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Yeah, and it's cheap too. Fridays are $5 and Saturdays are $8 with pizza included and skate rentals are always included so it's nice 
Lol man you'll be good. ALOT of people constantly fall so if you fall it's all good. Just really gotta get over the fear of falling and take it slow. Falling and not being able to skate makes it a little funner if you're with someone too
Some women are like that with only the guy(s) they're interested in. Others are like that in general. The former is ok, the latter isn't for me personally
Yeah I specifically meant the latter. It would be soon after you met and started talking to them with no intentions so they likely weren't interested at the moment you started talking to them.

But say they become interested and develop feelings a little later on, should you be hesitant to take them seriously? Is it best to wait it out with these types of girls to see how/how easily their feelings fluctuate? Or just rule them out from potential relationship material?

I stay away from those types. Comes off as attention hungry which is a big red flag
I think the falling and looking goofy and laughing at yourself and each other is what makes it such a great date
dude you sound like a FEMALE! you need to introduce options to this girl. ALL WOMEN ARE ABUSIVE..meaning they are always testing your man-ness. Don't be surprise if she leaves you for some other dude.  GROW A PAIR!!
HUMBLEmelord is right though, all women are abusive. They think they have this invincibility that "you can't touch me" so I'll say whatever I want to you and treat you however you want. I'm not saying I would hit women if I could, because I don't attack people anyways, but they definitely are a lot bolder now then they were in the past. They have this "Queen" mentality like the world owes them something. You don't have to tolerate this.

As mentioned before, she's young and doesn't know how to break up with you. She has no confidence in decision making. She wants an out and you should give it to her.

"If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you, it's yours. If doesn't, F*** it, you'll never know" - Earl Simmons

Focus on you, you're hung up on this "loyalty" you think she has so you feel like you owe her. You don't owe her anything. You owe YOURSELF to treat YOURSELF better.
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Sounds like she's trying to break up w you my dude. From what you revealed to us, it seems like the respect she has for you is long gone. Once that's out the window then the relationship is practically over. Been in a similar situation w a chick 4 yrs younger than me, soiled etc. Started acting the same way starting arguments etc. Soon found out she was seeing someone else. Would be on FT and would tell me she would call me back just to see this other *****. Not saying your girl cheating or w.e but you should def end it before its too late.
To touch on the ice skating thing, it's really a win-win situation.

If you're great and she's horrible, it's funny and cute to show her and help her and hold her hand when she falls.

If you're both good, great.

If you're both horrible, its hilarious.

If she's great and you're bad, you can make fun of yourself all night.

Get some hot chocolate or apple cider at the rink, have a convo over it, your'e winning b.
I'm not about that ice skating life

Me neither. Never done it. But let's double date and we can be in it together. Good kicking it with you yesterday btw mane, as always :pimp:

Also, confirmed he is not a drug dealer. Wouldn't even hit my spliff smh. Hope you got your flight alright. Ecook was texting me bugging :rofl:
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I'm not about that ice skating life

Me neither. Never done it. But let's double date and we can be in it together. Good kicking it with you yesterday btw mane, as always :pimp:

Also, confirmed he is not a drug dealer. Wouldn't even hit my spliff smh. Hope you got your flight alright. Ecook was texting me bugging :rofl:
I'm down with it but no offence I can only mess with wax.

But yea made the flight I'm out here in LA with Ecook0808. We heading to this happy hour then rooftop bar afterwards.

See what these San Monica yambs are about :smokin

But damn just thinking about. NOLA Wednesday, DC Thursday, and LA today. I should have smashed a chick each day to make a story out of it. Guess I'm not a savage.

But kid be moving that dope
tried it once, to me, overrated. it's freezing cold and once you fall that shaved off ice sticks to ya clothes and now you got a cold wet spot, naahhh

For me, the ice skates are extremely uncomfortable and my feet hurt after like 15 minutes of standing on the skates.

But the brownie points you get for doing that cliche *** date is sort of worth it in some cases I guess.
ehhh, tryna think now what my cheesiest date was and it's prob back when we were dating i took the liberty around christmas to tell my now wife that i couldn't go see the lights with her and her son cause "my friend" was coming in town and i was gonna celebrate with her. so after "my friend" who was my ex before my ex left, my now wife got to askin' questions: what did we do? did we have sex? did we use a condom? and it was a huge problem.

I convinced her to give me another chance and said hey come to my apartment and pick me up and we'll go out. but instead i cooked, put some champagne on ice and lit some candles and staged my dining room up real nice and surprised her. best i've done to date probably
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