PEEP GAME.� starting at 3:20.� me vs cynistar, ed-ma style ken.�

4th and 5th round endings both had me
I'm pretty sure I've done punished a couple of yall NTers online. XBox gamertag is Chutal. I rock with Blanka and I punish absolutely everybody. Get atme. Especially weak *+$ bison's that head stomp or devil's reverse all day.
^nice games dude dang that combo he got you on 3:20 was nicee. haha and that justin vid im glad he lost that dude is a LAME. dang i wannt to play a lot again,but stupid life gets in the way
Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by daaznfella

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

i started messing with bison about 2 months ago as a secondary character and i realize it takes a lotta work to win with him against certain characters.

he's awesome against characters without a reversal cuz he can crossup and pressure for days but against shotos/zangief/sagat it's hard as hell to win once ur opponent has a lead in life.

repeated scissor kicks in the corner is dope tho.
You know i wish we played some matches while i was at UW.....sigh.....also wish you had an xbox so i can just wupp your %#$ with my bison

bison, in all seriousness, is all about the st. HK, and j. MK,, lk scissor

shotos and sagat? abuse the !%+! out of the head stomp....for some reason when you are a screen away they tend to throw endless fireballs, just block a few of em, and anticipate the next one, while mixing it up with devil's reverse....and using it to play keep away

devil's reverse when properly executed with take out gief's lariat, along with his headstomp,

but bisons best arsenal? EX headstomp...i dont even use his super, the EX will MURK so many things since it has such high priority, high damage, and high chip....

just make sure you mix it up a bit, i myself tend to do the same things over and over and get slapped around because of it....but bison is mucho fun....oh yea only thing you can do with his ultra is jump MPx2, of if you can....FA, land it, and go into it....harder but worth it...
lol chances are u wont whoop me with ur bison, i seen that NT championship match dude, all u was doing was abusing those headstomps repeatedly
. ex headstomps r good for anti-air, but if ur opponent is on the ground, he can just walk back, avoid the headstomp and wait for it to whiff, and punish. some dude i was playing with recorded some of our matches, ill post em soon.

main problem i have with bison is that he takes too much work to win, ive been spoiled too much by rog.. his FA is nuts tho. but yeah, im back home in canada right now and i might move to seattle permanently, if i do we most def. should get some games in
very true about the walking back...however that's where you pin them to the corner....along with using headstomps on wake ups, and if anythingkeep throwing out devil's reverse to see what kinda player you're going against.....the only reason i mained bison was for the gamestop tourny and thestupid d pad

it's funny, cuz i cannot use any other characters but charge ones on the d pad, stick though....
...and to think a couple months ago it was the complete opposite
These are too ill.

[h1]Best of the Street Fighter 4 Custom Skins Round 2[/h1]
Maid Chun-Li


Colossus Zangief & Beast Blanka



Shinobi Claw


Sasuke (Naruto) Ken


Majinbuu Rufus


Lobo Blanka


Venom Seth


Spider-woman Cammy


Kane (WWE) Claw


Duke Nukem Guile


Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat) Fei Long


Jill (Resident Evil) Cammy


Juli Cammy


Alternate Dictator


Psylocke Cammy


Undead Rose


Military Sakura


Lion O (Thundercats) Blanka

anyone on PSN wanna run some friendlies right now? I wanna work on my Cammy. hit me up BANANASKATE

SMH dudes ripped the essence of SF right out of fei long modding him with projectiles

be cool if u can mod fatalities into the game.
Originally Posted by vjetti

Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..
Im a G1 Vega.
Im glad you practiced that ultra motion.....cuz you will hardly EVER use it. Hes not like Rufus, Ryu, or Sagat where you are guaranteed a Ultra each round. Youwill be lucky to use it (and have it hit) once every 20 matches. Its suppose to be AA but the angle it works at is TERRIBLE and it gets stuffed by alot ofthings. Vega hands down has the worst ultra in the whole game. His super sucks balls too but you wont be having a full super meter if youre playing Vegaeffectively.

Oh yeah i suggest you invest in alot of padding to cover everything around your gaming setup. YOU WILL RAGE SO MUCH WHEN USING VEGA.

I dabbled with switching characters but i just couldnt mesh with anybody else the way i did with Vega.
I got a slightly above average Rog (still working on his mixup combo string mindgames), a monster rushdown Bison (lk SK lockdown is hilarious in the corneragainst ppl w/o a reliable reversal), and a mediocre Abel.

P.S. Hope youre having fun with all the jump ins

Vega doesnt have a reversal AA (Scarlet Terror gets stuffed by everything because it doesnt have any invincibility frames)
Learn to FA and backdash.
here's my bison,average at best, choked under pressure and gave up leads in a few of these matches
.� he's still not as easy to win with as rog but he's 10x more fun to play with
Bison is fun to play with. Against spamming fireballs you just time with a head stomp. I like to always have an EX head stomp on stand by, because it has suchhigh priority and does a lot of damage.

I like to use Bison's Ultra as an anti air late in matches. It is used basically the same way as Akuma's ultra against jump ins.
posted about this on the PS3 thread and i'll post it here as well..

street fighter iv is on sale at gamestop from JULY 28TH to AUGUST 2ND for $20. this applies to both the PS3 and 360 versions of the game.

if you've been on the fence about buying the game or wouldn't mind having the game again for cheap, then this sale is for you.
Originally Posted by TheHavik

Originally Posted by vjetti

Anyone use vega as their main character?? I finally got his ultra down this week, he's the man..
Im a G1 Vega.
Im glad you practiced that ultra motion.....cuz you will hardly EVER use it. Hes not like Rufus, Ryu, or Sagat where you are guaranteed a Ultra each round. You will be lucky to use it (and have it hit) once every 20 matches. Its suppose to be AA but the angle it works at is TERRIBLE and it gets stuffed by alot of things. Vega hands down has the worst ultra in the whole game. His super sucks balls too but you wont be having a full super meter if youre playing Vega effectively.

Oh yeah i suggest you invest in alot of padding to cover everything around your gaming setup. YOU WILL RAGE SO MUCH WHEN USING VEGA.

I dabbled with switching characters but i just couldnt mesh with anybody else the way i did with Vega.
I got a slightly above average Rog (still working on his mixup combo string mindgames), a monster rushdown Bison (lk SK lockdown is hilarious in the corner against ppl w/o a reliable reversal), and a mediocre Abel.

P.S. Hope youre having fun with all the jump ins

Vega doesnt have a reversal AA (Scarlet Terror gets stuffed by everything because it doesnt have any invincibility frames)
Learn to FA and backdash.
I actually like his Ultra a lot. It comes out so quick, so often the other guy isn't ready for it. And I think the angle helps for AA, aswell as hitting them on the ground if opponent is close enough. And then changing it up by doing it from either wall is nice for confusion. Definitely do notthink its the worst ultra in the game, far from it. Not even sure what G1 means, I guess you play against some hardcore ppl. Yea I almost never have theSuper bar full, have only pulled that move off like once. And Scarlet Terror can break some other moves, just depends on the timing , character, and whetherits EX. Most fun Vega move is the knee across screen, then jumping off opposite wall and getting the Izuna drop off.
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