TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Wait are yall saying take him out of the friendzone by dating her making his chances nil for good?
Or try to put him on?

And some stuff im seeing i can see as being legit concerns by potetial mates. Lying. Wanting stablility. Strong morals.

I asked one girl why we didnt workout she told me its because i slipped one day and sent the wrong text to her (which i did but it wasnt even serious) and she said. Little stuff like that can be potentially huge and the fact that were just dating means i can probably expect more of it. At first i was like this *** trippin but then the more i thought about it the more i saw her side of it. Its like the little white lie thigs.
They build up.
I personally either tell the truth or say nothing. And i tell every girl i meet that right up front with in an hour of conversation.

Now i do believe in need to know basis. So youll only get out of me what i choose ro divulge but i wont lie.

Yall gotta remember these ladies are in that age range where they want to be bunned up. And find potential mates not just hang out buddies. So its not farfetched for them to have the concerns they do.

Yall know i go to war with my boys but some points i do understand with females
So new Sunday (busty Asian joint) just sent me a really polite text letting me know her mother's twin sister passed away last night, her brothers and her will be spending the day with their mom on Sunday, she's really sorry she has to cancel our plans for she really looked forward to them, and she hopes I understand. I sent her a nice message back and and she said I was really sweet and once this all tames down she will definitely need some fun time to embrace her vibrant spirit, because her aunt wouldn't want her being all mopey. Told her that's a good way to look at it, blah blah blah, I am looking forward to meeting you when you are ready. She said she looks forward to meeting me as well and also said don't feel like I can't stay in touch during all of this because the distraction will be necessary. A little disappointing that I won't see her this weekend since she's the most attractive out of the three new girls. But this is a blessing in disguise because I got the one chick with the hotel room tomorrow night and if things go well I'll just chill with her more on Sunday. In the meantime, Sunday still wants me to stay in touch so I'm gonna be right there like
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I text Spanish a lil while ago to say I left some stuff there and needed to pick them up. She replied "Hi how are you?"
Then she said she will be home in a little bit, then asked if im upset with her. Then it hit me. Why would she feel im upset with her? I wasnt upset with her but thought about it for a second and realized what actually went down. She feels guilty but for what? Because she basically set me up for failure. She caught feelings for me but was confused and indecisive about me and my situation. So me going out was an easy way to exit. Before I stayed there consecutive days she would say you can come over and she wants to invite me over but didnt want me to feel pressured. When I did stay there she would say im a grown man and can do I want and she didnt want to pressure me to do anything I dont want to do. When we was wrapping it up and I was sitting on the bed, she grabbed my face, embraced me and attempted to kiss me. I back off and she looked at me and said "Dont deny me". Shorty hugged me for a straight 10 mins and said its so hard to let go when she feels this way. So right before she left for work I needed to confirm and asked if its best I leave. She looked at me with the most stern look and said "Is there any other recourse" and bounced. Shorty is twisted, caught feelings and didnt know how to control it and pushed me through the motions. She sucked me in and spit me out :smh:
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My girl unlike the rest that I've dated is independent and brave. This is attractive to me. Does her own thing and doesn't really ask me to get involved. She hangs out with her friends and what not. Her friends happen to all be single. Lately, every time I hit her up for us to do something she flakes. Got plans with this one or that one. When I call her, I hear them in the background.So I'm like whatever. Recently we had plans and it flopped, so before I could schedule for us to do something in its place, her friends already hit her up with other plans. Me and her get into an argument over something else and I tell her every time we try to make plans she flops and she hits me with the I've been busy blah blah blah which I understand. But not busy to hang with this one or that one.Anyway, I tell her that I hope everything is well and she said the same thing and haven't spoken to her since. Doesn't help that these jawns at work giving the kid some love.
Can't stand girls that are fickle with their feelings or flake all the time.

I had a problem similar to this with my ex. We had a semi-long distant relationship (never again) and weekends were the only time we got to spend time. But towards the end, I was putting a higher priority in trying to spend time with her compared to her. After a while, it got mad frustrating and that ish hurts when feelings are involved, not going to lie.

I want to be with someone that's going to put in the same or similar effort as I would in spending time with each other and expressing the value we put to each other. It feels great when a girl is actively trying to make time for you, its all about actions. 
I text Spanish a lil while ago to say I left some stuff there and needed to pick them up. She replied "Hi how are you?"
Then she said she will be home in a little bit, then asked if im upset with her. Then it hit me. Why would she feel im upset with her? I wasnt upset with her but thought about it for a second and realized what actually went down. She feels guilty but for what? Because she basically set me up for failure. She caught feelings for me but was confused and indecisive about me and my situation. So me going out was an easy way to exit. Before I stayed there consecutive days she would say you can come over and she wants to invite me over but didnt want me to feel pressured. When I did stay there she would say im a grown man and can do I want and she didnt want to pressure me to do anything I dont want to do. When we was wrapping it up and I was sitting on the bed, she grabbed my face, embraced me and attempted to kiss me. I back off and she looked at me and said "Dont deny me". Shorty hugged me for a straight 10 mins and said its so hard to let go when she feels this way. So right before she left for work I needed to confirm and asked if its best I leave. She looked at me with the most stern look and said "Is there any other recourse" and bounced. Shorty is twisted, caught feelings and didnt know how to control it and pushed me through the motions. She sucked me in and spit me out
Sounds like she had feelings and kept giving you the same female options saying that you can do what you want basically trying to get you to "want" her and when you repeatedly showed her it wasn't going to be just her or her at all she finally gave up

The type of chick that puts dudes in the friend zone (different from having legit guy friends) is no bueno

Tbh my homie is just the type that ain't gonna go out his way to go after a chick unless she throwing it at him

He got a lot of bad female friends that he just be kicking it with, and has no romantic interest in them

So I don't think she necessarily curved him, he just never tried

She and her homegirl came over the other night and in conversation, it came up that she was telling him about something she was going through with another dude

I thought he was about to smash/date her or something, I didn't know that was the basis of their relationship

The type of chick that puts dudes in the friend zone (different from having legit guy friends) is no bueno
I don't get it. When you think friend zone what do you mean?

Cause when I hear friend zone that to me means a dude that has pursued, whether it be outright or untold, a woman but she never reciprocates those feelings back

The type of chick that puts dudes in the friend zone (different from having legit guy friends) is no bueno

I don't get it. When you think friend zone what do you mean?

Cause when I hear friend zone that to me means a dude that has pursued, whether it be outright or untold, a woman but she never reciprocates those feelings back

I differentiate being legit friends and being in the friendzone

For me I think of the friendzone like this,

The guy pursues and the girl isn't interested in anything romantic or sexual. But in order to keep the guy around she doesn't outright reject him and/or gives mixed signals that give the guy hope so he'll stick around. The girl uses the guy to complain about other dudes, cry on his shoulder, ask for favors like help with moving, picking her up when she's drunk etc. The friendzone is a place where girls take advantage of desperate guys. It's not real friendship.
Also about this friendzone thing, personally I don't shoot my shot with any chick that my boys are looking at, thinking of talking to, etc. I know it sounds like doing the most, but I'm all about principle and loyalty to my close friends.
I differentiate being legit friends and being in the friendzone

For me I think of the friendzone like this,

The guy pursues and the girl isn't interested in anything romantic or sexual. But in order to keep the guy around she doesn't outright reject him and/or gives mixed signals that give the guy hope so he'll stick around. The girl uses the guy to complain about other dudes, cry on his shoulder, ask for favors like help with moving, picking her up when she's drunk etc. The friendzone is a place where girls take advantage of desperate guys. It's not real friendship.
Yea, if it's that kind of friendzone and it's plenty of those I can see that kind of response. I've been friendzoned and rose in the rankings before so I never understand guys feeling like there's no way out
Also about this friendzone thing, personally I don't shoot my shot with any chick that my boys are looking at, thinking of talking to, etc. I know it sounds like doing the most, but I'm all about principle and loyalty to my close friends.
One of my homies pretty much snatched a chick or two while I was tryna talk to em. In his defense I didn't have any game and you could barely call it talkin' to em. But even at the time I knew you never approach a chick while ya homie is tryna hit or holla. Some dudes grow up in the survival of the fittest lifestyle tho
Also about this friendzone thing, personally I don't shoot my shot with any chick that my boys are looking at, thinking of talking to, etc. I know it sounds like doing the most, but I'm all about principle and loyalty to my close friends.
Yeah you gotta be super pressed for ***** to try to bag a girl your friend is talking to. 
One of my homies pretty much snatched a chick or two while I was tryna talk to em. In his defense I didn't have any game and you could barely call it talkin' to em. But even at the time I knew you never approach a chick while ya homie is tryna hit or holla. Some dudes grow up in the survival of the fittest lifestyle tho
Yeah that's outta bounds for me. **** like that is why I keep my circle small.
Can't stand girls that are fickle with their feelings or flake all the time.

I had a problem similar to this with my ex. We had a semi-long distant relationship (never again) and weekends were the only time we got to spend time. But towards the end, I was putting a higher priority in trying to spend time with her compared to her. After a while, it got mad frustrating and that ish hurts when feelings are involved, not going to lie.

I want to be with someone that's going to put in the same or similar effort as I would in spending time with each other and expressing the value we put to each other. It feels great when a girl is actively trying to make time for you, its all about actions. 
I tried hitting her back and got no response. Shes mad at me. Oh well, whatever. On to the next.
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Yeah that's outta bounds for me. **** like that is why I keep my circle small.
I wasn't pressed about it since I put up a piss poor effort. Plus that was during a time I wanted to be out there foolin' around but didn't understand the game. If I "loved" them chicks then ya I woulda been pissed but they was just chicks I wanted to give the ol sausage
I differentiate being legit friends and being in the friendzone

For me I think of the friendzone like this,

The guy pursues and the girl isn't interested in anything romantic or sexual. But in order to keep the guy around she doesn't outright reject him and/or gives mixed signals that give the guy hope so he'll stick around. The girl uses the guy to complain about other dudes, cry on his shoulder, ask for favors like help with moving, picking her up when she's drunk etc. The friendzone is a place where girls take advantage of desperate guys. It's not real friendship.

Yea, if it's that kind of friendzone and it's plenty of those I can see that kind of response. I've been friendzoned and rose in the rankings before so I never understand guys feeling like there's no way out

Also about this friendzone thing, personally I don't shoot my shot with any chick that my boys are looking at, thinking of talking to, etc. I know it sounds like doing the most, but I'm all about principle and loyalty to my close friends.

One of my homies pretty much snatched a chick or two while I was tryna talk to em. In his defense I didn't have any game and you could barely call it talkin' to em. But even at the time I knew you never approach a chick while ya homie is tryna hit or holla. Some dudes grow up in the survival of the fittest lifestyle tho

I keep it real with my close boys so they would know if I was still trying to get at a chick or not. If I had failed and moved on they would still ask if it was cool if they tried.

Now exes are a completely different story and we stayed away from those like the plague
Ok. So here are the recent text messages ive from both of them. I sent German a long text explaining some things and that I hope she can still be somewhat a part of my life. Even if its strictly a friendship.

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And now Spanish
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I sent Spanish a long message about whats up. So now we wait and see what her response is like.
German is still trying to hold me down. She is really sticking in through for the kid
Damn son. Wish I weren't an hour away so I could kick it with sub, henn, etc. I got a girl, can still hang with the homies though.
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