Ning since you got your panties in a bunch over a fact about your game send me a request.

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

Ning since you got your panties in a bunch over a fact about your game send me a request.


tomorrow bro, going to watch a movie tonight. ill send u a request 2moro night. pushtonkey right?
Y'all getting antsy over someone spamming throw, learn how to play the game. He's only helping you out so your sorry !#% can get better. Every move hasa counter. You do what you can to win no matter how, the game is as balanced as it can be. Cheesing or whatever you guys call it when you lose is just anexcuse because you can't figure out how counter or beat that person.
Originally Posted by MarkMan23

lol, Sanwas by default ARE 8 way, but I'm sure you knew that right? 8-way/4-way is not the proper term to describe the restrictor piece. So Happ microswitches are much more reliable right? Is that way more people prefer Sanwa now? Did I miss something?

Also... I don't care what you know about the TE, don't make it seem like I don't know about it either. I'm sure I know more about the TE than anyone here lol.

Octogonal gate on a Sanwa isn't gonna change much. It never did. It's just an excuse for people who can't play on square gates, otherwise you'd see it as the standard lol.
You did miss something.

Have you stepped outside of the house before? What do arcade cabinets in the U.S. use? Ohh look, guess what? Circular gates.

Have you been to an EVO tournament, where the heaviest fighting gamers gather? Guess what they use on their arcade sticks... Circular gates!

Have you been to arcades in Europe? Guess what they use... Circular gates!

Hey, so guess what the standard is!

Sanwa is regarded as the "golden standard" to arcade gaming, simply because it's Japan's preferred choice. Why we're adopting it asaccessory gaming is simply due to influence.

And now it's just obvious you're feelin' smug, you knew exactly what I meant when I said 8-way.

Unless you don't normally converse with people daily, people are commonly referring to sticks as 8-way/4-way despite the fact that Sanwas are 8-waydefault.

People usually describe square-gated and octagonal-gated sticks directly as 8-way/4-way to avoid stupid conversations like this.

And once again, you fail @ reading comprehension 'cause I never implied you don't know about the TE.

If you haven't understood yet, maybe I'm implying that you shouldn't try to put anyone in their place when you don't fully know what you'retalking about [like when it comes to the differences between joystick manufacturers, perhaps?].

Take heed onto your own post, homey.

If you don't care what other people know about what they're talking about, why are you even having this conversation with me?

You wouldn't have tried to put me in my place for me wanting to swap out the gates on my TEs, would you?

This has to be the dumbest conversation I've ever had on NT.

I have stooped to an all-time low.
Damn how the hell am I supposed to go against zangief with balrog? I played one and he did nothing but jump around and as soon as he lands I get spinningpiledrived. I was this close to getting that playing to win achievement.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

i'm on if anyone wants to play. I suck you'll get free wins.

PSN: Katsuragi

yo dude you use to play smash right? me and you were in the NT finals snake vs snake (nh) haha you good in sf4 like smash?

i feel kinda bad about starting the whole ning and boost thing, well not really. got someone banned too. deadprez look wat u did!!!

yo ning... i hate u too
. ur good but u know u cheese on purpose just topiss off people. nah but seriously, are u good wit any non grappler/wrestler characters? cuz ive only seen u play wit e honda and abel
ima be first to back up ning. he is a legit player all you people who say throwing is cheezing are either new to sf or you thought thowing fireballs in sf2 wasas deep as the game gets. either step up your game or dont e-talk period. and abel is grappler what do you think hes suppose to do? spam dragon punches likeken?? hell nah hes gonna throw till' the cows come home. Boost and the rest of yall stop cryin' and just move on and try to get better or quit playingbc if you dont learn the basics your %*$ is going to get handled on the daily .
lol... you tryin to talk to me about EVO? I've been helping staff that !%!# since 2000...

And trust, I know what I'm talking about when it comes to Happ/Sanwa... I've been done with this convo you just keep reachin' for a bone. I'mgonna give you one and agree with you. You are stoopin.

You obviously haven't stepped out of the house much if you feel the need to bring up EVO and arcades. You should know what "standard" I'mreferring to. Japanese sticks have square gates as the standard.

Hope you enjoy using the stick I designed since I don't know what I'm talkin about.
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Originally Posted by MarkMan23

lol, Sanwas by default ARE 8 way, but I'm sure you knew that right? 8-way/4-way is not the proper term to describe the restrictor piece. So Happ microswitches are much more reliable right? Is that way more people prefer Sanwa now? Did I miss something?

Also... I don't care what you know about the TE, don't make it seem like I don't know about it either. I'm sure I know more about the TE than anyone here lol.

Octogonal gate on a Sanwa isn't gonna change much. It never did. It's just an excuse for people who can't play on square gates, otherwise you'd see it as the standard lol.
You did miss something.

Have you stepped outside of the house before? What do arcade cabinets in the U.S. use? Ohh look, guess what? Circular gates.

Have you been to an EVO tournament, where the heaviest fighting gamers gather? Guess what they use on their arcade sticks... Circular gates!

Have you been to arcades in Europe? Guess what they use... Circular gates!

Hey, so guess what the standard is!

Sanwa is regarded as the "golden standard" to arcade gaming, simply because it's Japan's preferred choice. Why we're adopting it as accessory gaming is simply due to influence.

And now it's just obvious you're feelin' smug, you knew exactly what I meant when I said 8-way.

Unless you don't normally converse with people daily, people are commonly referring to sticks as 8-way/4-way despite the fact that Sanwas are 8-way default.

People usually describe square-gated and octagonal-gated sticks directly as 8-way/4-way to avoid stupid conversations like this.

And once again, you fail @ reading comprehension 'cause I never implied you don't know about the TE.

If you haven't understood yet, maybe I'm implying that you shouldn't try to put anyone in their place when you don't fully know what you're talking about [like when it comes to the differences between joystick manufacturers, perhaps?].

Take heed onto your own post, homey.

If you don't care what other people know about what they're talking about, why are you even having this conversation with me?

You wouldn't have tried to put me in my place for me wanting to swap out the gates on my TEs, would you?

This has to be the dumbest conversation I've ever had on NT.

I have stooped to an all-time low.
thats because u actually helped on making the arcade stick itself
^ yes... also.

I'm done.

Let's talk Street Fighter. Who IS going to EVO from here?

July isn't too far away. USA vs Japan vs Korea vs Europe. It's gonna be madness.

We're going to get a taste of it in April for the GameStop finals/US Nationals...
good games boost. i knew once i said "one more game" that you wouldn't use that crappy viper. i should've used sagat. and my sagat isbetter.
Originally Posted by Battousai701


i feel kinda bad about starting the whole ning and boost thing, well not really. got someone banned too. deadprez look wat u did!!!

yo ning... i hate u too
. ur good but u know u cheese on purpose just to piss off people. nah but seriously, are u good wit any non grappler/wrestler characters? cuz ive only seen u play wit e honda and abel
i wasnt playing honda seriously, i was spamming them %%# stomps cause heads onNT didnt know how to block the crossups. i was
when pple dropped....ithink u did once because u claimed it lagged when i started spamming them
. my mains in super turbo are rog and claw, and i planned to main rog in sfiv but i sold my HRAP
... will main him once i get my hands on the TE stick. and the hell is up withboost making excuses saying his bro was playing during matches?????? he said the same thing to you as well
. a grown man making alibis on a video game loss, can't get more prepubescent than that. not gonna send a dude 5 levels below me challenges nomore, dude can stay complacent and keep talkin that junk like hes a decent SF player.

yo markman, since u helped design the TE stick, is the TE stick similar to the HRAP in terms of precise control + quality? i already know they both havesquare gates, thats part of the reason why i sold my HRAP because i was struggling with execution with motion characters in Super Turbo, charge characters rsuper easy on HRAP tho. DPing on a square gate is next to impossible for me..... im contemplating on copping the TE stick or just getting a stick from arcadein a box, since they have an option of customizing a sanwa with an octagon gate. suggestions?
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by Battousai701


i feel kinda bad about starting the whole ning and boost thing, well not really. got someone banned too. deadprez look wat u did!!!

yo ning... i hate u too
. ur good but u know u cheese on purpose just to piss off people. nah but seriously, are u good wit any non grappler/wrestler characters? cuz ive only seen u play wit e honda and abel
i wasnt playing honda seriously, i was spamming them %%# stomps cause heads on NT didnt know how to block the crossups. i was
when pple dropped....i think u did once because u claimed it lagged when i started spamming them
. my mains in super turbo are rog and claw, and i planned to main rog in sfiv but i sold my HRAP
... will main him once i get my hands on the TE stick. and the hell is up with boost making excuses saying his bro was playing during matches?????? he said the same thing to you as well
. a grown man making alibis on a video game loss, can't get more prepubescent than that. not gonna send a dude 5 levels below me challenges no more, dude can stay complacent and keep talkin that junk like hes a decent SF player.

yo markman, since u helped design the TE stick, is the TE stick similar to the HRAP in terms of precise control + quality? i already know they both have square gates, thats part of the reason why i sold my HRAP because i was struggling with execution with motion characters in Super Turbo, charge characters r super easy on HRAP tho. DPing on a square gate is next to impossible for me..... im contemplating on copping the TE stick or just getting a stick from arcade in a box, since they have an option of customizing a sanwa with an octagon gate. suggestions?
u were mad laggy though, i had to re-host coz of ur wack connection at the time. i saw 2 e hondas at once...
. btw i prefer a cheesy abel than a cheesy e honda.

btw who won the tournament?
Originally Posted by MarkMan23

^ yes... also.

I'm done.

Let's talk Street Fighter. Who IS going to EVO from here?

July isn't too far away. USA vs Japan vs Korea vs Europe. It's gonna be madness.

We're going to get a taste of it in April for the GameStop finals/US Nationals...
i would but im gonna be too busy in cali and hawaii during that time. poontang > video games

yo mark... how about u hook me p wit a TE stick?
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yo markman, since u helped design the TE stick, is the TE stick similar to the HRAP in terms of precise control + quality? i already know they both have square gates, thats part of the reason why i sold my HRAP because i was struggling with execution with motion characters in Super Turbo, charge characters r super easy on HRAP tho. DPing on a square gate is next to impossible for me..... im contemplating on copping the TE stick or just getting a stick from arcade in a box, since they have an option of customizing a sanwa with an octagon gate. suggestions?

The TE stick has the exact same Sanwa stick in it as most HRAP sticks have (The 360 HRAP has a different JLF model, but the same feel)...

Honestly, I would try to learn on the square gate at first. With SF IV and the shortcuts they added for moves like DP motions, it should help (+ it's alot faster to do d/f,d/f instead of f,d,d/f... etc).

It's easy to mod with an octagonal restrictor plate. Just remember, if you're going to go with AiaB the turn around time is a bit long as now sinceSF4 came out. Ed does a great job and I would recommend his sticks to anyone...

If you want the closest thing to US style (Happ) feel out of a TE stick, my recommendation is to get Seimitsu buttons (the flat ones with colored plunger/blackbezel), and a Seimitsu LS-56-01 with a flat VF style mounting plate. Add a Sanwa LB-30N bat top attachment (make sure you get the extension piece) andyou're good to go.

There is also a Sanwa stick that has a similar shape to Happ/US style sticks, but it still feels like a Sanwa. The JLW-UM-8 is intended to be mounted/installed in wooden control panels (US style cabinets) and have the heavy dutyfeel like most Happ competition and ultimate sticks.

So in the end, it is really up to you. But if I were you I'd try to stick to it and practice/learn on square gate.
lol at this dude arguing with Markman- the stick's designer... he's pretty quiet now I'm sure. So funny how people are so reactive and think theyknow it all after googling something for a sec. Whatever. From someone who has the TE stick- yes it's worth the wait. This thing is absolutely everythingthe raving reviews give it credit for. Props to Markman for still endorsing other stick makers too, that is quite professional in my book. I rarely post butthat one really got me.

SRK/PSN: speed_demon29 - I might have "cheesed" some of you with zangief/bison. Lol at that so such thing as cheesing. Play or weep.
lol at this dude arguing with Markman- the stick's designer... he's pretty quiet now I'm sure. So funny how people are so reactive and think theyknow it all after googling something for a sec. Whatever. From someone who has the TE stick- yes it's worth the wait. This thing is absolutely everythingthe raving reviews give it credit for. Props to Markman for still endorsing other stick makers too, that is quite professional in my book. I rarely post butthat one really got me.

SRK/PSN: speed_demon29 - I might have "cheesed" some of you with zangief/bison. Lol at that so such thing as cheesing. Play or weep.
acp7399, thanks for the kind words...

I'm not here to hate. I love video games/fighting games... and arcade sticks. There are a lot of great ones out there. Just tryin' to shareinfo/knowledge.
just pplayed about 5 straight hours of sf4 on live was killin it with sagat/ken went on a lil streak with sagat. i think i'm ready for NT

360gt: x22stylezx

ill be on tomorrow
Originally Posted by MarkMan23

lol... you tryin to talk to me about EVO? I've been helping staff that !%!# since 2000...

And trust, I know what I'm talking about when it comes to Happ/Sanwa... I've been done with this convo you just keep reachin' for a bone. I'm gonna give you one and agree with you. You are stoopin.

You obviously haven't stepped out of the house much if you feel the need to bring up EVO and arcades. You should know what "standard" I'm referring to. Japanese sticks have square gates as the standard.

Hope you enjoy using the stick I designed since I don't know what I'm talkin about.
Oh, word? You designed it? I'm guessing you work for Madcatz?

If so, you must know Sebastian.

Edit ----//> Real talk, the discussion got stupid when you tried to put me in my place with you acting like you know it all,

When you were wrong tryin' to put me up on game? Using your "I designed this stick, I know what i'm talking about" in the mix... when thathad nothing to do with the discussion, fam.

I said NOTHING about you not knowing anything about the TE FightStick. That's your bad.

Me goin' back and forth with you, that's my bad just as much as it was as yours.

Tell Sebastian all of us back at 'Q said whattup, and we miss him.
any body up for some early morning games. gonna be on in 30 mins. gt is robgva703

Edit- for those of you complaining about ning hes using abel for Christ sakes.
throwing is like 70 percent of his offense plus hes a @##@*$ character.
y'all are gonna be extra salty when he starts choosing Gief.
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