TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Dawg I may really die. She told me he is the only one that has something bad to say about.
Convos like that is why it's hard to delete my tinder 

I need advice though. My shorty is going back to school in NYC this weekend and wants me to visit her. We haven't really gotten a chance to hang out while she's been at home because her parents have her on a leash (rich, strict parents shes 21). She says I can stay with her if I visit her for the weekend. Thing is though I haven't hung out with this girl in like over a year but we have hooked up before (not smashed but fingered her, sucked on dem ******* doe). Should I fly out to NYC famb? I never been and worse comes to worse I can get my own hotel if I'm not feeling it... just feel like this **** gonna be awkward but idk. We text often but yeah
Go for it dude, worst case you get a hotel and have some fun in the city without her. Just make your intentions known so there's no room for miscommunication
If she slices you up during your sleep, let me have your Jordans.
O the real you can have them if I die majority of them are all DS. I only wear kobes

Real talk. Every time I see this cat he's got a pair of Kobe's on his feet and a tall chick groping him :rofl:

Last night, I talked to my ex for the first time (on the phone) since we broke up. I guess I needed some more closure. The girl I'm seeing now wants more but I'm just not into her like that. This is the first time I've been with a girl for 4-6 months without falling in love. That's never happened to me before as things would usually end before this point or get more serious. It's just not there with this girl. I feel bad because I care about her but I can't reciprocate the feeling she has for me so I know I have to end it. It took me back to when my ex and I broke up (she broke up with me after coming home from study abroad) and she said she just didn't feel it any more. I had to explain my current situation to her and ask if she felt nothing towards me when we broke up, told her I was kind of feeling that way now, and was hoping that she didn't feel that way when we broke up and ended it due to other circumstances like the distance, etc... I didn't really like her answer which was basically she was getting too invested and vulnerable in our relationship and needed to detach and have no feelings as to not get hurt. She said since we've broke up she's just had 1 month flings then moves onto the next person. Said she did really like one guy but when he asked what they were she messed it up because she didn't want to be more, then when she realized she may have made a mistake it was too late. There was another guy from tinder who she said she met home in NYC they hung out once and kept talking and he came up to visit her for the weekend. She said they were really into eachother but it was like a one night stand gone bad because she couldn't get rid of him for the weekend. She stopped talking to him after that. And just told me how she's burned a lot of bridges with superficial relationships since she's a senior in college she's realized a lot of these people won't matter after this year and it's not worth trying to her. I told her she only needed a few good friends any way. Really doesn't sound like she is doing that great with her relationships. She was messing with some guy who had a girlfriend who she knew too. Just being a wreckless savage. I told her I became pretty savage even before we broke up over the summer and then even more after. We could both relate to not really being able to have feelings for anyone after our relationship lol.

We texted a little, then I called her and talked for a half hour. Had to go do something so she told me to call her after. Talked for another half hour and she had to go but said she'd call me back. Then she just texted me instead. This is what I was talking about when USA was posting the convos of him and DC and I said that chick is crazy and reminds me of my ex. Don't even know what to make of this because she was so different when we were together. Most loving girl ever even if she tried to put up a cold hard exterior.
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That was some good stuff. I'm really hoping you get it in with her. Gotta love a chick that takes so much pride in her head game.
Convos like that is why it's hard to delete my tinder 

I need advice though. My shorty is going back to school in NYC this weekend and wants me to visit her. We haven't really gotten a chance to hang out while she's been at home because her parents have her on a leash (rich, strict parents shes 21). She says I can stay with her if I visit her for the weekend. Thing is though I haven't hung out with this girl in like over a year but we have hooked up before (not smashed but fingered her, sucked on dem ******* doe). Should I fly out to NYC famb? I never been and worse comes to worse I can get my own hotel if I'm not feeling it... just feel like this **** gonna be awkward but idk. We text often but yeah
Personally I'd get a room just in case. Don't want an arguement to pop off because she may have changed and be on some get out my house tip. That's just precautionary since you don't know anybody up there. You can spin it like y'all on some vacation type deal so getting a hotel can be made into a treat
Real talk. Every time I see this cat he's got a pair of Kobe's on his feet and a tall chick groping him

Last night, I talked to my ex for the first time (on the phone) since we broke up. I guess I needed some more closure. The girl I'm seeing now wants more but I'm just not into her like that. This is the first time I've been with a girl for 4-6 months without falling in love. That's never happened to me before as things would usually end before this point or get more serious. It's just not there with this girl. I feel bad because I care about her but I can't reciprocate the feeling she has for me so I know I have to end it. It took me back to when my ex and I broke up (she broke up with me after coming home from study abroad) and she said she just didn't feel it any more. I had to explain my current situation to her and ask if she felt nothing towards me when we broke up, told her I was kind of feeling that way now, and was hoping that she didn't feel that way when we broke up and ended it due to other circumstances like the distance, etc... I didn't really like her answer which was basically she was getting too invested and vulnerable in our relationship and needed to detach and have no feelings as to not get hurt. She said since we've broke up she's just had 1 month flings then moves onto the next person. Said she did really like one guy but when he asked what they were she messed it up because she didn't want to be more, then when she realized she may have made a mistake it was too late. There was another guy from tinder who she said she met home in NYC they hung out once and kept talking and he came up to visit her for the weekend. She said they were really into eachother but it was like a one night stand gone bad because she couldn't get rid of him for the weekend. She stopped talking to him after that. And just told me how she's burned a lot of bridges with superficial relationships since she's a senior in college she's realized a lot of these people won't matter after this year and it's not worth trying to her. I told her she only needed a few good friends any way. Really doesn't sound like she is doing that great with her relationships. She was messing with some guy who had a girlfriend who she knew too. Just being a wreckless savage. I told her I became pretty savage even before we broke up over the summer and then even more after. We could both relate to not really being able to have feelings for anyone after our relationship lol.

We texted a little, then I called her and talked for a half hour. Had to go do something so she told me to call her after. Talked for another half hour and she had to go but said she'd call me back. Then she just texted me instead. This is what I was talking about when USA was posting the convos of him and DC and I said that chick is crazy and reminds me of my ex. Don't even know what to make of this because she was so different when we were together. Most loving girl ever even if she tried to put up a cold hard exterior.
Last convo I had with my ex that was somewhat meaningful was when she emailed me out the blue asking to be friends I had a month prior made it offical with my wife that we were exclusively dating and I told her I wasn't trying to be friends with her because I still loved her and would honestly want to be with her and not just friends. And I asked her if she still loved me, and how she felt about what all happened and with her response she basically showed me she was still childish and not wanting to take any fault in why we broke up and that was my closer. I knew then that she wasn't mature enough for me

I'm glad to see that your ex is very mature and that y'all can have these kind of conversations
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