Studying For Finals Unappreciation Vol. No Sleep

Sep 1, 2006
So I've been pulling all nighter's all week studying for finals. I've been drinking five hour energy and it works for me. So the question is whatdo you do to stay up all night and study.
damn dude, u need rest to perform well even if u get in all that studying. (i type this as i procrastinate from studying myself...)
Man the best thing to do is not procrastinate. I did w/ 2 online classes at PITT and now I'm payin for it
I was done w/ my other finals Tuesday so nowI got 2 exams (1.5hrs each) and a 3-4p paper due by friday.

I have a 4.5 hour final at 8:30 and I'm barely half way through the semester's material.

nothin i try to get my work done in the day time.... after 11 i close up shop and hit the sack
Progressive studying ALWAYS works, but alas, none of us do that do we.

I limit myself to two red bulls per session, not trying to go heart attack style or lose 5 years of my life, not worth it.

Thus, starting at 2am, I will take occasional 20-30 minute naps, amidst red bull drinking. by 630, i ensure a 2 hour nap at least until my final, then i popthat second red bull right before i go in. Sometimes, I am fidgety while taking the exam. It's a good thing I've only had to do this a couple of timesthough
This will be my second straight all nighter. I'm still on my first page of a 10 page paper due in 12 hours. I want to cry....
this past month, i've been staying up until 5am every single night. prepared me for finals week without a problem. i have no problem staying up, but ialways have problems trying to correct my schedule/sleeping patterns by attempting to sleep early.

last two finals tomorrow morning (technically this morning), then i'm officially free from fall semester '09. representing syracuse university.

i can't wait to feel the moment of handing in your last final after you write your last words on the exam. anyone else with me on this?
Never sit down to study more than two hours at a time. You reach a point where you aren't retaining information. I used to go up to the library and studyfor about two hours, then I'd go home and just goof off for hours, and then I'd go back for another two hours, quickly review what I'd studiedearlier, then set out on the next group of information. Then, the night before a test (and this is why I liked taking tests in the morning), I'd go overeverything and have it in my mind I'd literally dream about taking the test. I'd roll out of bed, go to class and it'd be the only thing on mymind. But it helped to break it up because you can't cram all that info at once. You have to break it down, and then do quick reviews later on.
^ And never do an all-nighter the night before the exam. I did this for a midterm earlier in the year, and I was fine as far as staying awake in the exam (5Hour Energy FTW), but my cognitive abilities were noticeably diminished. I missed questions that I knew, simply because I was not as alert and perceptive of mymistakes. At least 3-4 hours of sleep is optimal in my opinion.

Also, do not visit Niketalk. I am procrastinating right now, and I need to do well on my final tomorrow.
i just got done tuesday. stayed up two straight nights, had one finals each on monday and tuesday. i basically taught myself both class in one day each. kindasuck, stayed both days. slept most of wed away and now i'm up.
Done with finals ftw.

But, I got like 6 hours of sleep in two days (I had 4 in 3 days)....and I'm feelin that I might not have done too well on the last one, because Iprocrastinated studying and I also just burned out.
I think I'llwake up tomorrow and just go "whatever", though.

And yeah, cramming doesn't work, like dmrhs(sp?) said, if you wanna ace a my opinion. depends on the test as well...but the best thing youshould rely on for studying for finals is having studied the whole quarter and just simply reviewing rather than learning new material.
and you still got time to list shoes on eBay

but rest does help my man...think about that.
I have a Native American History final in 7 hours and then a Business Statistics final afterwards. Then, on Friday, I have a Managerial Accounting final. Funweek this is shaping up to be.
I got a bio final next monday and one for business management class on thurday that week. damn i hate sjsu......
I have 1 final due at 12 midnight, now that I'm home don't know how Ill get it done
Damn....I already took one of my finals last Friday. Pretty much had this week off (not really, but I skipped my Monday and Tuesday classes). I have threefinals starting next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday...I should really start studying today but I know I'll be starting at around 2 AM Monday morning.I usually don't take any energy drinks or anything like that and just fight through these types of weeks. It has always worked for the most part and plusfinally getting some sleep after the whole week of studying is one of the best feelings ever. When you lie down and it feels like a part of your body leavesyou and you feel all light and !*#@ and then knock right out....I hope someone knows what I'm talking about.....
Last final at 11 today.

Making note cards now.

Finals have been no cakewalk, but I'm just glad they're finally over.
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