lolz bump.

frys is/was selling TE sticks for 89 bucks in store and 100 bucks online.

in other news. for folks still playing on xbox live, has your negative rep gone up a lot since you've been playing? mine used to be 2 or 3% before thisgame came out for ragequitting in halo once or twice
. but since i've been on nothing but SF4 the past couple months, my neg rep has SKYROCKETED. justchecked it and it now says 32% of people i've played on xbl have submitted negative feedback on me. all of which for being unsporting and quitting early.

it's funny because my disconnect % in sf4 is 0%, and i don't use a mic when i play. i never send messages to people other than the occasional"good game". i guess there's just a crap load of sore losers out there
67% of people have avoided me

Losing to Vega tends to piss people off.
I get to send out "u mad" messages at least twice a day.
I just had to son some garbage Sagat with like 50K GP who kept sending me voice messages.

On another note, if i was to organize a NT tourney, would enough people be down?
Originally Posted by jae oh en

lolz bump.

frys is/was selling TE sticks for 89 bucks in store and 100 bucks online.

in other news. for folks still playing on xbox live, has your negative rep gone up a lot since you've been playing? mine used to be 2 or 3% before this game came out for ragequitting in halo once or twice
. but since i've been on nothing but SF4 the past couple months, my neg rep has SKYROCKETED. just checked it and it now says 32% of people i've played on xbl have submitted negative feedback on me. all of which for being unsporting and quitting early.

it's funny because my disconnect % in sf4 is 0%, and i don't use a mic when i play. i never send messages to people other than the occasional "good game". i guess there's just a crap load of sore losers out there
who do you use?
Originally Posted by TheHavik

67% of people have avoided me

Losing to Vega tends to piss people off.
I get to send out "u mad" messages at least twice a day.
I just had to son some garbage Sagat with like 50K GP who kept sending me voice messages.

On another note, if i was to organize a NT tourney, would enough people be down?
word. the times i do get "unsporting", the good ol "u mad" gets their blood boiling

minister- i use zangief.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by TheHavik

67% of people have avoided me

Losing to Vega tends to piss people off.
I get to send out "u mad" messages at least twice a day.
I just had to son some garbage Sagat with like 50K GP who kept sending me voice messages.

On another note, if i was to organize a NT tourney, would enough people be down?
word. the times i do get "unsporting", the good ol "u mad" gets their blood boiling

minister- i use zangief.
that explains your negative rep.

scrubs hate zangief.
Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by TheHavik

67% of people have avoided me

Losing to Vega tends to piss people off.
I get to send out "u mad" messages at least twice a day.
I just had to son some garbage Sagat with like 50K GP who kept sending me voice messages.

On another note, if i was to organize a NT tourney, would enough people be down?
word. the times i do get "unsporting", the good ol "u mad" gets their blood boiling

minister- i use zangief.
that explains your negative rep.

scrubs hate zangief.

Havik--- I'm down for a tourney ... where's my boy Dom at?
scrubs hate zangief, but plenty scrubs use zangief as well. most of em think the lariat is invincible so they keep spamming it

anyway anyone down for a game, ill be on later 2nite.
yeah i figured that's where all the hate stemmed from.

lariat spammers
i barely use it anymore. zangiefs normals> zangiefs specials

i'm starting to pick up dhalsim though, dude is pretty fun to use.
Ken got booed at EVO.

played some dude online. ken v rufus (me). got a perfect. he rage switched to Ryu lmao

he still lost.
Jae, can you make us a bracket for the tourney?
You made the last one right?
I'll start the thread tonight when i get back to my place.
I'm down for a tourney.

What up Minisiter (Rob)

I'm DRO on XBL.. I'm workin on akuma right now, hit me when you're down to play again
i still play all the time ... i'm garbage now ... my joystick use on the first player side
... i gave away my fightpad to focus on the joystick ... bigmistake

GT: mongooseny23
Haven't touched this game since I got the damn TE stick that I only used come to find out it's widely available.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

i still play all the time ... i'm garbage now ... my joystick use on the first player side
... i gave away my fightpad to focus on the joystick ... big mistake

GT: mongooseny23

stick with it. you'll be glad you did, I promise.
started picking it up again also. Working on my Balrog once again. Anyone on PSN wanna run some matches hit me up BANANASKATE
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