Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Thanks JOE. I'm trying to get on your level.

Carlos - Thanks. I agree with you about dirty bulking. I say that's what I'm doing because I'm not eating super clean, but it's not like I'm eating a bunch of junk just to put on weight either. But I think if someone really wants to put on weight in a short amount of time, knows what they'll be in for when it comes cutting time and is dedicated to putting in the work, then dirty bulking isn't so bad.

And I'm 6'0, 185. I was around 170 in the first pic.

My goal is 200.
i'm about 200 right now

keep us updated on your progress

i will once i actually make some
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

For the skinny dudes on here, what does yall workout plan consist of? I'm gonna start a 5x5 strength program today. Only takes 45mins a day, 3 days/wk. Sounds promisin. Building block type. I'm tryna get stronger since I aint gainin any weight forreal (6'3", 175lbs) Med charts say after 180lbs I'm overweight
Give me 190 and I'm smooth
Im a skinny mofo.. cant put on $%*%.

I'll be posting my workout for you guys to discriminate, appreciate and pick a part in a few weeks. I think i've cut enough.
I'm feeling a bit under the weather right now, do you guys take the day off when you're sick or do you just not go as hard? As for my symptoms rightnow it's just a congested nose, with I'd guess sinus pressure in my head, nothing TOO bad.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

I'm feeling a bit under the weather right now, do you guys take the day off when you're sick or do you just not go as hard? As for my symptoms right now it's just a congested nose, with I'd guess sinus pressure in my head, nothing TOO bad.
if i'm sick enough to know i can't go as hard, i'll take the L and get more sleep instead. there's no point in putting in a poorworkout. a day or two out of the gym ain't gonna kill u.

the worst is when you have a pounding headache though.
Originally Posted by EBAY 23

Some of you dudes are trying to get up to 200 while Im trying to get down to 200

x2 lol word i need to figure out whats good start out work out routine for drooping the weight and is mixing light weight lifting a good idea..?
^ I just hit the cardio hard, burn off mad cals and then lift a little I was on a good pace, but i hyper extended my knee a few months back and gained like12pounds
any help???
I had micro fracture knee surgery, and the dr suggested Dr. Theo's Avosoy Complete to help. there are many supplements that have glucosamine andchondroitin in it, but this is the only stuff that doesnt use shellfish (Im allergic)...but the S!!! is like $45-50 a bottle, and would love to find itcheaper. any help?
Originally Posted by vkhoj

Originally Posted by Steve FSD

Can someone post their workout schedule for the week? I'm trying to get back into shape and am in search for a good full body workout schedule for the week. I haven't worked out since high school when I played football/wrestling, now I'm a college graduate and have a lot of extra time on my hand and need to get back in shape. I prefer working out maybe 4-5x a week, maybe two body parts a day, 3 exercises per part, 3-4 sets and am looking to tone myself, I'm 5'7 and 170. .

Here's a basic hybridized hypertrophy/strength program (Be sure to add weight each week).
The key is actually following the program...periodization works wonders and everything else you would usually do while lifting: watching macronutrient intake, sleeping etc
I've followed this program and definately gotten stronger and packed on some muscle mass with minimal fat.

Week 1: 3x12
Week 2: 3x10
Week 3: 3x8
Week 4: 4x6
Week 5: 5x5
Week 6: 8x3
(You will do this on ALL lifts)


Upper Day 1:
- Bench Press
- Close Grip Bench
- Military Press (standing)
- Pendlay Row

Lower Day 1:
- Conventional Deadlift
- Narrow Stance Squat
- Goodmornings
- Barbell Shrugs

Upper Day 2:
- DB Bench
- Narrow Grip Incline
- Plate Raise
- Pull-Up w/ weight

Lower Day 2:
- Narrow Stance Squat
- Reverse Hyper
- Dumbell Shrugs

** This is the program, DO NOT SUBTRACT any of the exercises! If you dont know how to do them, learn how to do them! The only reason you should ever pull out any of these during the whole 5 week cycle is if you feel pain doing them. If you dont know the lift I'd suggest doing an alternate pattern with the movement. Basicly rather than progressing with the given rep/set pattern I've showed continue to do:


Once you start the cycle over again after the 5th week, you can then continue the same rep/set pattern as the first outline (with the regular lifts) and progress in the lower reps. This will 1. Keep you from getting hurt, 2. Teach your form, and 3. Break the learning chain/curve. Its key that if you dont know anything about the movements that you spend as much time working with them and do as many reps as possible with the given movement. This is where motor skills develop and intra-inter neuromuscular coordination develop w/ the movement.

** Biceps/Abs, Upper day's throw in a bicep exercise if you want. On lower days throw in some Ab work. This is an accesory work, so its not that important. Keep the reps around 3x8-4x6 if you want.

** Keep a journal that I'll have access too. I'll look at how your progressing. If you have any before pictures send them to me or save them. Once your done with the first meso cycle compare your progress from before you started till then w/ pics and lift achivments. Do the same when you repeat the cycle. This is key in mental motivation, and that is where to many people fail.

** Once you get a whole meso cycle Wave (12 total weeks) you'll take some low volume work to help recovery. Its key that you dont take ANY time away from the gym. To many people just walk away for a week or two weeks, this makes coming back a sore painful mess for atleast 2 weeks. Now you've spent 4 weeks without making any progress. This is a typical deloading pattern. By trianing under your adaptive threshold (ie low volume) then you will not adapt, therefor you will recover. This is the fundomental bases of periodization!!

** During the first few 4 weeks you can add in failure work. Dont do it on all lifts and dont do it on squats, squat variations or deadlifts. Rows, Shrugs, db benching are all ok. Another thing to keep note on is during the WHOLE cycle you want SHORT rest periods. Im talking 30-60 seconds between sets, this comes key when you get to the intensity portion (8x3). Fatigue has a positive effect on IGF-I and other singaling for hypertrophy. On weeks 4-6 this is a big factor in the program. This will help with conditioning the muscle and overal work capacity.

Interesting workout schedule, thanks. Do you fit in cardio anywhere in there? I was wondering would it be more beneficial to do something like you stated orsomething like this:
day 1: chest/tri
day 2: legs
day 3: back/biceps
day 4: rest
day 5: cardio/abs
day 6: shoulders
day 7: rest

And should I rest two days in a row? or a day to rest in the mid of sched?
He couldn't have been any more detailed and specific. He listed 2 days on , one off, 2 on, then 2 days off. Why then would you ask him if you should resttwo days in a row or not?
^^I'm talking about the 2nd schedule genius, I can read his schedule thanks! I'm just used to working out each individual muscle, not just doing acombination for lower + upper so I was wondering which schedule would be most beneficial.
started off with yoga stretches, then light lifting, tabata protocol to get my HR up and 4+ miles on the treadmill and some swimming.

I'm still not fully recovered from my flu but it was nice being able to run 4 miles.

For those of you who don't go to the gym, where do y'all work out and how?

(my hippie friends told me to hike around LA area and do natural workouts (pushups, pull ups, etc.))
Originally Posted by Steve FSD

^^I'm talking about the 2nd schedule genius, I can read his schedule thanks! I'm just used to working out each individual muscle, not just doing a combination for lower + upper so I was wondering which schedule would be most beneficial.

OK, well if you're gonna be a @#$% about it... you didn't specify that you were talking about the 2nd schedule in your question, and even then, hejust said to repeat the pattern from the first schedule. If you want to try to change it to fit your needs or preferences, just try it out. It just kills mewhen someone take their time to post that much information and people still want to dig for more info without doing any research/work themselves.
Serious question: How often should a beginner deadlift and do squats a week? Is it bad to deadlift and squat right after the other?
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Serious question: How often should a beginner deadlift and do squats a week? Is it bad to deadlift and squat right after the other?
I think someone or a few people said it was "hard" not necessarily bad. But I can imagine, because both exercises do require a lot ofenergy.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Serious question: How often should a beginner deadlift and do squats a week? Is it bad to deadlift and squat right after the other?
I think someone or a few people said it was "hard" not necessarily bad. But I can imagine, because both exercises do require a lot of energy.

I dont know if im doing it right, but I do legs on tues that consist of Squats, Lunges, Calf Raises and Deadlifts. I don't do any Back work the rest ofthe week.

Does anyone do Squats last on their leg day? I would faint.
i can't see dealifting and squatting on the same day being effective.

i remember i tried this recently....after doing 5 sets of squats i tried deadlifting and i was struggling with 315. i don't think that's a goodapproach.
i do both because i usually don't do a split, but i know whichever one i do second will be weaker. i end up alternating which one i do first, and thesecond one i go lighter for more reps.
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

I never been a creatine dude. And honestly I have quite a bit of it. I'd just give it to someone free if u pay shipping. I got some of the Adenotrex (fast twitch muscle) creatine and like an almost full bottle of GNC Creastack

But anyways, if anyone wants a weight set for home, has this Weider olympic 300lb set for 99$ and free shipping. These are cast iron weights with rubber on the outside

Wish I could have picked this up for the days I was too lazy to drive to the gym but couldnt find it on the website today. oh well iguess
I usually Squats first, then Deadlifts last.. ive seen increases weekly too, but it does take a toll on my lower back which is why i'll probably keep thesetwo exercises on different days as I increase weight etc..

IMO after cutting out Soda and junk foods, thats already a big step in the right direction. After that you need to see what foods works best for your body andtheir effects
I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to do dead lifts and squats once a week and not in the same day.
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