Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Jay Cutler just won the Mr. Olympia for the 3rd time in his career.

Those dudes are disgustingly big but Cutler looked the best out of all of them. Dexter Jackson should've been 2nd, he's a beast. Dude is 260+ poundswith a 28 inch waist...that is ridiculous
. Some people could work out 5 hrs a day for the rest of their lives and they'd never be able to get down toa 28 inch waist.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

What helped me pack on protein daliy was just adding the grams through out the day. So if you weigh 150 for example, strive to get an intake of 150 grams of protein daily.

Your body doesnt need 150g.
I agree with that now. I also used to think that if you're active you need around 1 g of protein per 1 lb of weight or even lean mass for that matter. But now I think it's over kill for most people. Personally I think .5-.7 g per 1 lb of lean mass would be fine for most people. I don't calculate the numbers out anymore though. Sorry in advance if anything I typed doesn't make's late and I'm too lazy to reread stuff.

The most any athlete needs to consume is about 1.2 g per KG of body weight. A 150 lb person only needs roughly 80 g of protein a day. A 200 lb person needs110 grams. Any more and its most likely not going to be used properly by the body.
how's this meal plan for cutting?

Meal 1:

4-6 egg whites
10 oz skim milk
bowl of oatmeal(not the instant stuff)

Optimum whey protein

Meal 2:
either a chicken stir fry with brown rice and broccoli and carrots
Turkey and cheese on wheat bread, 4 egg whites

Cashews or peanuts

Meal 3:
2 Chicken Breasts and a vegetable( green beans, carrots, broccoli, ect)
Glass of skim milk

Before bed snack:
Optimum whey protein

I find it hard to keep my protein intake down..

Im doing the high fat/protein low carb diet, and im feeling ripped/strong as ever
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

how's this meal plan for cutting?

Meal 1:

4-6 egg whites
10 oz skim milk
bowl of oatmeal(not the instant stuff)

Optimum whey protein

Meal 2:
either a chicken stir fry with brown rice and broccoli and carrots
Turkey and cheese on wheat bread, 4 egg whites

Cashews or peanuts

Meal 3:
2 Chicken Breasts and a vegetable( green beans, carrots, broccoli, ect)
Glass of skim milk

Before bed snack:
Optimum whey protein

ideally i'd say food over protein shakes, especially on a cut.....cottage cheese instead of the pre-bed shake, and a lean protein sourceinstead of the midday one.

also......3 servings of vegetables would be ideal, but 2 is more than what most get anyway so .....

other than that, looks good.
Brad Pilon said it best; protein guilt. People are so mesmerized by protein thanks to supplement companies, that they inherently hinder themselves fromachieving their goals. They eat too much protein, especially animal proteins. I'm not saying drop meat, dairy or eggs, but cycle your protein sources. Ifyou drink milk everyday, you'll develop slight lactose intolerance eventually.
Monday Night - You don't need the shakes. Eat some fruit or make a smoothie or something. Protein shakes are almost unnecessary, with veryfew exceptions.

Fat sources usually have higher protein contents than carbohydrate-rich foods. 1/4 cup of almonds has more protein than 1/4 cup of berries. Carbs aren'thorrible, but if you want to avoid any carbs, avoid grains.
I've heard fruit is great for losing weight, only on a raw foods diet though. People complain about losing too much weight, so it may be bad. I'minterested though.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

What helped me pack on protein daliy was just adding the grams through out the day. So if you weigh 150 for example, strive to get an intake of 150 grams of protein daily.

Your body doesnt need 150g.
I agree with that now. I also used to think that if you're active you need around 1 g of protein per 1 lb of weight or even lean mass for that matter. But now I think it's over kill for most people. Personally I think .5-.7 g per 1 lb of lean mass would be fine for most people. I don't calculate the numbers out anymore though. Sorry in advance if anything I typed doesn't make's late and I'm too lazy to reread stuff.

The most any athlete needs to consume is about 1.2 g per KG of body weight. A 150 lb person only needs roughly 80 g of protein a day. A 200 lb person needs 110 grams. Any more and its most likely not going to be used properly by the body.
I don't agree with that, when I was bulking I went by the 40/40/20 rule which was 2x40= protein 20= fats. I was a intaking close to 2500calories daliy, so if you think about it that standerd is specifically for bulking if your an ectomorph. Most professional sport players are already at a pointwhere they don't need that many grams of protein so I agree there, but for a skinny dude he's going to need more than average.
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

What helped me pack on protein daliy was just adding the grams through out the day. So if you weigh 150 for example, strive to get an intake of 150 grams of protein daily.

Your body doesnt need 150g.
I agree with that now. I also used to think that if you're active you need around 1 g of protein per 1 lb of weight or even lean mass for that matter. But now I think it's over kill for most people. Personally I think .5-.7 g per 1 lb of lean mass would be fine for most people. I don't calculate the numbers out anymore though. Sorry in advance if anything I typed doesn't make's late and I'm too lazy to reread stuff.

The most any athlete needs to consume is about 1.2 g per KG of body weight. A 150 lb person only needs roughly 80 g of protein a day. A 200 lb person needs 110 grams. Any more and its most likely not going to be used properly by the body.
I don't agree with that, when I was bulking I went by the 40/40/20 rule which was 2x40= protein 20= fats. I was a intaking close to 2500 calories daliy, so if you think about it that standerd is specifically for bulking if your an ectomorph. Most professional sport players are already at a point where they don't need that many grams of protein so I agree there, but for a skinny dude he's going to need more than average.
Im confused as to what your saying/implying, but what I do know is that youre incorrect.
Protein isn't as important as fuel, especially when bulking. Your body needs fuel to actually break down the proteins into amino acids and use them formuscle. I've heard of people going dangerously high protein for cutting, but not for bulking. Your body doesn't need more than 20% of it'scarlories from protein. Even if you're a pro bodybuilder it's not needed. Training > Nutrition if you want gains, train hard. As long as youdon't eat crap food consistently, you'll be alright.
The more I learn, the more I realize that this protein craze just a load of crap.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Protein isn't as important as fuel, especially when bulking. Your body needs fuel to actually break down the proteins into amino acids and use them for muscle. I've heard of people going dangerously high protein for cutting, but not for bulking. Your body doesn't need more than 20% of it's carlories from protein. Even if you're a pro bodybuilder it's not needed. Training > Nutrition if you want gains, train hard. As long as you don't eat crap food consistently, you'll be alright.
The more I learn, the more I realize that this protein craze just a load of crap.
Not true. Protein IS needed for cellular recovery. However, how much is needed is what's debatable. It's all about absorption. Some peoplecan metabolize more proteins than others, while others can simply get by on complex carbs. You have to figure out what's best for you.
I've been hearing lately that dairy products (even milk) aren't meant/good for our stomachs.

It's all been marketing and they aren't as good for us as we all think...

"Why would you drink something designed to feed a newborn calf? We're not cows."

Anyone know if this is true?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

how's this meal plan for cutting?

Meal 1:

4-6 egg whites
10 oz skim milk
bowl of oatmeal(not the instant stuff)

Optimum whey protein

Meal 2:
either a chicken stir fry with brown rice and broccoli and carrots
Turkey and cheese on wheat bread, 4 egg whites

Cashews or peanuts

Meal 3:
2 Chicken Breasts and a vegetable( green beans, carrots, broccoli, ect)
Glass of skim milk

Before bed snack:
Optimum whey protein

ideally i'd say food over protein shakes, especially on a cut.....cottage cheese instead of the pre-bed shake, and a lean protein source instead of the midday one.

also......3 servings of vegetables would be ideal, but 2 is more than what most get anyway so .....

other than that, looks good.

would larger portions of vegetables work?

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Brad Pilon said it best; protein guilt. People are so mesmerized by protein thanks to supplement companies, that they inherently hinder themselves from achieving their goals. They eat too much protein, especially animal proteins. I'm not saying drop meat, dairy or eggs, but cycle your protein sources. If you drink milk everyday, you'll develop slight lactose intolerance eventually.
Monday Night - You don't need the shakes. Eat some fruit or make a smoothie or something. Protein shakes are almost unnecessary, with very few exceptions.

Fat sources usually have higher protein contents than carbohydrate-rich foods. 1/4 cup of almonds has more protein than 1/4 cup of berries. Carbs aren't horrible, but if you want to avoid any carbs, avoid grains.
I've heard fruit is great for losing weight, only on a raw foods diet though. People complain about losing too much weight, so it may be bad. I'm interested though.

isn't fruit the last thing i should be eating before bed?
Originally Posted by cor23ey

I've been hearing lately that dairy products (even milk) aren't meant/good for our stomachs.

It's all been marketing and they aren't as good for us as we all think...

"Why would you drink something designed to feed a newborn calf? We're not cows."

Anyone know if this is true?
It's subjective. Actually in certain parts of Europe, dairy of that type is a necessary form of nutrition. Milk does provide an efficientsource of proteins and other nutrients, that other foods cannot. Milk is a whole food. However there are those who think that by digesting cows milk, that weare exposing ourselves to ill health. Lately, there is a growing movement against Soy milk as well. It sugests that the androgens contained in soy, actuallyhas a negative impact on testosterone in males.

Go figure...
Originally Posted by cor23ey

I've been hearing lately that dairy products (even milk) aren't meant/good for our stomachs.

It's all been marketing and they aren't as good for us as we all think...

"Why would you drink something designed to feed a newborn calf? We're not cows."

Anyone know if this is true?
If I know anyone that's anti-milk, it's my toxicology teacher.
You don't really need milk because there are other sources ofcalcium and protein. He said that the only time you really need milk is during the infant state.

I personally only drink skim milk in the morning with my cereal since I'm too lazy to prepare anything else to eat.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

What helped me pack on protein daliy was just adding the grams through out the day. So if you weigh 150 for example, strive to get an intake of 150 grams of protein daily.

Your body doesnt need 150g.
I agree with that now. I also used to think that if you're active you need around 1 g of protein per 1 lb of weight or even lean mass for that matter. But now I think it's over kill for most people. Personally I think .5-.7 g per 1 lb of lean mass would be fine for most people. I don't calculate the numbers out anymore though. Sorry in advance if anything I typed doesn't make's late and I'm too lazy to reread stuff.

The most any athlete needs to consume is about 1.2 g per KG of body weight. A 150 lb person only needs roughly 80 g of protein a day. A 200 lb person needs 110 grams. Any more and its most likely not going to be used properly by the body.
I don't agree with that, when I was bulking I went by the 40/40/20 rule which was 2x40= protein 20= fats. I was a intaking close to 2500 calories daliy, so if you think about it that standerd is specifically for bulking if your an ectomorph. Most professional sport players are already at a point where they don't need that many grams of protein so I agree there, but for a skinny dude he's going to need more than average.
Im confused as to what your saying/implying, but what I do know is that youre incorrect.

Ok, look up 40/40/20 diet and youl'l understand what I'm saying.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

okay so im 140 5'8 and im aiming for 175 or so. how much protein would I be needing?
Right now you need 140 grams of protein a day MAX, assuming you work out for at least a couple of hours a day. You're aiming for 175? That's going to take about 3 years of dedication and hard work.

Drinking protein shake every hour will not make you become a brolif 175 by summer of 2010....just telling you that right now. And even if you get to 175,it's going to be hard work to maintain the weight at that level, possibility eating (clean of course) when you're not hungry just so you don'treduce down in size.
Ok, look up 40/40/20 diet and youl'l understand what I'm saying.
Im well aware of what 40/40/20 is, but the rest of what you said is what did not make sense........

I don't agree with that, when I was bulking I went by the 40/40/20 rule which was 2x40= protein 20= fats. I was a intaking close to 2500 calories daliy, so if you think about it that standerd is specifically for bulking if your an ectomorph. Most professional sport players are already at a point where they don't need that many grams of protein so I agree there, but for a skinny dude he's going to need more than average.
So the standard I posted is for bulking? Im im claming that the body needs less protein than most people consume how is my advice beneficial toskinny people like ectomorphs? 40% protein is a LOT. The problem is that taking 40% protein severly reduces the carbohydrate % as well, which is why40/40/20 works for people who want to lose weight, not the protein %.

Protein isn't as important as fuel, especially when bulking. Your body needs fuel to actually break down the proteins into amino acids and use them for muscle. I've heard of people going dangerously high protein for cutting, but not for bulking. Your body doesn't need more than 20% of it's carlories from protein. Even if you're a pro bodybuilder it's not needed. Training > Nutrition if you want gains, train hard. As long as you don't eat crap food consistently, you'll be alright.
The more I learn, the more I realize that this protein craze just a load of crap.
Totally agree, especially the last sentence.

Not true. Protein IS needed for cellular recovery. However, how much is needed is what's debatable. It's all about absorption. Some people can metabolize more proteins than others, while others can simply get by on complex carbs. You have to figure out what's best for you
. When did he say it wasnt needed for cellular recovery?

Right now you need 140 grams of protein a day MAX
140 is waayyy above the max. Its more like 90.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Protein isn't as important as fuel, especially when bulking. Your body needs fuel to actually break down the proteins into amino acids and use them for muscle. I've heard of people going dangerously high protein for cutting, but not for bulking. Your body doesn't need more than 20% of it's carlories from protein. Even if you're a pro bodybuilder it's not needed. Training > Nutrition if you want gains, train hard. As long as you don't eat crap food consistently, you'll be alright.
The more I learn, the more I realize that this protein craze just a load of crap.
Not true. Protein IS needed for cellular recovery. However, how much is needed is what's debatable. It's all about absorption. Some people can metabolize more proteins than others, while others can simply get by on complex carbs. You have to figure out what's best for you.
Definitely. Protein is necessary, but insanely high amounts, like 40% of your daily caloric intake, are not necessary or natural. There's noway you'd come close to that figure without supplementing, which isn't necessary. It places unnecessary stress on your kidneys, just for what, looks?If you value looks over health, so be it.

Originally Posted by cor23ey

I've been hearing lately that dairy products (even milk) aren't meant/good for our stomachs.

It's all been marketing and they aren't as good for us as we all think...

"Why would you drink something designed to feed a newborn calf? We're not cows."

Anyone know if this is true?
If you think about it, who is cow's milk made for? The newborn calf. People rave about milk, but then complain about it being fattening andsuch. Cow's milk is meant for calves to grow to 600 + lbs.

There isn't a single nutrient in milk that you can't get from plant-based sources. Vitamin B-12 is found in sea vegetables such as Chlorella, whichalso have numerous other good qualities.
Calcium is rich in collard greens, which are also chlorophyll rich.
The amount of essential amino acids in milk isn't as high as it's protein count, so that somewhat negates that argument. If you like milk, sure, drinkit, but don't drink it for it's protein content.

edit: check this link out

And yeah, most of the nutrition information that's mainstream today is outdated and controlled by the corporations. If you want real info, you've gotto dig deep for it. If anyone's curious, look into some reading, like The Food Revolution or The China Study.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

how's this meal plan for cutting?

Meal 1:

4-6 egg whites
10 oz skim milk
bowl of oatmeal(not the instant stuff)

Optimum whey protein

Meal 2:
either a chicken stir fry with brown rice and broccoli and carrots
Turkey and cheese on wheat bread, 4 egg whites

Cashews or peanuts

Meal 3:
2 Chicken Breasts and a vegetable( green beans, carrots, broccoli, ect)
Glass of skim milk

Before bed snack:
Optimum whey protein

ideally i'd say food over protein shakes, especially on a cut.....cottage cheese instead of the pre-bed shake, and a lean protein source instead of the midday one.

also......3 servings of vegetables would be ideal, but 2 is more than what most get anyway so .....

other than that, looks good.

would larger portions of vegetables work?

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Brad Pilon said it best; protein guilt. People are so mesmerized by protein thanks to supplement companies, that they inherently hinder themselves from achieving their goals. They eat too much protein, especially animal proteins. I'm not saying drop meat, dairy or eggs, but cycle your protein sources. If you drink milk everyday, you'll develop slight lactose intolerance eventually.
Monday Night - You don't need the shakes. Eat some fruit or make a smoothie or something. Protein shakes are almost unnecessary, with very few exceptions.

Fat sources usually have higher protein contents than carbohydrate-rich foods. 1/4 cup of almonds has more protein than 1/4 cup of berries. Carbs aren't horrible, but if you want to avoid any carbs, avoid grains.
I've heard fruit is great for losing weight, only on a raw foods diet though. People complain about losing too much weight, so it may be bad. I'm interested though.

isn't fruit the last thing i should be eating before bed?
Not necessarily, but I was referring mainly to your first snack. You can change the nuts to before bedtime and add fruit or a salad in it'splace.
You should reassess your breakfast. Add some raw foods, like fruits. Most meals, if not all, should have some raw foods, like a fruit or vegetable.

so, first snack an apple or 2

2nd snack leave

before bed snack salad or fruit

when should i be taking protein shakes..after a workout?
I'm at about 154 pounds.. and my height is 5'9''... I am trying to make my abs more visible..

What should I do, lose more weight? or just do a lot of ab workouts?
If I was you, I'd leave the milk out and fruit to your breakfast. I can't tell you exactly what to do, because everyone reacts differently, but try andincorporate more living/raw foods. Fruit and vegetables should be high in a balanced diet.
Honestly, I'd hate to snack on protein powders. They're boring, expensive, and usually of bad quality. If you take protein shakes, only take them aftera workout. Otherwise, they probably won't be used as well by the body.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

okay so im 140 5'8 and im aiming for 175 or so. how much protein would I be needing?
Just look up what nealraj and wj4 had to say ^. Throughout the thread, it has also been mentioned that if you want to bulk 1g/1lb is the rule ofthumb.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

okay so im 140 5'8 and im aiming for 175 or so. how much protein would I be needing?
Just look up what nealraj and wj4 had to say ^. Throughout the thread, it has also been mentioned that if you want to bulk 1g/1lb is the rule of thumb.

Again, thats an incorrect rule of thumb. it's 1 g per KG.
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