Student Beaten To Death

the sad part is stuff like this happens, gets national limelight and then fades. then it happens elsewhere and the cycle continues. temporary actions are takenbut problems are never dealt with at the foundation. we can all say he/she should do this or that to make the community better, its also up to us. i used totutor kids and when they ever said something out of line even in a joking manner i'd remind them of reality. they need to be taught that being a manisn't about beating up someone else, getting respect isn't about disrespecting someone else. kids need role models that can influence them and showthem the right way. its up to every one of us to help, whether it be your neighbour's kid you see doing something stupid or your own bro/cousin.
Originally Posted by brrraptors

the sad part is stuff like this happens, gets national limelight and then fades. then it happens elsewhere and the cycle continues. temporary actions are taken but problems are never dealt with at the foundation. we can all say he/she should do this or that to make the community better, its also up to us. i used to tutor kids and when they ever said something out of line even in a joking manner i'd remind them of reality. they need to be taught that being a man isn't about beating up someone else, getting respect isn't about disrespecting someone else. kids need role models that can influence them and show them the right way. its up to every one of us to help, whether it be your neighbour's kid you see doing something stupid or your own bro/cousin.

But will these kids listen? You can try to talk to them until you turn blue, but are they really going to take heed?
Disgusting. I've seen actions like this when I was growing up and it always been about senseless arguments. It still continues, cause people have eitherchoose to ignore or just don't care. Its starts from the root, starts from the home and spreads into the streets then the schools. Derrion death is areapative motive in communities that older folks can't change cause certain kids can't be control. Control starts at home. This is in all communitieswith no control not just Chicago.

R.I.P. To Derrion
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

a shame the investigation will probably be hampered by the "no snitching" mentality
Won't have to snitch. All cops have to do is enhance the video and look in the yearbook.

From what the spokes person from CPD said this am the tape has been essential to helping to further develop the investigation so we'll see.
yes, but from what I saw...the faces aren't exactly clear.
there's a grip of ppl there who could probably easily identify those involved.

.......and they will be (identified by those people). some of you take "no snitching" to the exteme. even more so, some wannabes not knowing the full meaning have taken the word and given it another definition trying to be cool and fit it.

- in a situation like this aint nobody gon be with that no snitching BS, if you believe that
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Agreed[/color]
Nowadays it takes much more than simply 'good parenting'.

You can be the greatest parents in the world and you kids STILL could be the little dude who smacked the kid in the head w/ a board.

It isn't that simple man. I see it all the time.

All good parenting does is gives your kids ideas on what you believe to be the right way to do things. Now when they get outside your house, you just hope thatthey take that into consideration and don't fall to the peer pressure, or the traps that are out here in these streets.

It ain't that simple ain't that simple. If that was the case then every kid w/ !**@#+ up parenting would be in dead/ in jail and every kid w/good parenting wouldn't ever do anything bad.

"It takes a village"

*@%! that, nowadays it takes 2 villages to raise a kid. There are too many traps and it's too easy these days to fall by the way side.
Man RIP to the boy, as a parent I couldn't imagine ID'ing my child at the morgue, but lets be real.

What are we going to do about it?

Be mad for a few days then forget about it?

Fast forward to next year and do you think there will be a post about the anniversary of Derrion's death?

What we need to stop doing is grieving AFTER the murder/assault happens and start to make an impact BEFORE it happens.

A bunch of
's and
's don't help. And its not to slight the emotions that those that attend Derrion's school and in his community arefeeling. But all of us that have any kind of connection to those in the street that are less fortunate than we are should be guiding these kids. Even down tothe smallest thing, pull their pants up, tell them to look up straight when they're talking to someone. These kids need positive role models, not someonethat is there for them on Monday and nowhere to be found on Thursday.

Its a damn shame.

I'm not even gonna watch this video, I dont wanna watch someone die! Hope justice is served.
Who cares it's just black people killing themselves over stupid $!*+. I won't shed a bit of remorse for him or anyone that's involved with this.Also I'm black so it's not racist. /sarcasm
i dont understand the senseless violence over turf or for a stupid gang. ok if this kid was an honor student what the heck was he doing this. being a smart kidwouldnt you think that running the hell away from there be the best thing. again RIP to him.
Wow. This is the first ti,e I see this, and all I gotta say is what a damn @%@@$+# shame.

Seriously, kids these days are terrible. There's 1 good kid out of every 1000. Parents can be blamed to a certain extent, but you can't be on yourkids' @@$ 24/7. I seriously wish that the kids that are responsible for his death be given the death penalty. Maybe that'll show kids that if you dosome stupid !%$% like this, there's actually a severe penalty, not just a slap on the hand.
^^^^That's not a good thing to do. !+++ the death penalty it's ironic that you would want to have someone be killed because they killed someone else.Two wrongs don't make a right. Wouldn't you want them to rot in jail for the rest of their lives?
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