huh? lol foreal? thats my PSN sn

Well, im not on right now so that might be it. Ill be on the whole day tomorrow since theres nothing better to do lol
I hope Capcom considers a classic stage DLC (old stages with their respective music but with updated graphics)

Sagat's OG stage/theme
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

Got my 10 in a row achievement yesterday

anyone know how to get alternate costumes?

complete the challenge modes: time trial, survival and that other one lol- i got a sweet blanka color from survival
Is it just me or has SF been down on PSN.

I stay getting the No available sessions screen.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by mjbetch

yoo if i install the game on the hard drive, is that for online only? like it makes load times faster and what not? it doesn't install the whole game, just
the online stuff right?
If you install the game to the HD all it really does is makes your 360 run quiet. That's the only benefit I've seen from it so far.

Well, not the only benefit. It also DOES improve on loading times - on some games more significantly than others, although I've heard that Halo 3 actuallyruns slower from the hard drive, but these instances are rare. But the best part is that it reduces the chances of the dreaded RROD because the console runscooler, not to mention the fact that it reduces the wear and tear of the disc drive, one of the most failure prone parts of any console gaming system, andobviously no scratches on the discs.. So the advantages are numerous. I ain't NEVER going back to playing raw again. 120GB hard drives FTW!!
For alternate colors:

Color 10: Survival Normal 16
Color 3: Time Attack Normal 1
Color 4: Survival Normal 1
Color 5: Time Attack Normal 6
Color 6: Survival Normal 6
Color 7: Time Attack Normal 11
Color 8: Survival Normal 11
Color 9: Time Attack Normal 16

Thats true about Halo 3. Bungie supposedly designed Halo to load maps directly from DVD therefore they advise you to AVOID installing the game onto the HD.
Yo this game or I should say trying to play online with this game straight sucks donkey balls.

I have it for Xbox 360 and I've had the game since Friday and I've still up to now haven't palyed with anyone online because it can never findanyone with a strong signal, or a signal at all, and when I finally do find someone with a strong signal and try to play them it says that I'm unable toand then I have to search all over again.

My gamertag on 360 is: Never Had Much

Also, the default controller for the 360 sucks to play this game. Anyone have any info on those sticks are they going to be restocked or something because Idamn sure ain't planning to buy that sh.. for more than the price of the system in itself.

One more thing... on the last video posted with Daigo vs Sagat how did they get alternate costumes? Did they have to purchase it or is it unlockable?
Originally Posted by parada45

Is it just me or has SF been down on PSN.

I stay getting the No available sessions screen.

that happens every time I turn on my PS3. I have to either wait or restart.

And whenever I try to quit the game my PS3 restarts.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

One more thing... on the last video posted with Daigo vs Sagat how did they get alternate costumes? Did they have to purchase it or is it unlockable?

those would be the costume packs capcom put out, those costumes were for arcade only. I think they're 3.99 each (pack usually comes w/ 4) anyone correct meif i'm wrong. I realllllly like Chun-Li's alternate costume for obvious reasons
Originally Posted by xblaze23

Thats true about Halo 3. Bungie supposedly designed Halo to load maps directly from DVD therefore they advise you to AVOID installing the game onto the HD.
Halo 3 didn't even work for me...

I popped it in my after 7 - 8 months of not playing it [on the old dashboard before XBE]. Everytime I selected Resume Solo Game or begin Matchmaking,

It'd take 15 seconds before it goes to an ugly screenshot, then sends me back to the Main Menu.

I had no other option but to install it to the hard drive, and it works just fine. Every single map loads okay.
lma0 @ some of yall ... i guess i would run away too if i had to fight me ...

but someone on here got at me this weekend ... i already forget who ... it was pretty even ... i may have barely held a slight edge ... goes back to practicemode
How do you do Charge characters 4th level challanges...

It's irritating me. How do I go from blanka's roll attack to his super? Charge 2 seconds, then forward+HP then charge 2 seconds again and thenforward+LP+MP+HP at the same time? impossible to connect as a combo...
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

peep the juggle at 1:37 by sagat.� CRAZY!

word when i saw that i hit up the practice mode immediately ... i can do it but only in practice mode ... online ... i just do the first kick into the ultra... i have whiffed so many times on the second 1 ... u have to anticipate it and hit the kick at the top of the jump in order to hit the second one ... splitsecond decision ... so i keep it safe ...
Originally Posted by rayfizzle

GG crazydav0, you timed me very well. haha

yeh sagat is a monster though ... focus attack a lil more to stay on the ground ... use the dash to pressure after attack and when u knock me down... gg
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