmon
jk im with bcf also, ill go to a concert and buy a shirt there. sometimes ill wear it thenand there and sometimes ill give it to the coat check in and pick it up later

looking back at the pictures, alexi is so goddamn short. i knew he was a little bugger, but i had no idea that i had an inch on him or so lol

bcf, my next concert is dethklok on thurs. im kinda regretting it but some dude (who im not very fond of nowadays
) basically begged me to go because hedidnt want to go by himself. he acts like such a metal/music snob but sounds like a complete ****** in doing so, its quite embarrassing actually. ill prollyditch him and leave early. i wanna see converge
mastodon shouldnt be too bad and im just going for the sheer novelty of dethklok. ill leave a couple songsinto the final set cause i live pretty far from this venue

thanks for all the comments guys!
Originally Posted by Physicx

i was thinking about doing the claw, but said eff it
like ninjalla, i prefer the horns, especially for a band like this. if i met skeletonwitch, or any black metal band for that matter, then the claw would be in full effect

i knew about the shirt rule, but its +$+@*+% bodom man, cmon
jk im with bcf also, ill go to a concert and buy a shirt there. sometimes ill wear it then and there and sometimes ill give it to the coat check in and pick it up later

looking back at the pictures, alexi is so goddamn short. i knew he was a little bugger, but i had no idea that i had an inch on him or so lol

bcf, my next concert is dethklok on thurs. im kinda regretting it but some dude (who im not very fond of nowadays
) basically begged me to go because he didnt want to go by himself. he acts like such a metal/music snob but sounds like a complete ****** in doing so, its quite embarrassing actually. ill prolly ditch him and leave early. i wanna see converge
mastodon shouldnt be too bad and im just going for the sheer novelty of dethklok. ill leave a couple songs into the final set cause i live pretty far from this venue

thanks for all the comments guys!
I completely spaced on the Mastodon/Dethklok concert, but I would have been going by myself and I hate doing that.
i would hate going by myself too, but i just dont like this guy that much

good thing my little brother is into metal so i just take him along as long as its an all ages show
Originally Posted by Physicx

i would hate going by myself too, but i just dont like this guy that much

good thing my little brother is into metal so i just take him along as long as its an all ages show
My little brother listens to whatever MTV tells him to (which is sad because you would think a 22 year old could make up his own mind) and myolder brothers listen to country. My sister might go with me if she wasn't in Texas even though she isn't into metal that much, and Chester McFloppywas busy I think.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Physicx

i would hate going by myself too, but i just dont like this guy that much

good thing my little brother is into metal so i just take him along as long as its an all ages show
My little brother listens to whatever MTV tells him to (which is sad because you would think a 22 year old could make up his own mind) and my older brothers listen to country. My sister might go with me if she wasn't in Texas even though she isn't into metal that much, and Chester McFloppy was busy I think.
the first statement didnt sound too bad until you said how old he was

you know chester AND fizzy?

thats awesome. i think i was supposed to meet brettthejett @slayer but it never happened
Originally Posted by Physicx

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Physicx

i would hate going by myself too, but i just dont like this guy that much

good thing my little brother is into metal so i just take him along as long as its an all ages show
My little brother listens to whatever MTV tells him to (which is sad because you would think a 22 year old could make up his own mind) and my older brothers listen to country. My sister might go with me if she wasn't in Texas even though she isn't into metal that much, and Chester McFloppy was busy I think.
the first statement didnt sound too bad until you said how old he was

you know chester AND fizzy?

thats awesome. i think i was supposed to meet brettthejett @slayer but it never happened
I've known Chester since 1997 and all three of us did 2 tours in Iraq

Chester and his wife are both metalheads
Originally Posted by Physicx

i was thinking about doing the claw, but said eff it
like ninjalla, i prefer the horns, especially for a band like this. if i met skeletonwitch, or any black metal band for that matter, then the claw would be in full effect

i knew about the shirt rule, but its +$+@*+% bodom man, cmon
jk im with bcf also, ill go to a concert and buy a shirt there. sometimes ill wear it then and there and sometimes ill give it to the coat check in and pick it up later

looking back at the pictures, alexi is so goddamn short. i knew he was a little bugger, but i had no idea that i had an inch on him or so lol

bcf, my next concert is dethklok on thurs. im kinda regretting it but some dude (who im not very fond of nowadays
) basically begged me to go because he didnt want to go by himself. he acts like such a metal/music snob but sounds like a complete ****** in doing so, its quite embarrassing actually. ill prolly ditch him and leave early. i wanna see converge
mastodon shouldnt be too bad and im just going for the sheer novelty of dethklok. ill leave a couple songs into the final set cause i live pretty far from this venue

thanks for all the comments guys!
btw i forgot to mention that im disappointed that you dont look like Nathan Explosion
since you had that Dethklok avy for a while thats what i pictured you lookinglike

new Converge leaked and its
. i really tried to resist getting it since i already have avinyl copy pre ordered but im weak and i had to listen to it now. plus i'll probably buy 1 or 2 more copies (different color vinyl

hey let me know if Converge plays "The Saddest Day"

at someone catching a bass to the dome
Brian Redman ex bass player for Trial/3 Inches of Blood also passed away recently.

RIP to both
Aight I need some elaboration on the mosh pit. So lets say I go to the Mostodom concert, what can I expect? Will i get seriously injured? How do you"mosh"? Don't flame, this is a new concept for me, and I'm not trying to walk into the unexpected. At least a little knowledge comes in handyfor a new concept.
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