Student Beaten To Death

Two groups at Fenger, one of the worst schools in Chicago, have been going at it for a couple months now. I go to Brooks college prep, about 4-5 blocks fromwhere the fight was. That Thursday I decided for some reason to chill in the parking lot longer than usual. Lucky I didn't leave on time or I would'vedrove right into that mess.

To add insult to injury, some people burned the memorial set up for him. Chicago and my generation FTL.
Originally Posted by gunitg23

To add insult to injury, some people burned the memorial set up for him. Chicago and my generation FTL.
Damn. Now that just is NOT right.
SMMFH at the man who burned his memorial idk if thats in anything in the last pages but i just saw it on the news
Wow. What the hell is going on out there? I heard about the 14 year old kid getting shot in the head for trying to help another kid from getting his bikestolen. Shame.
Sad man, I couldn't watch the whole video. I don't even know what to say. Like is it worth it, just for a rep or a little bit of money?
I have little cousins in high school (Chicago Public Schools) and I worry about them everyday. That video is one of the most disturbing things I've everseen and it's makes me angry as hell that everyone out there wasn't punished. I wonder if they even feel slightest of just guilt for being there. TheBOARD though? $%*%!$+ mongrel. They need to be put down just like any other rabid animal would. My heart is breaking for that poor boy's family...and forhim.

I used to have to travel through Roseland (where it took place) and past Fenger to get to work. They way some of these godless gutter slugs turned out may betheir fault but that's just what some of them are. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I refuse to watch the video. I've witnessed shootings first-hand but I would never choose to watch someone's death...

But yeah, Chicago is reckless. A student I worked with last year at Dyett High School, Corey Harris, was killed two weeks ago by the police... We have to begin to value life more than this
^The vid wasn't bad at all. If the thread didn't have this title you wouldn't even know dude was dead just knocked out since the vid containsanother kid getting knocked out, two if I saw it right before they show this kid(who is blurred completely out btw).

This is when a HS rivalry goes to far.
Jeez. I can't even look at the still on the video.
Just looking at that piece of !%#$ holding the board makes me stabby.
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