i was putting in work last night ...

i'm canceling like crazy ... relying less on ex fireballs and uppercuts, and more on combos, applying pressure, running thru fireballs ...

problems still w/ doing practice combos in matches ... and i would like to get better w/ using the focus attack and making people crumple ...
yo, how do yall deal with people who just sit there and wait shoot a fireball wait then uppercut. that pisses me off so bad EVERYONE does it so i have toresort to doing it to. basically they are playing like a *!##@...i dont like playing like that.
i hate when dudes shoot a fireball and time it perfectly so as soon as you get up you're hit.

they keep spamming that.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

i hate when dudes shoot a fireball and time it perfectly so as soon as you get up you're hit.

they keep spamming that.

you won't get hit when u get up if you hold block, the idea is to chip away at ur health ... i know when i miss a chip i get pissed esp. @ the end of thematch ...
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

yo, how do yall deal with people who just sit there and wait shoot a fireball wait then uppercut. that pisses me off so bad EVERYONE does it so i have to resort to doing it to. basically they are playing like a *!##@...i dont like playing like that.

i actually throw more fireballs now ... so i can build up my ex gauge faster ... so i can cancel more ... sagat isn't fast enuf in my opinion to sit thereand wait 4 an uppercut all the time so i don't play like that ...
well you play like that dav0 so shutup
...well you USED to.

but for real, u have to play smart enough, kinda like thinking what is his next move, especially with the throws, i went hard on this one dude blocking all histhrows its all about timing.
Anyone got strategies against the fireball/dragon punch tactic. Its especially hard against someone who is good with Akuma cuz they have that air fireballcrap. I can't even get close.
Originally Posted by Tupack Shaker

Anyone got strategies against the fireball/dragon punch tactic. Its especially hard against someone who is good with Akuma cuz they have that air fireball crap. I can't even get close.
Focus Attack + Dash forward aka Focus cancel

or start using Abel. Do Abels roll then when u are close enough do the throw move he has.

Abel >>>>>>>>> Sagat, if u know how to use him
i finally beat the arcade mode yesterday
and i learned how to do supers
just got to get it rite
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Tupack Shaker

Anyone got strategies against the fireball/dragon punch tactic. Its especially hard against someone who is good with Akuma cuz they have that air fireball crap. I can't even get close.
Focus Attack + Dash forward aka Focus cancel

or start using Abel. Do Abels roll then when u are close enough do the throw move he has.

Abel >>>>>>>>> Sagat, if u know how to use him

... yeh right i will abuse that dude str8 up ... but yeh like i said dot ... i don't use the ex uppercut no more ... but i do abuse fireballs evenmore now ... u gonna have to learn to time it and dash thru ... when i dash through fireballs online ... kids freeze up
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

ight i should be on a lil later around 7 or so dav0

aiight in 4 hrs u lose ... flash be having my sagat looking over his shoulders lost ... my game stops recognizing inputs b/c he is always looking the wrong way
.... i can block most of the cross ups but most ain't good enuf ...
dro montana is the nicest i seen w/ the combos on NT ... the more i play the more i know i need a stick ... when i get that i'm going to really startworking kids ... damn controller fails me too many times ...
strat against tigers/uppercuts... balrog. his turn punch goes through fireballs... oh and his a big black guy.
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