Originally Posted by syxth element

yo daaznfella,

do you use the octagonal gate?

I enjoyed it for a while but I found myself going back to the square gate with the bat top..

Who knows, I might go back to the octagonal, but I like the precise-ness of the square gate

nope, and that is why i sold it to you lol. square gate allows for quicker taps, but oct gate is more fluid, if that matters. and all american cabinets useocto, so if you've been playing int he states, octo is what you should be used to, but i quickly got acquired to the square gate, so thats what i use

i'm glad the bat top works out fine for you, i got too used to the ball as well

The Minister wrote:

Originally Posted by daaznfella

^you gotta just add yourself to the alternate list my good man, no offense, but i made that list so people can just quote, or copy/paste and get it going you know? that way nobody has to wait on my butt to get that list going....don't worry, there is ALWAYS room for SF IV games!

I will set up the match order by tonight,

YOU MUST PLAY YOUR GAMES BY WEDS NIGHT, so thats a WHOLE 48 hours for you to contact the person your up against

i'm hoping to get each match done every 3-4 days

so WEDS for match 1, SAT for match 2, WEDS for match 3, SAT for match 4....etc

THERE ARE ZERO RULES, YOU DC, you LOSE!!!! unless your opponent understands/agrees to a rematch, then there are ZERO complaints, also take a pic if they DC, i'm sure you all have a camera of some sorts

IF FOR SOME REASON...>SOME REASON that games arent played by their corresponding day....IE there is NO word from gamers #2 and #15, a DEFAULT ALTERNATE will be chosen to fill in

if a person DOES say something, IE. #2 says #15 joined, and sent countless PM's etc etc....then #2 moves on, no questions asked


1. Daaznfella (daaznfella) vs 16. the minister (. the minister )

2. Djaward (xbl- djaward) VS 15. Penny4MVP2k (XBL- Itz Mu12D4Aaa) - the 12 (R) is like the number twelve

3. The Takeover (xbl- Notorius x mts) vs 14. T E C H N 1 C S (a space between each letter)

4. Stargalaqtic (Xbl - St4rgalaqtic) vs13. creep23 ( creep23 )

5. piczon1983 (XBL - piczon2008 ) vs12. MezOne (MezOne )

6. Shabooyah1124 (XBL- Feasting Horns) vs 11. jae 0h en (jae 0h en ) <---its a ZERO

7.HARMCITY45 (XBL- HARMCITY45) vs 10. TheeQuickness (XBL - BertOgogo)

8. Putting In Work (XBL- Never Had Much) vs 9.TennHouse2 (XBL- Flash House)


OH yea, winner will get to have SF IV TOURNY Winner as their sig....if it even matters to that person lol

my bad my gt is robgva703 so you can take me off the alternate list.

i should disqualify you for not even following the rules as far as posting your NT sn and then (XBOX SN).....
indifferent.gif i have a friend request still pending for "the minister"on xbox live

add me today, daaznfella, i'll be on around 9 pm PST
I aint mad. I really did deserve to lose. I didn't get one ultra out ONCE and my moves just weren't coming out as i thought they would.

Just means i gotta practice more.

Charging in is irritating as $%+$.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Also, I don't know if I missed it but what are the rules and set-up for this tournament?

How does it work I game with 3 rounds and the winner moves on?
rules are posted on page 212

it's REALLY up to you guys if you wanna follow the rules or not, nobody is gonna know except the battlers

but the RULES are as follows:

All Techniques, moves, etc allowed! There are NO rules as far as GAMEPLAY, ANYTHING GOES, SPAM AWAY or USE YOUR SKILLS....

All Characters allowed

BEST OUT OF 7 ROUNDS, i.e. there should be FOUR circles underneath your health bar signifying the rounds

FIRST TO 2 MATCHES, as in, you must win your BEST out of SEVEN round match TWO TIMES

if you QUIT or get is an AUTOMATIC win for your opponent, EVEN IF IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! NO EXCUSES!!!!

if your OPPONENT allows you to MAKE UP the match, then that is HIS decision, and you guys can resume, OTHERWISE take a pic of the DC screen for proof ifnecessary
Star, i was just talking.
I wouldnt ever use Sagat.
Son is too easy and boring to me.
Props on using Dan though.
I main Vega and even I think Dan is kinda weak
this game is alright I really dont see how it went 200 pages

when MVC3 drops we better have a thousand page thread
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

this game is alright I really dont see how it went 200 pages

when MVC3 drops we better have a thousand page thread

NO MVC3 sorry, but MVC2 should be on xbox live and PSN this year. And yes there will be a mega thread when it does. And the thread went 200 pages cause itsStreet Fighter!!!! With out Street Fighter there would be no Marvel.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

well i just raped the first Dan NT member who's next with punk ##% Dan? fake ##% steven segal ##% %%!*@

you aint lying b

Anybody using Rufus? Dude is pretty nuts with the combo, found this on SRK boards

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

If there is an open spot or subs for the 360 tourney, add my lil bro, GT: ssstylex. He's REALLY good and went to the finals in the last 360 tourney, lost by a jab

Far as PS3, I could try it again but i'd have to lessen the people. The last tournament only half the people finished. So instead of 32 players, will do something smaller, like 16. If your down, drop your PSN and quote till we get 16 and ill throw a seperate thread up ASAP.

P.S. There are no rules this time around, any and everything goes

1. Mexi-Rican
2. rowbot626
3. Thaisativa
4. gigageeks
5. daema82
6. PushTonKey
7. itzbooranss
Updated list.
Originally Posted by Stargalaqtic

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

well i just raped the first Dan NT member who's next with punk ##% Dan? fake ##% steven segal ##% %%!*@

Whoa Whoa Whoa don't even do it homie. Don't pop on NT and act like you ran all over my Dan. I had your Sagat running away in most of our 3 matches. Don't lie dude, don't lie.

Definition of SF4 Rape: You win 2 rounds straight, you didn't do that.
bruh it was 3-0

thats rape
u beat me INSIDE Of the matches u didnt win a round though.You gave me trouble tho i was getting pissed off dumb !@$ Dan.

edit: u right i didnt rape u
^Soon soon Dan will be polished to the point where I will feel comfortable taking him into any matching. Just got to find a safe way to close distance.
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