Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

Females really think some of these dudes hands aint bi sexual :smh:

I just put a chick in a bear hug until she calm down, its a shame some chicks think double standards apply to hitting a man
the problem is this society is way to o sensitive, and take things out of context and at times too literal. Common sense would should allow to understand what the man was saying, even if he didn't make himselff crystal clear. Too many people are caught up in their emotions, and just run with that. At the end of the day nobody should put hands on anyone, if you do, you are inviting that person to put their hands on you or worse. What is so hard to understand?
We are definitely in a more PC world, so anything hinting at insensitivity to certain groups is like a powder keg. Sad part is, not everyone is intelligent enough to extract the main message. You don't have to be super smart about it, just have common sense, but common sense ain't so common. I remember hearing him when it first happened, he said Rice was wrong. Period. Most people just remember this story now as it came back up again, but when he spoke on it when it first happened, he definitely said it was wrong, and didn't even talk about "provocation". Usually dudes that think along those lines firmly believe that victims provoke, SAS was never on that side of the fence to my recollection. Like I said, for me, I understood what he was getting at but it seems like people ignored what else was wrapped in his response. 
I just find it funny SAS gets suspended for a week and possibly lose his position for something he worded awkwardly on commentary, while Ray Rice hit is wife gets two games and keeps it pushing. Wow. 

Not like the punishment was handed out by the same boss, different boss different rules.
I just find it funny SAS gets suspended for a week and possibly lose his position for something he worded awkwardly on commentary, while Ray Rice hit is wife gets two games and keeps it pushing. Wow. 
Not like the punishment was handed out by the same boss, different boss different rules.
I understand that, but one man put hands on a woman, keeps his job. Another man COMMENTS about it, albeit awkwardly, which IS his job, and potentially loses it. It's crazy. Maybe the ESPN bosses should work in the NFL.
I just find it funny SAS gets suspended for a week and possibly lose his position for something he worded awkwardly on commentary, while Ray Rice hit is wife gets two games and keeps it pushing. Wow. 

Not like the punishment was handed out by the same boss, different boss different rules.
I understand that, but one man put hands on a woman, keeps his job. Another man COMMENTS about it, albeit awkwardly, which IS his job, and potentially loses it. It's crazy. Maybe the ESPN bosses should work in the NFL.

One incident had absolutely nothing to do with their job, and the other incident happen while on the job. I do think Ray Rice should of got suspended more games though.
*typed on my phone*

The problem isnt that people are too sensitive.

The thing is that 30 years ago this would have never been something prople on tv or any public forum would speak on period.

Thanks to the intellectual advances of our society over the past few decades, we're more willing to have these public debates. If kinda started with the civil rights movement forcing public people yo speak on their feelings on race and gender equality.

Now that everyone can publicly proclaim their opinion on issues like violence against women, we're forced to reallt analyze the theories we've been coming up with in our minds. That conclusion uou came to in your head about whatever subject makes perfect sense to you simply because there's no real pusg back in your mind. You're just agreeing with yourself, then you might share it with a few people wjo would agree with you anyway.

The public forum, and yhe nacklash some people get for stating their opinions in the public forum, comes from people going "my life experiences are obviously different from yours, and you have not considered this. My experiences have led to my conclusion that _____. And frankly im appalled and offended that you would only consider your own conclusion as valid."

Usually the response goes one of three ways:

1) "I feel that. Lets whittle down these differing opinions into a freater idea that makes sense."

2) "One of us is wrong, and one of us is right, and since my opinion is MY opinion, then I'm the right one. Lets keep arguing so i can make you see how wrong you are or at least hurt you im some way."

3) "You're being too sensitive. I'm not gonna analyze my own ideas and opinions. You just need to deal with the fact that i am saying this and id better not meet any repercussions for it because i simply dont care to ghink about why i think how i think."

Stephen A Smith actually went with option 1, but it seems like NT is all over options 2 and 3.
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hopefully, stephen a fades into bolivian

my dude always throwing dirt at tiago, slava, kwame, tim tebow

idiots all around espn. only dudes i even watch are robert flores and svp

not srs, but sorta
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I just find it funny SAS gets suspended for a week and possibly lose his position for something he worded awkwardly on commentary, while Ray Rice hit is wife gets two games and keeps it pushing. Wow. 

Not like the punishment was handed out by the same boss, different boss different rules.
I understand that, but one man put hands on a woman, keeps his job. Another man COMMENTS about it, albeit awkwardly, which IS his job, and potentially loses it. It's crazy. Maybe the ESPN bosses should work in the NFL.
One incident had absolutely nothing to do with their job, and the other incident happen while on the job. I do think Ray Rice should of got suspended more games though.
O rly? Although it didn't happen while he was in pads, it still affected Rice's job. For better or worse, he's an athlete and a public figure. The scales are a little different for him and even SAS for that matter. It's still criminal activity that could affect his job. According to your logic, any NFL player that does something in the offseason shouldn't affect their job, right?

But still, potentially losing your job over commenting about an act that you didn't commit vs. the person who actually committed the act and isn't running the risk of losing their job is absurd. 
Watching first take this morning and I could see it in Herm Edwards and Skip's face in the beginning of the episode that they were uneasy. I hope ESPN regrets this decision because I don't see Stephen A coming back and even wanting to voice his opinion if he has to be in constant thought of if he's offending a certain demographic of people even though he's always been very articulate and good at prefacing statements with his over all point first before going into detail and intricacies. If that happens I know skip will leave and First Take will be left in the gutter with only Cari Champion. I really wanted to tweet Michelle Beadle last night and add to the twitter onslaught that's going for her neck but she knows she's a POS. She's obviously sucking off one of the higher ups in ESPN/Disney which is the only way anyone still takes her serious after all her antics. But to do in a colleague like the way she did and mess with that man's money over comments that anybody would a rational thought process should understand....yet she doesn't understand how you can provoke a beating.
I just find it funny SAS gets suspended for a week and possibly lose his position for something he worded awkwardly on commentary, while Ray Rice hit is wife gets two games and keeps it pushing. Wow. 

Not like the punishment was handed out by the same boss, different boss different rules.
I understand that, but one man put hands on a woman, keeps his job. Another man COMMENTS about it, albeit awkwardly, which IS his job, and potentially loses it. It's crazy. Maybe the ESPN bosses should work in the NFL.

One incident had absolutely nothing to do with their job, and the other incident happen while on the job. I do think Ray Rice should of got suspended more games though.
O rly? Although it didn't happen while he was in pads, it still affected Rice's job. For better or worse, he's an athlete and a public figure. The scales are a little different for him and even SAS for that matter. It's still criminal activity that could affect his job. According to your logic, any NFL player that does something in the offseason shouldn't affect their job, right?

But still, potentially losing your job over commenting about an act that you didn't commit vs. the person who actually committed the act and isn't running the risk of losing their job is absurd. 
Anybody that does something in the offseason that isn't prohibited in your NFL contract should not lose their job.
Can anyone post beadles twitter feed with all the hate tweets sent to her?

I wish I knew how to do this but she's been getting ripped apart. From people talking about how Aaron Rodgers wouldn't even touch her to people mentioning how they're sure she's "provoked" a few *** whoopins in her time. :lol:

I know she cried herself to sleep last night
She's used to hate because she's a magnet for it but it's probably up to nuclear levels now.

Are people specific hashtags to insult her?
Beadle a dumb B... Whoopi with common sense. How hard is it to have common sense nowadays.....

i don't like sas but i hope dude don't lose his job..... They.need to get rid of that dumb B . Get rid of all the chicks on sports shows. No need for them.....
Someone on another forum said it best
ALOT of folks out here (and yall know what I mean) dont ever encounter a woman that Stephen A is REALLY speaking about

we ALL know that woman.....

the 87% of the country that doesnt deal with that type of person was outraged....the 13% that do....understood him COMPLETELY
Can anyone post beadles twitter feed with all the hate tweets sent to her?

I wish I knew how to do this but she's been getting ripped apart. From people talking about how Aaron Rodgers wouldn't even touch her to people mentioning how they're sure she's "provoked" a few *** whoopins in her time. :lol:

I know she cried herself to sleep last night

Sounds good to me. Hopefully it gets worse for her.
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