Student Beaten To Death

This is the generation in which the crackbabies are now growing up
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

a shame the investigation will probably be hampered by the "no snitching" mentality
Won't have to snitch. All cops have to do is enhance the video and look in the yearbook.

From what the spokes person from CPD said this am the tape has been essential to helping to further develop the investigation so we'll see.
yes, but from what I saw...the faces aren't exactly clear.
there's a grip of ppl there who could probably easily identify those involved.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

As far as the reason behind it, its all gang related. CPS (chicago public schools) decided last year to take some kids from Carver (a high school in Altgeld Gardens) and put them in Fenger. While the two schools are only 20 or so blocks away from each other, there are two totally different gangs who frequent each school. So when they decided to bring those kids from Carver, essentially what they did was start a gang war. Unfortunately the little homie got caught up in the middle of it.
this is the part they leaving out, that and fenger was damn near closed down last year........maybe they should have let it

awww yes all them that touched him goin to jail believe that all it take is one to get caught
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

a shame the investigation will probably be hampered by the "no snitching" mentality
Won't have to snitch. All cops have to do is enhance the video and look in the yearbook.

From what the spokes person from CPD said this am the tape has been essential to helping to further develop the investigation so we'll see.
yes, but from what I saw...the faces aren't exactly clear.
there's a grip of ppl there who could probably easily identify those involved.

Oh definitely, there was kids on the radio this morning who were actually out there talking about the situation, why it started, how he shouldn't have beeninvolved let alone killed, how he ended up in the fight ect. So yeah there is definitely more than a few kids who could put names to bodies in that tape. Butthe environment that they grow up in isn't condusive to that action, moreso due to the fact that they remain in harms way during and after they do theright thing. Its bad enough that you can be a victim of random violence at any given time in this city but to have it purposely directed toward you issomething most aren't willing to take a change with.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

a shame the investigation will probably be hampered by the "no snitching" mentality
Won't have to snitch. All cops have to do is enhance the video and look in the yearbook.

From what the spokes person from CPD said this am the tape has been essential to helping to further develop the investigation so we'll see.
yes, but from what I saw...the faces aren't exactly clear.
there's a grip of ppl there who could probably easily identify those involved.

.......and they will be (identified by those people). some of you take "no snitching" to the exteme. even more so, some wannabes not knowing the fullmeaning have taken the word and given it another definition trying to be cool and fit it.

- in a situation like this aint nobody gon be with that no snitching BS, if you believe that
!*@# is hella sad. Just making blacks look worse though.

Our youth killing eachother. Young bucks don't respect !*@#.
RIP Derrion...does it always have to be the good that die young? The little ******s that go around bangin their hats and doing this mess never seem to kill oneanother, they always taking someone that wants no part of it. I'm not condoing murder, but I would rather it be the little +@@%!@!@ that want that liferather than those forced to live in those areas.

The sad part of it all is that it is just September. These ignorant mofos are just getting started.

My thought is that once the police id a couple of the kids they will use that to pressure those kids into giving up more of them.
I can't see the video, can someone post a link?
EDIT: Just seen the video and all I could do is
. Hopefully Justice is served.
Man... His family is in my prayers.

I had my own moments in high school, but I always knew there was somebody or some people out there that could snatch me up before I had a chance to retaliate,so I was forced to mature. This senseless killing though... I wish the younger heads could see what a detriment it is to the community.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

RIP Derrion...does it always have to be the good that die young? The little ******s that go around bangin their hats and doing this mess never seem to kill one another, they always taking someone that wants no part of it. I'm not condoing murder, but I would rather it be the little +@@%!@!@ that want that life rather than those forced to live in those areas.

The sad part of it all is that it is just September. These ignorant mofos are just getting started.

My thought is that once the police id a couple of the kids they will use that to pressure those kids into giving up more of them.

Exactly, the friend who he attempted to help in the 1st place is fine, no injuries whatsoever

Only 3 weeks in, 3 CPS kids died this weekend, its going to be another one of those years G
CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Three teenagers have been charged with first-degree murder in the death of a16-year-old boy whose beating was captured on amateur video.


Darrion Albert was beaten to death last week. His death was captured on video.


One of the three is a minor, but all will be charged as adults, prosecutors in Cook County, Illinois said Monday.

They are charged in the death of Derrion Albert, an honors student who was beaten to death last Thursday. An amateur videotape of the beating has beenbroadcast nationally.

It's unclear who shot the footage, but a local television station that received the tape turned it over to police.

The tape shows attackers wielding two-by-fours and punching and kicking a single person. At one point, four or five males are seen beating and stomping thesame young man after he falls to the ground.


As the attackers run away, the person with the camera and several others approached Albert and carried him into a nearby building. "Derrion, get up!" a female voice pleads.

Three people over age 17 and one juvenile were questioned Sunday, according to local news reports.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

yes, but from what I saw...the faces aren't exactly clear.
there's a grip of ppl there who could probably easily identify those involved.
The people who had to carry the poor kid outta there will probably come forward and identify...
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.......and they will be (identified by those people). some of you take "no snitching" to the exteme. even more so, some wannabes not knowing the full meaning have taken the word and given it another definition trying to be cool and fit it.

- in a situation like this aint nobody gon be with that no snitching BS, if you believe that
You're buggin' if you think a bunch of kids are gonna be willing to detail what happened and who exactly was involved. Those kids willstill be out there after this is all said and done and even if some might have good intentions...the likely retaliation that they'd face for coming forwardwould be a deterrent. A few of the adults who had to witness this will most likely cooperate...the same can't be said for those youngins out there.

Cake, no word on why they burned his memorial? I mean, that %!@@ just screams that this was something personal...but from everything I've read itdidn't seem that way.

EDIT: I just saw Cake's last post...only 3? Seemed like there were more who touched him...
what is it about Chicago that makes it so rough? there are gangs in every major city but why is it always Chicago in the news?
CPS is nothing but babysitting for some "parents." They send these little monsters there to get them outta the house. The kids that want to learngotta deal with the interruptions and intimidation.

It seemed like in my days (I'm 28) the gangsters held that +!$$ up until they got out the school. These dumb %$* bastards think that +!$$ is cool to do inschool and anywhere else they go. I'm so sick of this +!$$.

It's gotta be more than 3 charged with this murder. Another problem with this is when these monsters get outta jail, they won't be able to do +!$$ butrob and kill more.
Senseless violence. It's either kill or be killed mentality out there.

Another problem with this is when these monsters get outta jail, they won't be able to do +!$$ but rob and kill more.
1st Degree Murder and caught on video tape? There is no getting out of this, those kids are going to death row.

"We've got to really speak to parents -- in a way they can understand -- that the prison system is smiling, waiting on your child"
Bill Cosby Sep 24, 2009
It ain't always the parents fault.

But yeah, it's only 3 charged, for now.

The issue comes in with, who gets charged w/ what? Did the same person that slapped him eariler catch the same charge as the person who hit him w/ a board?
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