Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

^thanks....ill be sittin in that all day from now on because i swear i can never find anyone to play with

with mario kart out now and seeing how good their online features are it makes it even more of a shame how much brawl's online sucks
Anyone up for a game?
Originally Posted by Shkinny6

with mario kart out now and seeing how good their online features are it makes it even more of a shame how much brawl's online sucks
my boy copped mario kart and he told me about that

it's pathetic that in 2008, these dudes have an online system set up that way. that's the ONE thing about this game that gets me so frustrated.

anyways, i'm gonna be on for like 30 minutes so if any of y'all wanna go at it...hit up the AIM, post here or PM me...
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

Rapper Slash Exec (R/E) - NY - 2964 8258 9829
You can change up that info if you want now fam.

aite, i got you as soon as my other account gets released from (temporary) banned camp

it should be in about 10 more days or so...
Man if Brawl's online setup was as good as Mario Kart Wii''d be perfect.

Been playing it(along with GTAIV) non-stop lol..I'll get back into it.

I wanna play you Rav.

You too DSK..need to get my revenge lol
Originally Posted by Shkinny6

gg's tonight DSK and others.....
my link is still undefeated in one vs. ones on NT

Really? We should play sometime.

P.S. To the guy who said "no ones online anymore", I'm always on so if you need a friend who plays often, my FC is 008719807768
Originally Posted by Shkinny6

gg's tonight DSK and others.....
my link is still undefeated in one vs. ones on NT

whoa, whoa...

which name do you go by online again? i don't remember playing you...

and if your link is undefeated in one vs. one on NT...then we probably haven't faced each other yet lol (were you the one that played with items?)

anyways, post up anytime in this thread and we'll make that 1 vs. 1 arrangement...
Originally Posted by DaT SiCk KiD

Originally Posted by Shkinny6

gg's tonight DSK and others.....
my link is still undefeated in one vs. ones on NT

whoa, whoa...

which name do you go by online again? i don't remember playing you...

and if your link is undefeated in one vs. one on NT...then we probably haven't faced each other yet lol (were you the one that played with items?)

anyways, post up anytime in this thread and we'll make that 1 vs. 1 arrangement...

You on right now DSK?
my fault dsk....i was playin with iRock not you...
i was a little under the influence last night when i posted that...notice the time

but ya man i'm for sure down to face you today
Originally Posted by Shkinny6

my fault dsk....i was playin with iRock not you...
i was a little under the influence last night when i posted that...notice the time

but ya man i'm for sure down to face you today

If you're on, ill play u right now before i get into this Lakers game.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Who wants to play the BEST Link on NT? DSK knows what it is...


you back for good? LMK fam, after you get better and have enoughtime to play just hit me up...

MPIRE, na i wasn't on at that time...before i leave online, i always check to see if anyone on my list is currently online or has any seekingbrawl's but none seen so i dipped...

after i get my account back sometime next sunday or and a couple others will start up sign-ups for the tournament so stay tuned for that...
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