Steve Jobs just resigned

Why is anyone saying why? Dude has been sick...

edit: When you take a minute and think how much this man has done... I mean he's a co-founder of PIXAR and that's not even in the second or third line of sentence of his career. Revolutionary renaissance man.
Not unexpected, but kind of a shock as well. It's going to be a challenge for them to maintain the success they have now.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whats he got?

Pancreatic cancer, you could tell from pictures every year that his health was deteriorating.  Dude just got skinnier and skinnier.  Apple will be fine, but I really hope dude gets better 
Jobs will take the chairman role, but will still boss around cook and make sure his dumb !@! doesn't @**! anything up.

Anyways, I'm going sledding on the Apple stock! C'mon, everyone!
gizmodo staff must be on suicide watch, especially that idiot jesus diaz. apple fan boy #1.

this is most likely due to health issue, so hope the guy gets well.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Why is anyone saying why? Dude has been sick...

edit: When you take a minute and think how much this man has done... I mean he's a co-founder of PIXAR and that's not even in the second or third line of sentence of his career. Revolutionary renaissance man.

A renaissance man?

Stop it.

Jobs has done quite well for himself, but he's not touching the Newton's and the Da Vinci's, not even close.

Based Jobs.
He is an incredible person and it is completely understandable that he wants to step down now, his health should take priority.
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