TAY: thread about yambs...

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she told my man to google her, lmao i would of slap her on the butt and told her "you must of forgot that this is a mans world and you are not worth my keystroke"
anyway new years eve is approaching, and i need to wipe my plate clean.

:lol: She pretty much told dude, "I'm not giving you this, but you can join the fan club." :smh: What a b-word. And jaywalkinsince91, she is okay looking, so don't even trip about it. On to the next one.
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So girl I've been smashing since meeting on Halloween is starting to creep/ wanna be the wifey...

Reading my article online (I'm a sports writer), asking me if I will come to her bday (in 2 weeks)...SMH this all happens too soon.

On the contrary, NYE is coming...First time in 3 years I will be single :pimp:

Also...I have a party bus this Sat and I invited this girl I used to flirt with or whatever. She had a man and I had a gf for awhile, so I been hitting her up a lil bit. Told her to bring a friends on the party bus but her girl bailed, said she wants to come solo. Her fbook says shes "single", but her ex or w/e says he's "in a relationship"...She left him a comment today about some bs. I'm one to never step on toes (Believe in that karma), but she's hitting me with the winkies and knows we are gunna be wasted. I already know yall are gunna tell me to smash it, idk why I even typed this part :nerd:
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Originally Posted by himHOTdemNOT

I was talking to this one chick that I'm trying to bag but she keep throwing these mixed singles. Today I hit her up and she tells me shes sick or whatever so I tell her she needs soup and sleep. She replied by telling me to bring her some so I tell her to give me time to go home and then I'll be on my way. She starts back peddling once I tell her I'll be there in 45 and then she told me that she was gonna just go back to sleep . After she told me that, I told her that I had already bought the ingredients for the soup (never bought said ingredients). At this point, I just hit her with the "lol aight" cause a part of me was disgusted. She wrote back a smiley face and hat was the end. What happened??
I need game bros..

Dude you are trying too hard and you are acting like a major white knight/simp. Leave the soup things for her friends/family to do and not you, doing things like this make you look real weak and sets the foundation of your relationship with her having the upper hand aka the bawse. Doing things like that automatically sets your relationship for the doomed "friend zone" aka "no yambs zone." In this situation, I would have just hit her up with "hope you feel better (or get well soon) and I'll hit you up when you feel better." Whenever a girl starts to talk about her feelings or ask me to do stuff like that, I automatically hit her up with the "we don't have that type of relationship" or I just straight up ignore her behavior. Just like training a pup, the more you react to ***** like that, the more likely they will try to get away with it and the more they will push the envelope until you finally enter the "no fly zone." Always remember to put yourself as the priority and yambs after that, too many yambs out there my dude to be sidetrack by one. Chalk this up to experience and keep fishing.

Thanks for the advice sir and to the other guy up there I'm 22 years old.
Thanks for the advice sir and to the other guy up there I'm 22 years old.

Some tips for you and everyone else who is struggling.

1) Closers Mentality = Always keep a closers mentality, meaning have a short term memory whenever you crash and burn with girls, eventually you wont give a dambs what chicks say.

2) Play until the whistle = This means keep talking to girls and hanging out with girls even though you might already dig this one chick. You never know if the chick is seeing other guys so why don't you see other girls. Who knows you might dig another chick more and she might dig you as well

3) Don't act like a BF before you are the BF = Self explanatory. As soon as you act like a WK/simp BF, the more likely they will put you in the back burner for the yambs. Put yourself in a woman's shoes, would you put out if you already getting all the benefits of BF for FREE. I am going to put it into sneaker analogy, which is more gratifying buying a generic pair of all white AF1 that you can get anytime without any effort or getting a pair of Concord 11's that hard to get. The more you make her work hard for your attention/affection, the more she wants you.

4) Hangout/Casual Dating vs Dating = I always tell her girls that I am not interested in anything serious but wouldn't mind one if one does comes along. This puts it her mindset that you are not a thirsty dude or at least thats what you are trying to portray. Casual dating provides you a great excuse to casually date other people as well. I always use the term hangout in the beginning, less serious than exclusively dating one chick and gives you a great way to get to know the chick without being too serious. Leave the dating thing after you get to know the girl, are serious, and ready to make it official. Peep the Mike "the Situation" and his girls Paula situation, and yes I watch the Jersey Shore. Don't forget to be honest of your intentions at the very beginning so she knows and there are no surprises or salty bishes. Remember that the more girls you meet and get to know will not only improve your game with the ladies but more importantly teaches you what exactly you want in a girl and the ish you will not put up with. Don't be the middle age man who keeps wondering if the grass is actually greener on the other side.

5) Keep them laughing = A great way to set yourself a part is to be funny and exchange jokes with the girl you after. Keeps the situation causal and gives you a positive association with the girl. The more you develop your sense of humor, the more girls will come out of the wood work just to get to know you. You could be wearing the freshest clothes and the latest foambz :rolleyes at the club/wherever and all the chicks are after some guy who is not so fresh to deff but has got the jokes for days. Remember all girls like having a good time, so oblige her. Unless you are Ryan Gosling, you can disregard the sense of humor thing.

6) Yambs as hobby not a job = The more you worry about getting yambs, the more girls can tell you are a thirsty dude. Focus on more important things like improving yourself, moving up at your job, maintaining your current relationships with your fambs and friends. The more you are comfortable with yourself, have things figured out, and more confident you are the more chicks line up for you. Confidence is the cologne you need, I tell you it acts like what the sex panther cologne is supposed to do, shout out to anchorman.

I didn't proofread, will edit later
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Google her? Ha! What a joke. Don't even waste your time on her man, that comment just shows how self-absorbed she really is.
Thanks for the advice sir and to the other guy up there I'm 22 years old.

Some tips for you and everyone else who is struggling.
1) Closers Mentality = Always keep a closers mentality, meaning have a short term memory whenever you crash and burn with girls, eventually you wont give a dambs what chicks say.
2) Play until the whistle = This means keep talking to girls and hanging out with girls even though you might already dig this one chick. You never know if the chick is seeing other guys so why don't you see other girls. Who knows you might dig another chick more and she might dig you as well
3) Don't act like a BF before you are the BF = Self explanatory. As soon as you act like a WK/simp BF, the more likely they will put you in the back burner for the yambs. Put yourself in a woman's shoes, would you put out if you already getting all the benefits of BF for FREE. I am going to put it into sneaker analogy, which is more gratifying buying a generic pair of all white AF1 that you can get anytime without any effort or getting a pair of Concord 11's that hard to get. The more you make her work hard for your attention/affection, the more she wants you.
4) Hangout vs Dating = I always tell her girls that I am not interested in a relationship but wouldn't mind one if one does comes along. This puts it her mindset that you are not a thirsty dude or at least thats what you are trying to portray. This saying gives a good excuse to go after other girls without any remorse. Always use the term hangout, less serious than date and gives you a great way to get to know the chick without being too serious. Leave the dating thing after you get to know the girl and are serious. Peep the Mike "the Situation" and his girls Paula situation, and yes I watch the Jersey Shore.
5) Keep them laughing = A great way to set yourself a part is to be funny and exchange jokes with the girl you after. Keeps the situation causal and gives you a positive association with the girl. The more you develop your sense of humor, the more girls will come out of the wood work just to get to know you. You could be wearing the freshest clothes and the latest foambz :rolleyes at the club/wherever and all the chicks are after some guy who is not so fresh to deff but has got the jokes for days. Remember all girls like having a good time, so oblige her. Unless you are Ryan Gosling, you can disregard the sense of humor thing.
6) Treat flirting or getting yambs as like a hobby and not a job = The more you worry about getting yambs, the more girls can tell you are a thirsty dude. Focus on more important things like improving yourself, moving up at your job, maintaining your current relationships with your fambs and friends. The more you are comfortable with yourself, have things figured out, and more successful you are the more chicks line up for you. Success is the cologne you need, I tell you it acts like what the sex panther cologne is supposed to do, shout out to anchorman.

I didn't proofread, will edit later

Someone sticky this or put it on the front page :lol:. Repped.
it sucks too cause I've known her since childhood you can say, Thanks NT

I wouldn't give up just yet, to be quite honest. Especially if she's younger than you. Younger women can't make up their mind about what the hell they want. All you gotta do is change your approach.
it sucks too cause I've known her since childhood you can say, Thanks NT

From now on, keep her on the back burner and do not initiate any contact, let her contact you. The best course of action is to move on and follow the steps that I have outlined.
Haha, I honestly don't think so. Some dudes are just late bloomers or haven't put themselves out there enough.
she told my man to google her, lmao i would of slap her on the butt and told her "you must of forgot that this is a mans world and you are not worth my keystroke"

Dead. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But real talk to ole boy that encountered the hoop star let it go. **** her she a ***** anyway
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girl i was talking to got back with her ex i think.

we were cool for a while but after she broke it off she started getting mad close wit me. but she been duckin me. she texted me last night. i called her about an hour after that no answer. texted her after i called but no answer. i dont even use my facebook but i went on today and she had a status about true love never ending, only being delayed. this was put up about an hour ago

oh well :smh:
The thing with the "hooper" chick is that she was going in college, probably is still going.
You came at her like she was the light of your life. Eyes all glistening and ****.
It's better to be an ******* than to be "that simp".
At least you play on some emotion with her.
If you google her well enough you might find some Ex-gf revenge action.
>D :lol:
Google her?

Das foog?




The thing with the "hooper" chick is that she was going in college, probably is still going.
You came at her like she was the light of your life. Eyes all glistening and ****.
It's better to be an ******* than to be "that simp".
At least you play on some emotion with her.
If you google her well enough you might find some Ex-gf revenge action.
>D :lol:

Wrong on so many levels, what i felt and what i expressed with body language are 2 different things. I didn't come off as thirsty but instead rather playful and kept leaving after a song and would end up some how making eye contact with her so i'd dance with someone else for a few and come back to her for 1. I honestly just have yellow fever lately so any asian is :evil: but all are passers by. i actually had a good laugh about it with the main and it was whatever after that. I just gassed her up on her cause it's the internet and ya'll are the bros(and sis') so shooting the **** about how fine a female is shouldnt matter on here.
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