Student Beaten To Death

it looked mike more of a brawl...i didnt see one person getting more +!#$%# up than another
Stories like these get me pissed. Smh.. RIP to the dude. At least he's in a better place now.
and people glorify this #+@+. ridiculous
RIP to dude, hope his death gets the justice it deserves
i'm kinda surprised he died from that... did he have any previous medical problems or anything?

just saying.. i've seen dudes get *#@%$* up a lot worse than that and still survive.
its sad to see ppl act like this with each other. the value of human life is so low in the eyes of so many. when will these ppl realize that this is puremadness over nothing.
No offense but i dont believe that story, it sounds to sugar coated to me. I grew up around #+*% like this so i know something was covered up or not being told

R.I.P. though

i hope all them little !%!!*# get caught
They really beat the dude down with a long piece of wood. Not even a fair fist fight, and the beat down was over something stupid.
Dakingii wrote:
No offense but i dont believe that story, it sounds to sugar coated to me. I grew up around #+*% like this so i know something was covered up or not being told

R.I.P. though

i hope all them little !%!!*# get caught
The story makes no sense, but that's neither here nor there.

R.I.P to the kid and I hope all who are involved are punished.
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