Taking a shower and having to drop one shortly after - Unappreciated

Originally Posted by eashawty

i think ima invest in sum of those charmin flushable wipes & see if i like em

You will. They're great.

As for the OP. Nothing is worse than taking a shower and having the runs. NOTHING!
Tupac Jordan wrote:
Poop in the shower & push it down the drain with your big toe. JK.
j/k? Right. Right.
Originally Posted by eashawty

i think ima invest in sum of those charmin flushable wipes & see if i like em

You will. They're great.

As for the OP. Nothing is worse than taking a shower and having the runs. NOTHING!
Tupac Jordan wrote:
Poop in the shower & push it down the drain with your big toe. JK.
j/k? Right. Right.
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