Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Yea I've said numerous times now, but I've really cut back on protein, I remember I use to do 3 a day. Whole food beats all. I'm actually real lowright now just been usin it when I'm on the go or w/e. Also I don't want all the artificial crap we discussed back in this thread somewhere. I do wholefoods before bed also, havnt had a bed shake...can't remember.
Lurkin-I know you're cutting right still able to take in an adequate amount of protein per day and still be within your cal range?

Wawa-I already take in fish oil. The whey isolate I take have BCAA's in it. I'm not sure about creatine though.
Wj4 I mean depending on your schedule or what you do in the day its gonna vary by individual. I'm eating every 2-3 hrs in the day. I'm not gonna tellyou or anyone else don't drink shakes, they are to supplement but whole foods beats all. Again way back in this thread I talked about this guy at my gym 30sumthin.....dude said he packs up a crap load of food for the day before he heads out for work or whatever. Guy just works out to maintain his size but hisdiet is so on point. Its kinda difficult but one you get use to it. Depends on your day to day actions, work environment, school schedule etc though. Thisreally is a lifestyle though no doubt. Do what works for you...I can't do 3 meals a day, I'm always hungry so I eat all day in portion control. 3 mealsfor me an ill over eat.
Btw I def agree with wawa points......he is listin some basics too matter fact I feel we had this discussion already, coulda been a different random threadthough......
i have an idea. pretty cool. why don't we all, like maybe once a month, post progress pics? like a checking in kinda thing, see where we're all at.
Originally Posted by ericescobar

i have an idea. pretty cool. why don't we all, like maybe once a month, post progress pics? like a checking in kinda thing, see where we're all at.

I really do appreciate ya'll cutting back on the whey. Farting all over the place and %*@+.
i dont fart from whey...................or milk for that matter. anyone else?

what is this thread about if not about mass/muscle building and fat loss? whey-protein isn't a dirty word. it helps. it's been proven to work. people use it to build muscle, provided they put in the effort at the gym. people want to replace fat with muscle. muscle requires protein (a quantity not always attainable through natural means; at least not easily). for people than can afford to take on extra protein and not worry about storage, it's a no-brainer.

yes, supplement is to SUPPLEMENT

so whole food would supersede the powder

no brainer
Lurkin-what sorta of whole foods are you taking in? I like to think that I eat clean for the most part...whole grain cereal, skim milk, fruits, turkey,skinless chicken breast, fish, whole wheat bread, low fat yogurt, almonds, peanut butter...that's about 90% what I eat daily. I'm like you, I eat every2-3 hours.

I also don't release gas with the whey I take. There was a time frame where I was eating beans daily and I was having bloated stomach though.

I don't think there will be much difference in a month of working out, maybe every 2-3 months will be more substantial in term of difference?
Al Audi/Lurkin/Happy Face-we already established that natural food is THE source of nutrition. i think in one of my other posts i said whey is a convenienttool, i never said it was a perfect replacement. just making that clear again.

and no, i don't fart (ever), but thanks for asking.

and i thnk one month should be okay...right? or maybe...this can become a challenge. who can make make the most progress/cause the most change in a month?winner gets a ******** pass?

no brainer
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Al Audi/Lurkin/Happy Face-we already established that natural food is THE source of nutrition. i think in one of my other posts i said whey is a convenient tool, i never said it was a perfect replacement. just making that clear again.

and no, i don't fart (ever), but thanks for asking.

and i thnk one month should be okay...right? or maybe...this can become a challenge. who can make make the most progress/cause the most change in a month? winner gets a ******** pass?
1. lets agree to agree no debate

2. i was askin everybody Dr Spaceman made that statement

3. lol wut? you serious?
yuku is really buggin out tonight

wj4 i wouldnt get all caught up with that topic, how many shakes are you drinkin a day? do what works for you.

Whey is probably the most economical bet.

If you want to replace the meal with whole foods. The there is a wide arrange of foods to choose from.
Protein is one of the most important components of muscle building. Protein is vital for maintaining good health, even if you don't work out. In recentyears protein shakes has become the supplement of choice for most guys trying to bulk up and gainmuscle mass. When you combine protein with exercise you can accelerate and enlarge the process that occurs naturally for all people. The real question iswhether you actually need protein powder to gain muscle?

It might be good to look at the opposite scenario first. Just think of any person that mal nourished. They are usually very skinny with poor muscledevelopment. In many African countries where there are food shortages, people get almost no protein in their diet - hence the lack of muscle and body mass.
So we all know that if you want to get jacked and build some serious muscle mass you need to give your muscles plenty of fuel. Protein is the main buildingblock of new muscle and if you combine a high protein intake with a high intensity workout, you can build muscle quickly. The problem is just that the amountof protein you really need to build muscle this way is pretty high - higher than what many families eat in an entire day.

1. It's cheaper
Eating enough to give you 500 grams of protein a day can be an expensive exercise. Protein powder is much cheaper than meals.

2. It's quicker and more convenient
Preparing 6 meals a day can be very time consuming and if you lead a busy lifestyle then just mixing up a protein shake is much more convenient andpractical.

3. It comes without the added extras
Eating six meals a day can give you your protein requirements for muscle building, but unfortunately food tends to come with some added extras that can makeyou fat. The real trick to building muscle and getting ripped is togain mass without gaining body fat. In this sense protein powder is much better.

When taking protein powder for muscle building you need to know exactly what the optimal intake is. So many guys overcook it with the proteinpowder. Apart from leading to a high level of acidity in your system, many protein powders are quite unhealthy. They add a lot of sweeteners, colorants andpreservatives these days and taking too much of it can be harmful to your health.

Try to restrict your protein shakes to no more than 40% of your total protein intake. Also, try and mix it up by having a shake every othermeal when you are on a 6 meal plan. Having a shake before and after your workout is also good practice and recommended by most experts are the best time totake protein shakes.

It's important to know that protein powder cannot replace the main sources of protein like fish, red meat, tofu and eggs. These wholefoods are all great sources of protein and the added minerals and nutrients they contain play a vital role in the way their unique protein strings interactwith your muscles. Yes, protein powder is important and even necessary but it should never replace your meals.
My dude used to fart all the time, and you could tell it was from the protein cuz it smelled like he was farting through a dirty sock. But then again he wasoding on his daily protein with the shake and bars and yogurt. He did achieve his goal though.
yeah i know dr. space(fart)man made the statement.
i'm dead serious...DEAD SERIOUS about that prize.
yuku is mega bugging right now. i'm getting sick of this.
yes, i only take one shake a day, so no Ph imbalance for me.
also, it should be noted red meats have their drawbacks as well. it's a balance.
Originally Posted by ericescobar

yeah i know dr. space(fart)man made the statement.
i'm dead serious...DEAD SERIOUS about that prize.
yuku is mega bugging right now. i'm getting sick of this.
yes, i only take one shake a day, so no Ph imbalance for me.
also, it should be noted red meats have their drawbacks as well. it's a balance.
i consider myself not a red meat eater............

but every now and then ill crave

i cant front, i just started this practice last i sometimes i feel like i wanna lose it an go all out at 5 Guys

ill pick up some 100% certified orangic steak or burgers from my local grocer.
I have been on a strict eating regimen for like 2 months now. i cant even eat fast food anymore without feeling like a huge slob. i ate popeyes the other dayand as i was finishing i felt like a just set myself back an entire week. obviously i know thats not true but i hated the feeling. going to the gymconsistently and seeing results is highly addictive. makes the crap i used to eat not even taste good anymore. although the healthy food still tastes like #@%@as well haha.
Originally Posted by JKICKZZZ

I have been on a strict eating regimen for like 2 months now. i cant even eat fast food anymore without feeling like a huge slob. i ate popeyes the other day and as i was finishing i felt like a just set myself back an entire week. obviously i know thats not true but i hated the feeling. going to the gym consistently and seeing results is highly addictive. makes the crap i used to eat not even taste good anymore. although the healthy food still tastes like #@%@ as well haha.

true this



geezus christ this place is good, good thing their arent many in my state so you actually have to take a trip for one

with that note, time for bed, i feel hunger all of a sudden just looking at the logo
Try to restrict your protein shakes to no more than 40% of your total protein intake. Also, try and mix it up by having a shake every other meal when you are on a 6 meal plan. Having a shake before and after your workout is also good practice and recommended by most experts are the best time to take protein shakes.
That's what I essentially when I wake up (which is an hour before going to the gym) and the other is right after the workout. I justincorporated the nightly scoop in recently. I usually go to sleep at about 9-10PM...I want to get it in as a 'last meal' of the day, per se. And atthis time of the night, I'm too full for a full meal.

Dang, the market is still popping at this time. Mad dudes at the check out line. Got the urge for cottage cheese again (to eat with banana), also picked upsalad mix and wheat pasta to replace my burgers...getting kinda bored. Tomorrow is going to be a yummy day!
i just copped $300 worth of supplements to try to get me motivated

ive been gym-less the last 4 days just partying and already drunk right now and its 930 on a monday smh

ill be back in the gym tomorrow though oi hope

keep up the good work fitness fam
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i just copped $300 worth of supplements to try to get me motivated

ive been gym-less the last 4 days just partying and already drunk right now and its 930 on a monday smh

ill be back in the gym tomorrow though oi hope

keep up the good work fitness fam
This dude spent someone's monthly car payment on supplements.
Dude drunk on the first week of school already though? Have fun, man.
im waiting on someone sober to drive

so i thought id check in on nt of course

i got 10 lbs cmf whey protein 2 tubs intrabolic some creatine mono some beta alanine and some citrulline malate and some superpump 250 and a multi....core arhoor some %%%$ i dont rmmemeber


im feeling small as hell some dude came back like 20 lbs packed on during the summer......goddammit i gotta step my game up

later dudes
lol at joe cam spending money on supplements to cure his depression
what the hell did you buy? you're gonna regret it in the morning. beer-goggles ftl

stocking upon the intrabolic i see, let me know how that multi works out for you.
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