STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

^ eh. I've read up on differences between doing maintenance for a few weeks or going straight into a cut and couldn't find anything significant besides a bunch of bro science for both.

I just said F it. :lol:

My strength hasn't decreased at all and all my lifts are pretty much the same (few are actually better) since I stopped bulking a couple weeks ago so I'm good so far. I think it's more of a mental thing but definitely willing to hear your guys opinions why it's bad. Only thing really bad is not having those Costco blueberry muffins with two cups of milk to hit that 1000 calories for the night. :lol:
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That's why you have to reverse diet

Goodbye sweet metabolism

If I'm not mistaken, reverse diet is eating back up to maintenance during a cut to give your body more calories (energy) to work with and reignite your metabolism to burn more calories per day when your eating more. Then you cut back down again to diet.

So theoretically, if I was eating at 3.2, my body is burning at 3.2. If I eat 2.2 suddenly, my body is gonna be burning fat at a lot higher rate than if my body was used to eating at a difference of 2.5 to 2.2. Either way, my body will readjust and both ways will lead your body to slow down at 2.2 and you plateau.

That's when I plan on reverse dieting back up to maintenance and then go on another deficit. The transition from a cut to a bulk is a lot different from bulk to cut.
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A calorie load day (once a week or two weeks) helped my cut a lot. Id eat a ton (still semi conscious of what I ate, protein as the priority) for a day and cut again the next. Worked for me.
Has anyone ever tried caffeine pills for a pre workout,

Im kinda getting tired of C4
Has anyone ever tried caffeine pills for a pre workout,

Im kinda getting tired of C4

I actually do, I prefer it. it's just enough to keep me hyped but doesn't still have me buzzing after the work out.

I also have been doing turbo tea.
You dont NEED to reverse diet but more so find your new maintenance. It may help with overeating to continue to track once you've reached your goal weight loss number and could help you mentally but to say you have to reverse diet isnt necessarily true
Coming off a diet just climbing back in to bulk mode and cheat meals your body is in a precious place. Food can spill over and your metabolism can be ruined. I agree with the reverse diet. Plus youll look good longer.

Mens bodies are a bit different but women after a cut /show is a perfect example of bad spill overs.
Most over indulge and the result is...
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Anyone who lifts on here vegan?

Smoothie for breakfast. Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries and banana smoothie

You really gotta force yourself to eat more, it's not easy. Just like being in the gym and fighting thru that last set
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