SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

He's worthless but I can't front this was a pretty sweet cash in as well

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I think the Celtic Tampon costs Cena the title this Sunday..Then Shameful tries to cash in, only to have Cena go level 83 Saiyan and cost ****** his cash in opportunity..Which leads to a feud between them..
I think the Celtic Tampon costs Cena the title this Sunday..Then Shameful tries to cash in, only to have Cena go level 83 Saiyan and cost ****** his cash in opportunity..Which leads to a feud between them..
please let this happen. get these two turds occupying each other with the title out of the picture.
I could actually see Fella pulling a Hernandez from TNA and cashing in at the beginning of the match.
I think the Celtic Tampon costs Cena the title this Sunday..Then Shameful tries to cash in, only to have Cena go level 83 Saiyan and cost ****** his cash in opportunity..Which leads to a feud between them..

God I hope so. Keep Cena as far away as possible from Rollins.
long as seamus fails when he cashes in he could do it whenever

although i wouldnt be surprised if he did it on raw the day after
my fellow strong styles brother! whats good?

when can we get another ntwt podcast?

My brudah!! Long time no see! How you been?!

I'm good man. Just got back from vacation a week ago and now I'm about to go camping for a few days.

Yeah man we can have a stylistic pawkast!
My brudah!! Long time no see! How you been?!

I'm good man. Just got back from vacation a week ago and now I'm about to go camping for a few days.

Yeah man we can have a stylistic pawkast!

Yeah man, been peeping the threads but not as much as I had used to since I was just enjoying my baby girl who just turned 3 months. Big life changer. Been back at work for almost 2 weeks now and trying to get back into the grind.

Trying to catch up on wrestling in general, i.e. Triplemania, Lucha Underground, ROH and NJPW with the G1.

You and johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm need to do another podcast or few. I'd probably have to record when I'm at work, hahaha...if it aint the baby, its the 6 yr old driving my wife and I crazy. Hopefully Summerfest turns out to be a good card.
-An anonymous veteran wrestler who is considered very respected within the industry when it comes to analyzing matches, noticed several interesting things about the current “Diva Revolution” in WWE.

One of the problems is that the women get worse in the ring on the main roster because three nights a week they are doing five-to-eight minute multiple-person matches, which means they generally do a couple of their regular spots and moves, as opposed to actually “working.”

He also noted that because Team Bella flip-flops from heel to babyface so often, it’s hard for a fresh new act like Sasha Banks to get over in a match working with someone like Nikki Bella as the established act that is supposed to help get her over to the main roster audience.

Finally, the person saw what was basically a promo from Becky Lynch and Charlotte on Twitter, and noted that it was a considerable amount better than their RAW promos because they were just being themselves.

(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)
-A babyface turn by WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins has been rumored at times and one idea that they’ve discussed for Sheamus would see Rollins make the turn but Vince McMahon doesn’t feel it’s time to turn Rollins. This is also probably why we haven’t seen Rollins vs. Triple H further any.

The idea for Sheamus that was discussed recently would see him cash in his Money In the Bank briefcase on Rollins, then align with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. This would lead to Rollins making the face turn. This likely would create a title run for Sheamus that went until WrestleMania 32 season and that may be an issue.



you're welcome

best looking diva in the wwe/nxt
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Shameus as the champ going into Mania would be a big problem. Dude just isn't interesting and entertaining. The most I've felt about Shameus is his feud with Haitch.

I'll be at WM no matter who the champion is though.
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