Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

Meanwhile somewhere in Vegas this guy is laughing about all of the unprovoked domestic assaults he has gotten away with.
View media item 1107658
Just goes to show that social media only cares about the latest "fake outrage of the day"
Same went with Trayvon. It started catching a lil momentum and the next thing you know it was "the thing" to talk about, and comment on.
Meanwhile in Chicago...but no one

....And the dumbest post of the day goes too.......this guy.
Bruh that's a damn man! :x

And I'm not just saying that cause of the size difference, look/listen to the video and read the comments.

AH MAN! Didn't even notice. I was wondering why that "girl" so fast and strong. This is something that I wonder about from time to time. Like what IF... IF a he/she tried to fight my gf/wife. I'd have to step in. You may present yourself as a women but the speed and strength says otherwise.
AH MAN! Didn't even notice. I was wondering why that "girl" so fast and strong. This is something that I wonder about from time to time. Like what IF... IF a he/she tried to fight my gf/wife. I'd have to step in. You may present yourself as a women but the speed and strength says otherwise.
i mentioned that earlier...... whats the so called rules for a he/she or she/he... what about a feminine man, or a masculine woman? 
i mentioned that earlier...... whats the so called rules for a he/she or she/he... what about a feminine man, or a masculine woman? 

Well first you want to avoid the fight at all cost. As an adult they're so many other options. Plus fighting is pretty damn dangerous.

I don't really have any rules for them. If my or my families safety is at risk, you have to be neutralized. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE.
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I'm tired of all this political correctness BS.  He just stated that sometimes there are ways women can diffuse the situation.  But in retrospect he should have realized that being a black male and making those comments wouldn't fly in the white-dominated news media.  You turn on Fox News and you can see all sorts of bigoted, and ignorant comments that are made each day yet, those are labeled as "freedom of speech." G T F O
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"Employed the female members of my family ... Let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke"

Unless all you are accustomed is getting hit by your girl/wife/woman ... How in the world does that imply woman don't hit males.

Sounds to me that he is saying don't do anything that you know is going to get your man angry ....

If a woman hit a man , yes they have the right to hit back. But that's not the argument here ...
The assassination of his character is on a much greater scale than I thought. Women everywhere are taking pot shots at Stephen to further their own agendas. It's almost hard to stomach reading some of this. Damn shame man. I really don't think ESPN will bring him back. He is firmly within the eye of the storm.
"Employed the female members of my family ... Let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke"

Unless all you are accustomed is getting hit by your girl/wife/woman ... How in the world does that imply woman don't hit males.

Sounds to me that he is saying don't do anything that you know is going to get your man angry ....

If a woman hit a man , yes they have the right to hit back. But that's not the argument here ...
Apparently everyone knew what he meant by that statement and the only reason why people are acting like they don't know is because he's a black man and a white woman pointed it out :lol:

Ol woe is me they out to get us type
"Employed the female members of my family ... Let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke"

Unless all you are accustomed is getting hit by your girl/wife/woman ... How in the world does that imply woman don't hit males.

Sounds to me that he is saying don't do anything that you know is going to get your man angry ....

If a woman hit a man , yes they have the right to hit back. But that's not the argument here ...
did yiu even watch the segment...

And here him say 6 times "men don't hit women"?

Or are you doing like so many other people are... And going off the one sentence?

Disregard the other 4 minutes where he said even if a women hit a man first... Then a man shouldn't hit a woman...

Just... Never mind that part.
did yiu even watch the segment...

And here him say 6 times "men don't hit women"?

Or are you doing like so many other people are... And going off the one sentence?

Disregard the other 4 minutes where he said even if a women hit a man first... Then a man shouldn't hit a woman...

Just... Never mind that part.
but we aren't talking about how he doesn't condone violence. I agree with most of what he said ... Domestic violence is a serious issue and a woman/man should remove themselves from the situation (even though he didn't use those words). However, that does not negate the fact that he believe that a woman can avoid getting hit by man by simply not provoking (not doing anything their man don't like) them. It's not that simple and its wrong.

What about that statement is hard to understand.
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So cuz he said provoke it's cool to forget everything else he said cuz some people are sensitive? :lol:

Someone who was abused having a reaction to a trigger word isn't being sensitive, you serious? The world is forgetting that everybody should keep their hands to themselves?

So how about that someone talk to her co-worker directly to get a better understanding instead of acting like some attention seeking broad on social media? Let me guess she was emotional and too hurt by ONE WORD. Like I said earlier I understand why she felt like that but she was a weak for how she handled it.

No response to this huh? :lol:
You're not going to disrespect women and or homosexuals in this country on any platform... Its career suicide for anyone involved in the major media outlets.
but we aren't talking about how he doesn't condone violence. I agree with most of what he said ... Domestic violence is a serious issue and a woman/man should remove themselves from the situation (even though he didn't use those words). However, that does not negate the fact that he believe that a woman can avoid getting hit by man by simply not provoking (not doing anything their man don't like) them. It's not that simple and its wrong.

What about that statement is hard to understand.
its not hard to understand

1. There are PLENTY of situations where the woman can avoid conflict by simply NOT INITIATING, ANTAGONIZING etc.

2. Provoking =\= doing what a man doesn't like.

People keep taking the word "provoke" and speaking to an extreme just to get their point across.

"Provoke could mean wear a tight skirt or not washing the dishes"


We all know men that trip over that are deemed woman beaters because their (the man) health isn't in jeopardy, and the women's actions wouldn't be held against her in a court of law.

If you're verbally abusing (you CAN get in trouble for this) physically assaulting (no matter how light) or destroying property...

Then that is provoking in the sense he's talking about.

How do in know this... Because that's what the entire segment was about! ray Rice's wife hitting him first!

Dude's trying to use black and white arguments when EVERY THING involved is grey.

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So how about that someone talk to her co-worker directly to get a better understanding instead of acting like some attention seeking broad on social media? Let me guess she was emotional and too hurt by ONE WORD. Like I said earlier I understand why she felt like that but she was a weak for how she handled it.
please someone answer this....


Well first you want to avoid the fight at all cost. As an adult they're so many other options. Plus fighting is pretty damn dangerous.

I don't really have any rules for them. If my or my families safety is at risk, you have to be neutralized. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE.
but is a man who lives his life potrays a woman...does the rules apply to him? what about a stud? what about a transexual? Do you respect dont hit them cause they have breast, or do you haul off and hit them cause they have a penis? 

And if the point of not hitting women is because theyre more docile etc..... then couldnt the same argument be made for a feminine gay man? The opposite argument could be made for a masculine women?

See thats why these so called rules are stupid, you cant even make a reasonable rationale argument outside of if someone hits you you defend yourself and hit them back. 
"Employed the female members of my family ... Let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke"

This sounds more like do not do anything your man doesn't like ... Or are you interpreting differently?

its not hard to understand

1. There are PLENTY of situations where the woman can avoid conflict by simply NOT INITIATING, ANTAGONIZING etc.

2. Provoking =\= doing what a man doesn't like.

People keep taking the word "provoke" and speaking to an extreme just to get their point across.

"Provoke could mean wear a tight skirt or not washing the dishes"


We all know men that trip over that are deemed woman beaters because their (the man) health isn't in jeopardy, and the women's actions wouldn't be held against her in a court of law.

If you're verbally abusing (you CAN get in trouble for this) physically assaulting (no matter how light) or destroying property...

Then that is provoking in the sense he's talking about.

How do in know this... Because that's what the entire segment was about! ray Rice's wife hitting him first!

Dude's trying to use black and white arguments when EVERY THING involved is grey.


I'm capable of understanding the argument. His choice or words are not black and white like you stated. Thus there's room for a lot of interpretation. In turn you have all this controversy about what he meant or didn't.

How are you making you using the grey argument as your point and not believe someone else can have a different interpretation is beyond me ....

Whats good for the goose must be good for the gander ....
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Tariq brought up a good point...

If violence against women was such a prevalent issue, where was Michelle Beadle when that white cop was on TOP of a black woman beating her head into the ground?

Or when that black lady got shot in the face when knocking at the door?

She was quiet as a mouse then...

With ACTUAL events...

But when SAS speaks to something... An opinion om an opinion show... AFTER HES SAID THIS BEFORE...

Then she takes the extreme viewpoint when we ALL know what he was talking about, parallels it to rape,and STANDS BY her comments after he clarified on twitter...

FOH man... Smh...
maybe because they are involved in the entertainment business?
entertainment industry doesn't adhere to professional etiquette? IE if you have a problem with someone, you handle it on house...?

You go through the HR department at ESPN. You talk to your production manager. You talk to THAT PERSON...

This is news to me.
Haha, but her sex life doesn't really change anything. Her being a known idiot does. There's a reason she was canned her last job.
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