SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

I should pickup on DBZ again. Binge watched it and finished it a couple yrs ago.
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She can't be that bad b
or she is and is extra fine
I exaggerated, she's not cringe-worthy like the Bellas, but she just has no flow when she talks.  You can watch the first 15 seconds of this and get an idea of what I mean:

Oh ****. You from the bay?
Not too far from Sasha's hometown
How much longer does that ***** need to break the record?? They need rosa Mendez treatment and taken off tv. They suck. Glad ny let them know it.
Really wish this guy's run could have been longer
This moment was so dope.

When the camera showed EVERYONE in the crowd doing the Yes chants in unison with DBry legit gave me goosebumps.

Can only imagine how he felt.
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