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theres one who goes to my gym. who is actually really cute. works out with a normal size human though who be hatinnnnn

one day I will complete this bucket list challenge
I know a few of you may have gone
through this so I want to ask how long it takes to "recover"...embarrassed myself today using a condom for the first time after smashing my ex on BC for the past few months. Almost couldn't feel anything other than the tightness and couldn't keep it up, so I had to get a HJ and head to finish. Should I just take a a long break from smashing so that it feels good even with a condom again? I'm not trying to be on team raw or head only from now on, especially for these randoms/ $!!@ buddies...condoms are the @!$#$$ worst after you've tried the real thing...

Just keep smashing with no dambs until the sensitivity is rebuilt. Condom sex sucks though.
I know a few of you may have gone
through this so I want to ask how long it takes to "recover"...embarrassed myself today using a condom for the first time after smashing my ex on BC for the past few months. Almost couldn't feel anything other than the tightness and couldn't keep it up, so I had to get a HJ and head to finish. Should I just take a a long break from smashing so that it feels good even with a condom again? I'm not trying to be on team raw or head only from now on, especially for these randoms/ $!!@ buddies...condoms are the @!$#$$ worst after you've tried the real thing...
invest in some his and her ky gel...

apply before you put the condom on and apply a liberal amount on to the condom.

thank me later
You guys every ran into one of your ex and her new bf? Then she end up texting you wanting to meet up?


Yes I have :lol:
Saw her at a bar/lounge one night with her man. I have no feelings towards her so I was going about my business. In VIP section (nothing crazy or expensive. Anyone can go there, there's just couches there) with my mans and them pouring up brown liquor living like Kings. Her man never saw me a day in his life so he ain't know who I was. But I peep her look at me when she walked in. So an hour later I guess her man goes to the bathroom, she rushed right to my section to make small talk, but I hit her with the Ace Boogie in the car from paid in full "aye Im with my mans right now trynna build on something, idk what you talking about right now"

Later on that night when I get home, I get a text from her saying how she misses me and it was nice seeing me and so on and so on. I didn't reply, but I went on IG and liked all the pics with her and her man. She stopped texting me since. :lol:

Question for yall in relationships: ever been a point of time where stress(on your girls part) had an effect on y'all's sex life and frequency? How did you deal? I don't wanna cheat on shorty but it's hard
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start getting out the house and go out. Also joining a toastmasters group helps with building self confidence
Word? I'll look into it, honestly never heard of this program.

currensy currensy
Naw, I'm just a young OG(word to Fabolous)..
Seen a lot, put myself in precarious situations, had the heart breaks, had game ran on me, ran game on some good ones, went through depression, and I finally stepped back to see I wanted more.
That's the cycle of life and going from a young fool to a wise, old man[emoji]128516[/emoji]
Also to piggy back of the toast master, adventure for singles type of events, if your state is conducive to you being able to take mini day trips, go to different cities, where absolutely nobody knows you and just put yourself out there.
Back home(even though I was eating good in San Francisco/Berkeley), I would venture out on the weekends to San Mateo, Sac-town, Monterey, etc to see how my approach was in different areas. When I moved back to Houston, I wasn't eating at all( women are hard as hell to crack down here), so I spent most of my time in Austin, Dallas or if I really felt good went to N.O.
If you are single with no kids, there is no reason to be land locked. Some areas women are more receptive and open for communication while other areas not so much.
Get yourself out of the comfort and explore, if I hadn't met this amazing woman, I would be back on the west coast or possibly up north.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️

Lol I've heard that Cali girls are easy or easier to get at then other places, like they even are more aggressive than guys at times. Anyways, I will work on just getting out more and talking to random folk cause my text/phone, conversation game is just lacking too hard right now. Tryna mess with this one chick I've known for years but idk either she's boring or I'm boring or I'm not asking the right questions and leading the convo right, but it just feels so dry trying to know her better. I think it is because I'm not comfortable around her, when I'm not comfortable I tense up and can't think of stuff to say to people. :lol:

My ***** the young OG. To add to that, at that age, don't let money worries stop whatever you're thinking of doing. That hinderance is not real, only in your mind.

That reminds me, I remember my first love at first sight type of love. It was my sister's friend from her job, tall, beautiful, educated and we just clicked. At the time I was in school and only had a part time so I never jumped. Also didn't realize how attractive I was, apparently this was on purpose, all my sisters friends at her job wanted to meet me. After a while we became cool, and I got another job but I was so stressed and tired I still never got at her. By the time I got my **** together and built my confidence to get at her, she was pregnant by a deadbeat. My heart sank like a mug. She moved in with me and my sis to save dough and we became better friends. Some of the best times of my life were spent with her and that kid. She eventually moved to another state back with her parents to help take care of the kid and we just sort of fell out of touch. She got married to a great dude, had another kid. I loved them both so much though, but was still so immature. I remember crying like a baby when she had to move. I gotta hit her up to see how she is. Nevermind me, just reminiscent. My love life has been tragic, i'm a slow learner. It feels like i'm in complete control now. Basically though, don't be your own worst enemy.

I don't even have a height preference. I'm 5'8 and I don't think I've ever been with a chick under 5'4 but I'd smash a ****** if she was talkin bout that action :lol:

Smashing a thick ****** is on the bucket list, I am also like 6'2. :lol:

Short chicks are just stacked better for myself.
I can't be the only one with that fetish


Where I meet smaller people like this? :nerd: :smokin Throwing them around like a rag doll would be fun lol.
Not a big poster in here, but I keep tabs on the thread from time to time. Need some TAY advice from the more experienced NTers on this situation cuz this **** is eating me up...

Dated a girl for about 3.5 years. 1 or 2 little breaks in there but otherwise pretty steady the whole time. It was the classic "she's into me a little more than I am her" relationship, so there were some times I felt like I should get out and did some things I wish I hadn't. Finally broke things off about a month ago and it was painful as hell for both of us. Regardless of what happened, being with her for so long I had strong feelings and care about her a lot, still do to this day, but I felt like ending the relationship would be better for both of us in the long run.

A week ago I go with a couple of my boys on a beach/golf trip that we had planned months ago, one of whom is pretty much my best friend I've known since middle school (I'm 30 now). One night while we're down there, I get a text from the ex saying I'm a coward and a liar, and to never contact her again etc etc. I rack my brain trying to figure out where this came from as the only people who would've had any dirt on me are the best friend from above, and another really good (re: trusted) friend who barely knows the ex.

Fast forward to this weekend and I'm around the same friend from the trip for probably 4-5 hours. This guy TEXTS me to see if it's a big deal to me if he hangs out with my ex that night. Keep in mind he had ample time to ask me face-to-face like a man, and it's been less than a month since we broke up. He also had her number from a few months back as he does home repair-type work and she needs her hvac system replaced.

To me. exes are off-limits between friends like that, especially in that short of a time. I told him that you're adults and can do as you please but I'm not cool with it. So I start thinking more about things after he asks me, and realize that there's a good chance he has been talking to her since we broke up (maybe even before that) AND he is probably the one who threw me under the bus to her so he could take advantage.

So how do I handle this situation? I don't condone some of my actions when I was with her, and I wish I could do back and do things differently, but this is just some of the lowest, grimiest type stuff a "friend" could do IMO. What would y'all do if you were in my shoes?

sorry for the long post/rambling...
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Yea dude friends dating exes and sisters or off limits. I can see where some will say it's cool if you date them. But if you are close friends it would start to get sticky and ruin both relationships. I know I'm not a big help but it's what I see for the most part
Not a big poster in here, but I keep tabs on the thread from time to time. Need some TAY advice from the more experienced NTers on this situation cuz this **** is eating me up...

Dated a girl for about 3.5 years. 1 or 2 little breaks in there but otherwise pretty steady the whole time. It was the classic "she's into me a little more than I am her" relationship, so there were some times I felt like I should get out and did some things I wish I hadn't. Finally broke things off about a month ago and it was painful as hell for both of us. Regardless of what happened, being with her for so long I had strong feelings and care about her a lot, still do to this day, but I felt like ending the relationship would be better for both of us in the long run.

A week ago I go with a couple of my boys on a beach/golf trip that we had planned months ago, one of whom is pretty much my best friend I've known since middle school (I'm 30 now). One night while we're down there, I get a text from the ex saying I'm a coward and a liar, and to never contact her again etc etc. I rack my brain trying to figure out where this came from as the only people who would've had any dirt on me are the best friend from above, and another really good (re: trusted) friend who barely knows the ex.

Fast forward to this weekend and I'm around the same friend from the trip for probably 4-5 hours. This guy TEXTS me to see if it's a big deal to me if he hangs out with my ex that night. Keep in mind he had ample time to ask me face-to-face like a man, and it's been less than a month since we broke up. He also had her number from a few months back as he does home repair-type work and she needs her hvac system replaced.

To me. exes are off-limits between friends like that, especially in that short of a time. I told him that you're adults and can do as you please but I'm not cool with it. So I start thinking more about things after he asks me, and realize that there's a good chance he has been talking to her since we broke up (maybe even before that) AND he is probably the one who threw me under the bus to her so he could take advantage.

So how do I handle this situation? I don't condone some of my actions when I was with her, and I wish I could do back and do things differently, but this is just some of the lowest, grimiest type stuff a "friend" could do IMO. What would y'all do if you were in my shoes?

sorry for the long post/rambling...

ur "friend" threw u under the bus for a female abd to top it off shes ur ex

**** both of em
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First thing(remember this for future reference) you should always want a girl that is more into or equal admiration. I'm not talking clingy ( there is a difference) when you actually have someone that gives and doesn't look for anything in return but honesty, try your best to not mess it up because those type of girls are very rare(especially no more then ever).
Second(and I know I will get the side eye[emoji]128518[/emoji]), stop telling your friends your business in relationships. I know we need people to confide in but if you are in a serious relationship or if you truly feel this person, any information you tell a mutual party can be used as ammo. It's a lot of miserable people out here and even if they are your best friend, they could be plotting or just jealous of your happiness. Try to find a parent, uncle, sister, family period to bounce things off of.
Third and final, toss both they ***** to the bushes and move on. This is a learning experience for you on how to move and communicate in all your relationships. Set boundaries with anybody you care for because the ones we love the most will hurt us the most. If you feel a type of way about a situation, address it off top. The betrayal from a girl hurts and I know it lingers but don't beat yourself up over them.
Once again I know it's hard not to go put hands on both of them( trust me when I say there was one dude and girl that til this day, even though I'm happily married, if I caught them in the streets I would stomp holes all in their ***** for the **** they told my ex) let it go and get back to living. It's going to be a tough ride ahead but just stay focussed and FDB[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
That is some real **** mugen, really appreciate it.

To address the first part, I supported her a lot when she was going through tough things and pushed her to go for things she didn't think she could do. It seems like most of the relationships I've had have been like you explained, but I chalked that up to me sort of "settling" in a way, and with her it seems like it was more of my physical attraction to her that waned over time.

The rest of your post is gold and definitely a learning experience (felt like I had figured a lot of this stuff out and was determined not to make similar mistakes this time around), but I am definitely guilty of your second point. You summed it up perfectly about wanting to put hands on this dude. I always try to take the high road but this "friend" disrespected me in the worst way and I feel like I need to address it.

There's nothing I can do to change things between her and I at this point, but I can't help but feel bad for her being in this situation. The fact that she's even entertaining moves from this guy is why you're saying FDB?
t4t3r t4t3r
If any girl can look at a homie of yours and even consider dating him, FDB..
For me everything in life is about principle, a code of ethics if you will.
I judge people on things you can't see with the trained eye. For example, if you have a piss poor work ethic or hustle, then I consider you of low character. What I mean by that is just like my signature from Mr. Lamar. Everything I have, I fought for.
They told me"you won't graduate from Berkeley".
I did that.
They told me I couldn't make it on my own in one of the most expensive cities in America.
I did that.
I don't respect anybodies intelligence, because if you really want to be smart you can read copious amounts material available to the world. But what I do respect is your grind, your travels, your lessons you learn, the ability to bounce back.
That shows me your character.
Let's be honest a lot of people are not built for this life ****. People play the game backwards and wonder why they stay losing. You might be winning in the materialistic sense but be disgusting on the inside and life forces are kicking your butt.
All of that diatribe is to say that when people can easily discard friendship, loyalty and love, that says a lot about them and you always have to keep your grass cut low to see the snakes. Also your energy at the time(possibly weren't even aware of this) was the exact same as both parties. The thing is as people, we tend to hold onto things past there expiration date because we don't want to start over. It's human, plus if you really care it's hard to let go, but I guarantee there were moments in your head:
"Why am I still ******* with dude/this chick"
Turned a blind eye and hoped for things to get better.
They never do.
People show their hands the first five minutes of meeting them, you just havers listen and watch.
You knew these things but you had love for them but your energy started to change and you wanted more and dude/ole girl saw that and that's how **** goes bad.
At the end of this long *** post, don't be paranoid going into relationships but don't close your eyes to the read flags and expiration dates either.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
he was probably always waiting in the background which is messed up...(possibly) but how cool were they during the 3.5 years??? did they meet often (with you there)?
not much you can do other than what you did. just be like hey im not cool with that but you're adults. He should know better, but woman are spiteful....
and most dudes can't turn down yambs no matter the circumstance, they're both in the wrong.
I'm of the mind though if it works out with them then it was meant to be (blah blah disney story)
if it doesn't, then stuff been dirty from the jump and everyone is dead to me.

Yea dude friends dating exes and sisters or off limits. I can see where some will say it's cool if you date them. But if you are close friends it would start to get sticky and ruin both relationships. I know I'm not a big help but it's what I see for the most part
Dating sisters isn't exactly off limits depending on the dude.
if I know my boy is a scumbag he isn't touching my sister, but if its a good who wants a legit relationship i'm not mad at it.

Been almost two weeks and I haven't got that necklace back. Just gonna let it go.

she may be holding it hostage so you can come see her and get it.......be careful young padawan
mugen81 mugen81 would give you all my reps if I could. Copied that **** to my phone as a reminder no lie.

Possible he could have been waiting in the wings, but I think he's just taking advantage because it's easier than putting in his own work and he thinks his white knighting will get him somewhere. Only met each other once or twice and a couple times more recently. At the end of the day I'm glad they both showed their true colors, just wish I would've paid more attention to some of the signs earlier. Another lesson learned about ejecting from a situation when you know it's not brining any intrinsic value to your life as mugen explained. And wish it wouldn't have gone down in this way, but I guess some of that is karma for doing things I shouldn't have been either.
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