Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

Oh, yall come to Stephen A. Smith's defense but when it was flesh and blood vs. Beadle yall sided with her. :smh: - :lol:
Oh, yall come to Stephen A. Smith's defense but when it was flesh and blood vs. Beadle yall sided with her.

Forreal though.
michelle beadle a clown. how you gonna throw your colleague under the bus like that. pretty sure a lot of folks at espn support SAS, but probably told to not say anything on twitter, etc.
What bothers me is that he's being suspended for an opinion.......not an action or a opinion

Were any people suspended for suggesting that Trayvon Martin "provoked" Zimmerman? Were any people suspended for suggesting that Eric Garner "provoked" the NYPD squad?

It just seems to be in this country, Black men are the only people who can't be "victims" without someone questioning IF we provoked it. Also we seem to be the only ones who when speaking up....come off "too strong"

And this is a cultural thing. For us as Black men, law enforcement has not always been in our favor. So some of us take matters into our own hands. WHICH is why WE have to have those talks with our female loved ones about "You bet not do nothin to HIM....cause thats gon get ME in trouble for retaliating"
Someone on another forum said it best

Yep. How many of you have actually been hit by THAT woman? Because I have, twice, and while I didn't hit her back it was one of the most rage inducing incidents I've ever been through (both times). She ran away from me after each time, not that I would've hit her back, but, she was smart to run.

All the females in my family told me this was completely unacceptable after the first time but I ended up forgiving her, only to get hit again a few months later :smh: That was the end of it. It feels even more disrespectful when a female you are close to hits you and you can do nothing but get angry at her and yell at her. Like, I can't even imagine if I had hit her back either night what she would've done. I'd probably be in court.

I really can't blame any guy that hits a woman after she provokes him by hitting him first because yeah it might not hurt but it's wild disrespectful to hit anyone and when it's your significant other it hurts in a different way than physically. I'm with Whoopi and SAS here.
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^^I'll side with you all d NT brethren.....

yeah I been with two chicks just like that.... I did check both them tho. one took it better then the other.
everybody in my fams hated them.
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I really hate this notion that men shouldn't hit back because women's punches are incapable of inflicting damage to men.  Believe it or not, women CAN hit hard.  A woman could easily give a dude a black eye or a bloody nose. Those bony knuckles are no joke.  
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The problem with feminist is a good majority can't decide if they want you to open the door for them or if you should expect them to be able to open it themselves.
I really hate this notion that men shouldn't hit back because women's punches are incapable of inflicting damage to men.  Believe it or not, women CAN hit hard.  A woman could easily give a dude a black eye or a bloody nose. Those bony knuckles are no joke.  
Just look at Lionel Richie. He knows all about getting his *** whopped by a woman.
The problem with feminist is a good majority can't decide if they want you to open the door for them or if you should expect them to be able to open it themselves.
I'm definitely irked by a lot of modern-day feminism.  If you're gonna claim to be in support of equality for all, why only focus on one demographic?  And if feminists are really in support of gender equality, why is it that they never address the inequalities that benefit them?  I'm all for reproductive rights, I'm all for equal pay for equal work, and I'm all for having more women firefighters, police officers, construction workers, etc. (if they can effectively perform their duties, that is).  It's just that they start to lose me when they don't address the advantages granted to them by their gender, when they treat men accused of sexual assault as guilty until proven innocent, and the umbrage over non-issues like objectification.

Oh...and wouldn't a man's right to strike back after a woman hit him first be gender equality?  Where are all of the feminists rallying behind this idea? 
I really hate this notion that men shouldn't hit back because women's punches are incapable of inflicting damage to men.  Believe it or not, women CAN hit hard.  A woman could easily give a dude a black eye or a bloody nose. Those bony knuckles are no joke.  
I ALWAYS ask this.

Do the same rules apply if Brock Lesner were to strike me on the street? I mean the difference in strength between him and me would be much greater than the differential of most men vs. most women.
lost alot of respect for beadle for what she did man. that white atitude, "look at me" **** is so corny. she didnt have to come at SAS like that over tweets. Grown adults, go to him in person or call the guy and say you weren't a fan of what he said.

him being black just pushed the issue ten fold.

wonder what would be the backlash if skip said it

For real. And they're coworkers, so she easily could've just walked to a different set right there to talk to him :lol:
I really hate this notion that men shouldn't hit back because women's punches are incapable of inflicting damage to men.  Believe it or not, women CAN hit hard.  A woman could easily give a dude a black eye or a bloody nose. Those bony knuckles are no joke.  
I ALWAYS ask this.

Do the same rules apply if Brock Lesner were to strike me on the street? I mean the difference in strength between him and me would be much greater than the differential of most men vs. most women.

If I walked up to Kimbo, started talking **** to him, hit him upside the head, and subsequently got my *** handed to me no one would say that he was in the wrong because he's much stronger than I am.

It's not about physical strength.  It's about "you don't hit women because you don't hit women because you don't hit women."
I'll never understand how colin coward was allowed to drag the name of a dead man he didn't know but Stephen A gets suspended for this and Rob Parker gets fired for calling a cornball a cornball?

why because the blonde haired blue eyed lady was upset huh?

**** Beadle and ESPN
I'm starting to feel like if SAS gets let go the backlash will be even worse for espn and beagle. Every site that posted the story, just check the top comments and its people defending SAS or going in on homegirl.
I would like to know Beadle and some of NT's finests opinions on this situation?

What is this man to do?
Sure it does. It wasn't an "issue" until the blonde haired / blue eyed lady spoke on the situation and took it to another level.

This is true. If Carrie Champion went to twitter, it wouldnt have blown up like this.

And the funny thing is Carrie understood what he was saying. I get why Beadle was sensitive to what he said but she went about it all wrong. I like Beadle most of the time but she's a spoiled attention seeking broad. ESPN is weak for suspending him over something so small.
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