Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I just going to go ahead and say I'm the biggest dude in this thread behind IICE.

you just post some info and pics if you want
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by wj4

The symptoms of overtraining are easy to spot so it shouldn't be a problem.
Elaborate, dude.

Start to get sick constantly (especially colds).
Constant feeling of tiredness/malaise.
Loss of appetite.
Not as sharp mentally (takes longer to do simple math/reasoning/ comprehension/ etc.)

Over training is not so much over training of the muscles. It has more to do with over working one's central nervous system.
That's why sleep/rest is extremely important. Heavy training places a lot of stress on the CNS. You cannot make progress without a healthy central nervous system. The central nervous system repairs itself during deep (REM) sleep.

After my competitions I always sleep like 20 hours straight (not an exaggeration; set my alarm for every 4 hours to drink some protein/eat a sandwich) and it usually takes 2-3 days to fully recover.

good info

many neglect a good nights sleep

smh early night for me im beat

some background info on the dude
i've ran two havoc cycles during this past year...I would attribute 30-40% to havoc and the rest to natural gains.

I'm really contemplating running some test-e at 400mg/w for 10 week cycle. I really just want to see what it feels like, the euphoric experience and the cleanliness of test vs these nasty, crampy, libido loss, spiky, unpredictable, orals.

Problem is as you can see i've responded really well to everything I've consumed...meaning diet and ph. Thats a total of 44lbs this year.

I mean what the hell would happen to me on I going to look stupid, noticeably roided out? I don't really want people to notice...I mean test-e is supposed to be a creeper right?
honest man

o and for those who dont understand

I did 2, 4 week cycles of havoc (which is a mild, anti-estrogenic oral steroid/prohormone)....its nothing compared to what most people consider Steroids (12week test deca etc)

Id attribute 30-40% only on havoc/epi cycles...I gained approx 12 on the first cycle, and lost 4 immediately after. And I only gained 5 on the last cycle.

Strength was not really increased much on the havoc was mainly just more reps/more endurance to = larger muscles. This is why I'm looking to try something new.

I been working out for over a year now... tried different workout plans and have had some success... The issue is that my muscles are not 'showing'unless I flex. Right now I look so regular and my arms are flabby. Another thing is that I still have a medium stomach gut that wont disappear. ... I guess Iam saying is that I really need help in getting into proper shape....Am I over training or being inconsistent? I work out Mon-Wed-Fri and do cardio on Sun TuesThurs for 20 minutes of HIIT.

Heres my workout I got from

My diet is very different since I work the afternoon-evening shift

Wake up 8am
Shredded wheat cereal + banana + skim milk
Post workout 10am
ISO XP whey protein + apple + peanut butter
Lunch 12pm
Egg+tuna + pickles
Snack 2pm
Fiber One bar
meal 4pm
Whey Protein
meal 7pm
Hard boiled Egg and almonds

Can someone really guide me in setting some concrete foundation so I can actually see a real change? I dont want to really bulk because I want to at least geta flat stomach/abs before I do lol... Im 5'9 152p btw.

Any help/info would be grateful...thanks.

but why get THAT big. damn, props for having the determination just to get to that point, but unless you plan on saving the world from impending doom (which,you know, is IMPENDING) then i don't see the point in getting so big that you become massive. you got HUGE. i know for some it's a way to compete andmaybe make a living off that, but i mean it takes a ton of effort to get that big, and i know i wouldn't be satisfied with a check for a few thousandbucks, if that's all the reward i get from my blood, sweat and hard poops.

i don't know, just my 2 cents. i just think there should be something better to justify this kind of effort. like a special earth defense force.
Originally Posted by ericescobar

but why get THAT big. damn, props for having the determination just to get to that point, but unless you plan on saving the world from impending doom (which, you know, is IMPENDING) then i don't see the point in getting so big that you become massive. you got HUGE. i know for some it's a way to compete and maybe make a living off that, but i mean it takes a ton of effort to get that big, and i know i wouldn't be satisfied with a check for a few thousand bucks, if that's all the reward i get from my blood, sweat and hard poops.

i don't know, just my 2 cents. i just think there should be something better to justify this kind of effort. like a special earth defense force.

Maybe people were making fun of his big $%+ nose look like it could bench 4 plates. The only side pic he has is of him with his head cut off lolz
no offense, but i've seen you post before, purple face. i get your shtick, i get it. but if there's one thread that i feel is even the slightest bitmature, it's this one. just saying.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by ericescobar

but why get THAT big. damn, props for having the determination just to get to that point, but unless you plan on saving the world from impending doom (which, you know, is IMPENDING) then i don't see the point in getting so big that you become massive. you got HUGE. i know for some it's a way to compete and maybe make a living off that, but i mean it takes a ton of effort to get that big, and i know i wouldn't be satisfied with a check for a few thousand bucks, if that's all the reward i get from my blood, sweat and hard poops.

i don't know, just my 2 cents. i just think there should be something better to justify this kind of effort. like a special earth defense force.

Maybe people were making fun of his big $%+ nose look like it could bench 4 plates. The only side pic he has is of him with his head cut off lolz
Or maybe he's compensating for something? The fact that he juiced could say something about that....

I noticed something today while working out, I don't know if anybody else has, but the lighting seems to make one look better at the gyms. I was wearing asleeveless workout shirt today and my muscles look a lot bigger than they do when I'm at home.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't mean to spam but I also think many people don't think too much about their routines.

What I mean is, for example, having a squat session the day after or even 2 days after a deadlift session is completely idiotic and counterproductive.
Or training abs/obliques and then 1-2 days later squatting or dead lifting is just as asinine.
Another one would be doing shoulders a few days after doing chest or people who do biceps within a few days of doing back. Completely counterproductive.

Of course this does not hold true all of the time, especially for people who tend to do light (high rep work). They may be able to get away some soreness or muscle fatigue while doing certain exercises.

However, the goal of a routine should be to at least bring you in at as close to 100% into a training session as possible. Structure plays a very important role and one should think about how each exercise on a certain day effects workouts up to 2 days in advance.
Why is this exactly?

I don't lift long each time I go to the gym, but I lift every time I go.

So on Monday..I would do back/biceps
Thursday would be the same as Monday
Friday would be the same as Tuesday
Sat would be the same as Wed.
I got my dieet/healthy eats down. Gonna start a fresh routine Mon. These are the supplements I have.

ON Whey Protein
ON Casein Protein
Fish Oil cap's
Glutamine caps'
1 a day men multivitamin

Should i add bcaa's. If so i need to go pick some up.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't mean to spam but I also think many people don't think too much about their routines.

What I mean is, for example, having a squat session the day after or even 2 days after a deadlift session is completely idiotic and counterproductive.
Or training abs/obliques and then 1-2 days later squatting or dead lifting is just as asinine.
Another one would be doing shoulders a few days after doing chest or people who do biceps within a few days of doing back. Completely counterproductive.

Of course this does not hold true all of the time, especially for people who tend to do light (high rep work). They may be able to get away some soreness or muscle fatigue while doing certain exercises.

However, the goal of a routine should be to at least bring you in at as close to 100% into a training session as possible. Structure plays a very important role and one should think about how each exercise on a certain day effects workouts up to 2 days in advance.
this is horrible info considering many people have great results w/ Starting Strength and that calls on you to Squat 3 times a week...and on somedays squat and deadlift.
Im sure Riptoes 20+ years of experience holds a little more weight than that post.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I just going to go ahead and say I'm the biggest dude in this thread behind IICE.

dont post pics or anything useful though dude.

speaking of havoc btw i almost took it last year before coming to my senses
Geezus christ
No wonder I feel so damn weak n skinny. I weighed in this mornin at 193 lbs! This will be prolly my most serious I ever trained to date keepin a legit log nall. This is a great startin point on the flip side.... man I really slacked, I wasn't kiddin. Last fall I was 200+ solid.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't mean to spam but I also think many people don't think too much about their routines.

What I mean is, for example, having a squat session the day after or even 2 days after a deadlift session is completely idiotic and counterproductive.
Or training abs/obliques and then 1-2 days later squatting or dead lifting is just as asinine.
Another one would be doing shoulders a few days after doing chest or people who do biceps within a few days of doing back. Completely counterproductive.

Of course this does not hold true all of the time, especially for people who tend to do light (high rep work). They may be able to get away some soreness or muscle fatigue while doing certain exercises.

However, the goal of a routine should be to at least bring you in at as close to 100% into a training session as possible. Structure plays a very important role and one should think about how each exercise on a certain day effects workouts up to 2 days in advance.

What you said about the squat & deadlift thing is 10000% correct. I myself do it every other week. Like this week i squatted so i didn't deadlift butnext week i'll DL but wont squat. The chest & shoulder comment is true as well, when benching and doing chest you put a lot of stress on yourshoulders, mainly the front deltoids. I do chest on monday and dont do shoulders until thursday, and even then sometimes i'll still feel just a littlesore. What you said about the abs/obliques thing and the bi's and back thing definitely makes sense just as long as your eating a lot of clean foods andsleeping well you should have no problem. Also if your doing the right number of exercises per muscle you should be fine. You can't do 15 sets of bi'sand expect to come in the next day pushing weight while doing back.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

I see people DL and squat in the same session all the time at the gym.

yeah definitely, i've done the same myself. the stretch on my hamstrings when doing stiff leg DL after squatting is simply AMAZING. it just takes a lot outof you, and when you go to DL on your back day, your lower back is already shot. atleast that was the case in my situation.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Damn right it takes a lot out of you.....

you hittin the gym soon right? .. i could tell you in that "beast mode, kill myself under these weights, this place could explode and i gotta bangout this last rep" state of mind.
Originally Posted by Al Audi


some background info on the dude
i've ran two havoc cycles during this past year...I would attribute 30-40% to havoc and the rest to natural gains.

I'm really contemplating running some test-e at 400mg/w for 10 week cycle. I really just want to see what it feels like, the euphoric experience and the cleanliness of test vs these nasty, crampy, libido loss, spiky, unpredictable, orals.

Problem is as you can see i've responded really well to everything I've consumed...meaning diet and ph. Thats a total of 44lbs this year.

I mean what the hell would happen to me on I going to look stupid, noticeably roided out? I don't really want people to notice...I mean test-e is supposed to be a creeper right?
honest man

o and for those who dont understand

I did 2, 4 week cycles of havoc (which is a mild, anti-estrogenic oral steroid/prohormone)....its nothing compared to what most people consider Steroids (12week test deca etc)

Id attribute 30-40% only on havoc/epi cycles...I gained approx 12 on the first cycle, and lost 4 immediately after. And I only gained 5 on the last cycle.

Strength was not really increased much on the havoc was mainly just more reps/more endurance to = larger muscles. This is why I'm looking to try something new.

Sounds like he's done his research and ill give him props for that. Whats his age?...He might want to reconsider that test if he's asyoung as I think he is.Then again the Havoc might have already altered his natural test levels. If I was him Id hold out on taking anything for over a year andlet the body balance itself out naturally if its not too late. Ive heard havoc wrecking havoc (no pun intended) on ppls hormonal balance "nasty, crampy,libido loss, spiky, unpredictable, orals." He might be on a bad track to HRT. Even to this day Superdrol haunts me.
lol @ him shaving his head and mugging the camera after he got bigger

peep the difference in the two shots w/the black polo shirt
Why wouldn't you do your research when putting things in your body? Guy was 20 at the time. Its the kids who don't know what they're doing that isthe real problem. Lemme ad also guy was getting blood work and T levels checked by his Dr. I feel this is important too some neglect....
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by Al Audi

I see people DL and squat in the same session all the time at the gym.

yeah definitely, i've done the same myself. the stretch on my hamstrings when doing stiff leg DL after squatting is simply AMAZING. it just takes a lot out of you, and when you go to DL on your back day, your lower back is already shot. atleast that was the case in my situation.

When I was playing hoops in college, a typical workout would have Monday- Squat Heavy, Tuesday-Deadlift heavy, thursday squat light...
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