TAY: thread about yambs...

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It's story time fellas!

This is basically about how I became the dude/simp I am today.

First let me add, I have a father who lives with me but does not speak to me.  Growing up he wasn't the one there to teach me anything or discipline me. My mother was the enforcer.  My mother wore the pants, made all the calls, b****/go on my father, etc.

I have a brother.  He's 25.  He basically raised me and all that.  He has a fair share of female friends, who were always badd.  Can't really speak for how his relationship or game was in his younger days, but fast forward to now, he's in the same situation as my father, but worst, a lot worst.

So now to me.  I am the way I am cuz of my bro.  Never saw it as a bad thing.  Taught to treat females good and to not be a douche. Get along with females than I do with dudes. No romo.

So anyways, on to the feature presentation...

My ex of 2 years was a pretty cool chick.  She was virgin throughout all HS. She wasn't saving herself or anything, more like waiting for the right guy.  That guy was me.  But although she was a virgin with the P, that didn't stop her from having little make out flings with other dudes.  I'll get more into that in a second.  

She was into sneakers, played some video games, listened to rap, basically everything I was into.  At a party, kinda when I first met her, found out she made out with one of my manz.  Didn't take it as much cuz I ain't know her then.  

Finally, we became friends, but I always crushed. Threw her a party once in my backyard, I blacked out and found out she made out with one of my manz lil brother. We moved on from it.

She then had a boyfriend some time between.  He gave her your douche bag like problems and I would hear about it and drake (comfort) her.  They didn't last long. Most she did with him, was HJ him on his bday.

I, soon, had my make out fling with her.  Dry hump, HJ me from outside my shorts, hickeys, etc. She was always overprotective of me as friends.  Like she hated when my other female friends were around.  Told her stop tripping, they my friends, that's all. Long story short, held my female friend's hand in front of her to get her jealous and later that night, my ex came to me and said I don't like that you do that, I want you all to myself, let's be together. Obviously, the relationship, started for the wrong reason, but I saw it as my plan worked. 

She worked at retail, while I work for the govt.  So always paid for stuff cuz 1) I felt like that was the manly thing to do and 2) I made more money than her.  Also had a credit card early in the game, so yeah I'm in debt cuz of her.

Bought her gifts out the bootyhole.  Holidays, random gifts, bad day gifts, on her period gifts, I'm sorry gifts, etc.  I can legit name you all the gifts she bought me.  All on 1 hand, barely 2.  And all the gifts were like holiday related; christmas, my birthday, that's it actually lol. OH and let me add, she lost my 64GB iPhone 3GS. I let her slide cuz this was before we went out and I was trying to get at her. Also gave her my iPhone 4.

We broke up a few times.  First time, which should have been the big red flag, was, she told me that she thinks about making out with this one guy at work and like imagines more stuff with the guy.  She said you don't want a girl that thinks that stuff with another guy, it's not fair to you.  Of course, me being the B I am, said it's okay, it's just a thought, as long as you don't act on it.  We got back together.

We broke up again like a month before my birthday.  We stayed friends.  She met a guy in the military.  They would text and stuff. She finally went to his crib a few days before my birthday.  They made out and stuff.  Came back home and called me and said she deaded him simply cuz he has his own car and crib and lives far away so therefore, she wouldn't be able to trust him. She was sprung over the dude for a min. Some point down the line, we got back together.

I think we broke up again, but remained friends.  Found out she was crushing on her manager and the manager felt the same.  Peeped a text they had, talking about how they wanted make out.  Apparently, it never happens.

Been working at the govt since senior year of HS.  Don't really meet young ppl there.  Well one summer, finally got a side gig.  Met new ppl my age.  My ex at this point said she didn't want to be friends.  I was crushed, but no problems cuz I got this new job. Met this new shorty that later becomes a good friend of mine.  That wasn't the plan at first, but I'll take it  lol smh.  My ex finds out about new female friends and trips and comes running back to me. I can't see the female friend anymore though.  She saw her as her replacement.  I hung out with the chick behind her back and she finds out later and we break up.

We get back together due to me being a B. But things were different.  It wasn't long until she cut it off for good.  

We are still friends.  Just this past summer, she got reconnected to this guy she knew in HS.  He has his own place.  Then hung out once or twice and then told me she was thinking about making out with him.  He's like 6' something and got that early gucci mane stomach.  Anyways, they start their fling, only condition, don't tell her that he has feelings for her if he do.  I told her to just tell me what yall do cuz in my mind, i see this as building up hate and seeing her as a garden tool.  From what she told me, she lets him suck her boobs and all that, but no P.  She can imagine the type of sex they would have due to him being so big. They would also sext too.  He ends up telling her that he has feelings for her and she decides to dead him.

She basically didn't see me as a man due to my height, weight, strength, etc.  She wanted to be tossed around (sexually) and be dominated.  She said yeah of course you are stronger than me, but I want to be completely helpless and crap.  She wants a tall, strong dude.  For our whole relationship, she said she wasn't physically attracted to me.  She had to watch pr0n before we would zoom (my term for sex).  Not all the time, but most of the time.  It started to make sense cuz after like a year or so, she stop putting work in the bed.  She would also always tell me my breath stinks (idk it probably did, but no one else would say anything to me.  I am a smoker).  After finding all that out, she basically took my man card from me.  Made me self conscious about everything.  Every time I walk around girls, I size myself up and man am I a short dude.  A lot of girls either weigh the same or more than me. Idk, in summary, I'm mentally screwed up.

Let me add, she is def insecure with her body and self.  Stays worrying about what other ppl think and crap. Also my body count is 4 and I am not to confident in my zoom game which is why I don't pass it out like club flyers.

My bad if my story is long and boring. Hopefully you guys can help me out of my slump.  Cook me if you must!

Cliff Notes

- Ex for years was a virgin until I came along, but had make out flings with others previously and to this day cuz that's how she gets over dudes.

-Spent hella bread on her and now in debt.

-Broke up like 2343245254 times

-Basically played me this whole time and now it is finally hitting me

-I am EMO now =/
It's really crazy how simple it is. There's rarely ever any BS.

They're for damn sure not shy about eyeing you and they know exactly what they want.

I just say what's up, might ask a question like what are you gettin into tonight yadi yada then I just ask them if they ever been with a young dude like me. If they're single and want you inside them they're not gonna play games.

I only get at older women in the hood though. Never tried with a mature white woman.
Go to a bar that white women frequent. Once the liquor is in them, you'll have no issues getting in them 
Smh smh smh smh that story disgusting

Ice it's complete 180 with me...I've only smashed older white women..I've had older black women come onto me on the Internet and have had them flirt with me but that's it..at one point In time they kinda intimidated me...not anymore..I'm extremely attracted to black women in their 30's..the mature look triggers my inner beast lol
Well sadly it happened bros. Can't do nothing about it now. I would love to say I'm trolling, but I can't. Just being real with you guys who seem mad cool and could possibly help me.

I def expected the flame being thrown my way and don't blame y'all for doing so. Keep it coming.
Do y'all go after older women just because you think they play less games or is it something else

I haven't really experienced game playing by the 30+ crowd so never went higher than that
Do y'all go after older women just because you think they play less games or is it something else

I haven't really experienced game playing by the 30+ crowd so never went higher than that

Purely sexual attraction for me. I grew up always wanting to bang my teachers, moms friends, homies moms, neighbor women, etc. That attraction for old chicks never left :evil:
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I'm a lost cause, I know.

[COLOR=#red]I neither want to choke or punch you...the damage that has been done is punishment enough. Do better homie. You gave way too much of yourself for a woman not called wife. And even then if she was your wife and using you like that it wouldn't be smart to keep rocking out with her. Least you know you messed up. Can't change the past.

Do better my dude.[/COLOR]
Just one punch then we can move on with the healing. Never entertain any contact from her ever again. The disresepect :smh:. Accept that's a dead situation, and move on, you owe her nothing. I know she'll hit you up wanting to talk after Mandingo lays it down and ditches her, ignore it, she doesn't deserve you. Seriously, i'll say it again, give her nothing, you owe her nothing. Hit the gym, if you already did hit it harder (great for depression, confidence and you'll look good). Spend some time with family, friends, hit up social events, gain some hobbies. Bruh, this can never happen to you again. I've been hurt, but never disrespected like that. Chick is an absolute scumbag.
How do you guys go about talking to girls with their earpods in?

Walked to some girl with earpods in to try to start something waiting for an elevator:

Me: (Semi-points to her feet) Nice shoes

Girl: ( Confused, takes off earpods, I repeat, She looks down) Thanks.

       (Puts back on earpods)

Me: ( WELP look on face)

(We both get into the elevator and say nothing for the next 4 floors)

Lol @ all that making out.

Between that & ol boy that said he aint kiss a girl in 7 years.

"We gotta find middle ground we need balance"
How do you guys go about talking to girls with their earpods in?

Walked to some girl with earpods in to try to start something waiting for an elevator:

Me: (Semi-points to her feet) Nice shoes

Girl: ( Confused, takes off earpods, I repeat, She looks down) Thanks.

       (Puts back on earpods)

Me: ( WELP look on face)

(We both get into the elevator and say nothing for the next 4 floors)


cmon fam, you can do better :lol:
How do you guys go about talking to girls with their earpods in?

Walked to some girl with earpods in to try to start something waiting for an elevator:

Me: (Semi-points to her feet) Nice shoes

Girl: ( Confused, takes off earpods, I repeat, She looks down) Thanks.

       (Puts back on earpods)

Me: ( WELP look on face)

(We both get into the elevator and say nothing for the next 4 floors)


Doc, rrlegend, EDW, Mark, Mugen and the rest of the TAY that regularly post-


First thing- Stop feeling so bad about urself. U aren't worthless. Do u have guy friends? If not, u need to make some.

Second- STOP BEING FRIENDS WITH GIRLS. U put urself in the friend zone right away. I have one good girl friend who I see every other month, and that's it.

Third- DEAD UR EX. If u post about her again, I'll make sure ur IP banned.
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I need a good game plan for this weekend of partying :lol:
My boys NEVER hunt for yambs, they just like to kick it in a circle & drink/smoke, man that's fine & all but let's get out there.
And I wanna STOP relying on them :lol:
Cuz I'm mad that they're too chicken to get out there but here I am basically asking for an assist. That "hey, I'm so and so" approach doesn't work.
I need a good game plan for this weekend of partying :lol:
My boys NEVER hunt for yambs, they just like to kick it in a circle & drink/smoke, man that's fine & all but let's get out there.
And I wanna STOP relying on them :lol:
Cuz I'm mad that they're too chicken to get out there but here I am basically asking for an assist. That "hey, I'm so and so" approach doesn't work.

Guaranteed yambs.

U: Hey so my boy and I were just arguing...With the summer just ending, what was ur song of the summer. U only have 2 choices; Blurred Lines or Get Lucky?

U: This is really important to us, the loser has to take a shot!

Girls will giggle and then respond.


After a few mins of convo say...

U: I feel so impolite my name is ______________ and this is my boy ______________

From there it's simple convo. I usually pull one away by saying...

U: I'm bout to go make a drink in the kitchen, roll with me...

I then grab their hand and ALPHA them into the kitchen and do a shot with them or w/e
Doc, EDW, Mark, Mugen and the rest of the TAY that regularly post-


First thing- Stop feeling so bad about urself. U aren't worthless. Do u have guy friends? If not, u need to make some.

Second- STOP BEING FRIENDS WITH GIRLS. U put urself in the friend zone right away. I have one good girl friend who I see every other month, and that's it.

Third- DEAD UR EX. If u post about her again, I'll make sure ur IP banned.
The guy friends I do have are either in long term relationships or don't drive. The ones in long term relationships are my main boys and they can drive, but them being in a relationship stops them from doing certain things.  The ones that don't drive, are weed heads, zoom chicks left and right, and are hot heads.

My two best female chicks don't drive, but are always down to do whatever.  Always a good time with them.

Only point in my life where I felt free and the ish was riding with my bike crew or simply just riding period.  I would always be out and about.  But my bike broke down.  Riding that bike around to places always made me feel like I was the big man on campus.  Like swagg on 100, could pull any chick type ish

Picked up 2 extra jobs to mainly occupy my time and also earn money to get that feeling back again.  Working at Victoria's Secret and American Eagle (dropping AE soon to go to USPA).
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God dammit!! The thick filipina's texting game is so inconsistent... (the no fap crew knowwhowumtalmbout)

leaves much more ground to cover in person.  BUT....

I've never felt so confident (brazen is a better word) in such a long time.

I just feel like I can't lose.

God I want her.....



Am I over reading this or 


Not expecting yambz YET but I intend to get dat kiss thursday (the movie night event on the philippines)

perhaps a little bit more on friday...then get the yambz before the end of november?
The guy friends I do have are either in long term relationships or don't drive. The ones in long term relationships are my main boys and they can drive, but them being in a relationship stops them from doing certain things.  The ones that don't drive, are weed heads, zoom chicks left and right, and are hot heads.

My two best female chicks don't drive, but are always down to do whatever.  Always a good time with them.

Only point in my life where I felt free and the ish was riding with my bike crew or simply just riding period.  I would always be out and about.  But my bike broke down.  Riding that bike around to places always made me feel like I was the big man on campus.  Like swagg on 100, could pull any chick type ish

Picked up 2 extra jobs to mainly occupy my time and also earn money to get that feeling back again.  Working at Victoria's Secret and American Eagle (dropping AE soon to go to USPA).

Why don't ur boys w/ gf's hook u up with their amigas? I always did that for my boys, and now they help me out.

What u need is to get out and talk to girls...but not on a friendly tip. Be aggressive, let them know u are interested in them.

Do u workout, hoop or anything?
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