Originally Posted by cycopth

Originally Posted by vjetti

Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..

I complement anyone who can pull his n guile's ultra in a match.............I always get stuck then beat up.

Guile's Ultra is a lot easier to pull off in a match setting than Vega's. I have done Guile's a few times against people, when they do jump ins.However, one night I tried to catch a Sagat out of a dash forward and I throw out an ultra, it was blocked and then tiger Upper, fadc fwd roundhouse to ultrato lose the match.
Originally Posted by kylewatson3

Originally Posted by cycopth

Originally Posted by vjetti

Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..

I complement anyone who can pull his n guile's ultra in a match.............I always get stuck then beat up.

Guile's Ultra is a lot easier to pull off in a match setting than Vega's. I have done Guile's a few times against people, when they do jump ins. However, one night I tried to catch a Sagat out of a dash forward and I throw out an ultra, it was blocked and then tiger Upper, fadc fwd roundhouse to ultra to lose the match.

I use Vega. I can do his ultra better than I use too. I found kinda rolling the dpad a little past where I think it should stop helps. I just can't pull itoff well under pressure. PSN- BlueMansions
Originally Posted by BlueberryMansions7000

Originally Posted by kylewatson3

Originally Posted by cycopth

Originally Posted by vjetti

Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..

I complement anyone who can pull his n guile's ultra in a match.............I always get stuck then beat up.

Guile's Ultra is a lot easier to pull off in a match setting than Vega's. I have done Guile's a few times against people, when they do jump ins. However, one night I tried to catch a Sagat out of a dash forward and I throw out an ultra, it was blocked and then tiger Upper, fadc fwd roundhouse to ultra to lose the match.

I use Vega. I can do his ultra better than I use too. I found kinda rolling the dpad a little past where I think it should stop helps. I just can't pull it off well under pressure. PSN- BlueMansions

i hate his ultra,vega is my main btw
Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

posted about this on the PS3 thread and i'll post it here as well..

street fighter iv is on sale at gamestop from JULY 28TH to AUGUST 2ND for $20. this applies to both the PS3 and 360 versions of the game.

if you've been on the fence about buying the game or wouldn't mind having the game again for cheap, then this sale is for you.

Real talk? I'm gonna have to check that out. I play HD and prefer it over IV, but if it's really $20 at my local gamestop, I'm gonna get it.

Good looking out.
Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

Originally Posted by BlueberryMansions7000

Originally Posted by kylewatson3

Originally Posted by cycopth

Originally Posted by vjetti

Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..

I complement anyone who can pull his n guile's ultra in a match.............I always get stuck then beat up.

Guile's Ultra is a lot easier to pull off in a match setting than Vega's. I have done Guile's a few times against people, when they do jump ins. However, one night I tried to catch a Sagat out of a dash forward and I throw out an ultra, it was blocked and then tiger Upper, fadc fwd roundhouse to ultra to lose the match.

I use Vega. I can do his ultra better than I use too. I found kinda rolling the dpad a little past where I think it should stop helps. I just can't pull it off well under pressure. PSN- BlueMansions

i hate his ultra,vega is my main btw
The motion is no problem for me.
Its just i never get to use it.
I mean, they couldnt AT LEAST make Vega invincible on his way to the wall?
Goddamnit capcom.

Im liking all the Vega love in here though.
Life is lonely at the bottom of the barrel.
so now that MAHVEL is out for the 360 are most of u gonna stick to sfiv or switch to mahvel?? i want to learn viper but my disability to play with motioncharacters on stick, it'll take months for me to learn her. marvel looks even harder with all the magneto/storm combos.
Never really liked MvC2 all that much...
As it is right now in SFIV everybody uses Ryu and Sagat but at least you can play player matches and get a little variety.
MvC is worse though.
All you fight is Magneto, Storm, Cable, and Sentinel.
I guarantee EVERY team is gonna consist of some combination of the above 4.
Im sticking to SFIV, if i cop MvC ill probably never play online and just stick to local. I was watching DSP's MvC videos and like dude said above everyoneused the same characters.

I'll save myself the headache
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Im sticking to SFIV, if i cop MvC ill probably never play online and just stick to local. I was watching DSP's MvC videos and like dude said above everyone used the same characters.

I'll save myself the headache
Dude is the biggest crybaby ever.
If i ever seen him in person he'd get snuffed.
I mopped dude when he joined one of my player match lobbies and i picked random after the first fight when i used Vega.
He was able to sneak 2 wins in when i got Viper and Sim.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Im sticking to SFIV, if i cop MvC ill probably never play online and just stick to local. I was watching DSP's MvC videos and like dude said above everyone used the same characters.

I'll save myself the headache
Dude is the biggest crybaby ever.
If i ever seen him in person he'd get snuffed.
I mopped dude when he joined one of my player match lobbies and i picked random after the first fight when i used Vega.
He was able to sneak 2 wins in when i got Viper and Sim.
^ And i completely agree with you. Dude is garbage imo who blames all of his loses on lag or saying he didnt press certain buttons

I only watched the vids because i wanted to see some MvC gameplay



dude is a scrub tho
and has the most annoying ad libs ever.
honestly tho, ive ran into good players that keep complaining and making alibis when theylose "do u actually think that works offline???" or "u can't stop throws online" when the connections were 4 bars
add me for those who arent on my PSN list. its "peeSN_id"
i have added most of u from the tourny list posted way back in this post

my bad for recently..i just moved from Norcal to Socal, so i'm still getting settled in (no internet at my place so i'm at a friends place)

probably won't have internet for another week or two after tmrw.
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