SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Shameus as the champ going into Mania would be a big problem. Dude just isn't interesting and entertaining. The most I've felt about Shameus is his feud with Haitch.

I'll be at WM no matter who the champion is though.

The John Cena of wrestling fans :rofl: :rofl:

-An anonymous veteran wrestler who is considered very respected within the industry when it comes to analyzing matches, noticed several interesting things about the current “Diva Revolution” in WWE.

One of the problems is that the women get worse in the ring on the main roster because three nights a week they are doing five-to-eight minute multiple-person matches, which means they generally do a couple of their regular spots and moves, as opposed to actually “working.”

He also noted that because Team Bella flip-flops from heel to babyface so often, it’s hard for a fresh new act like Sasha Banks to get over in a match working with someone like Nikki Bella as the established act that is supposed to help get her over to the main roster audience.

Finally, the person saw what was basically a promo from Becky Lynch and Charlotte on Twitter, and noted that it was a considerable amount better than their RAW promos because they were just being themselves.

(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

Man the WWE is ran by pigeons. As far as that middle part goes, it has me wondering whether the Bellas flip flopping is a WWE call, or if they're doing that on their own. When Brie became Nikki's "assistant", they had an actual face/heel dynamic, but with Total Divas about to come back on, it seems like they forgot about that entire storyline, started doing a bunch of smiling and crowd pandering and started getting cheers. Then after that, they started using twin magic to win, being ******* on commentary and backstage segments, doing push-ups in the ring and a bunch of other clearly heel stuff. The only thing remotely face about them is Brie forcing YES chants and her terrible Brie Mode cry.
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