SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Anyone else going to NXT tomorrow wanna grab a drink before the show?

My first WWE event, my first time in Barclays.

Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit vs. Tajiri vs... by arash0007

Undertaker Vs A-Train Summerslam 2003 by Phenom666

WWE Summerslam 2003 - Kane vs RVD (No Holds... by TVSHOWSONLY


Mostly posting all this cause I re-watched some of the matches. I may have fused some of the matches on this card with others way back, cause I don't remember Matt Hardy vs Zach Gowen nor RVD vs Kane being on this same card. I do remember RVD/Kane being a good match, but the placement was hilarious cause they had to follow Brock & Angle putting on a fantastic match.
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According to the WONL, there is something huge planned for the 8/24 Raw.

It is also VKM's 70th birthday.
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