STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

many preworkouts have ingredients to facilitate a pump. you don't want that for running. evomuse put one out specifically for cardio called cardiotryx but i never tried it.
Just checked out the Kagedmuscle Kris Gethin routine.
it's basically drop your carbs down to 130ish grams week 1, then each week drop off like 15 grams. so the last week you're only at like 100 grams (breakfast and post workout basically)
week 4 like 2 days at 90
2 days at 70
2 days at 50
then that last day carb up take pics.

Cardio twice a day

train hard. take his supplements blah blah
basically the basic pre comp diet.

in regards to caffeine pills, i took them last year.
I remember my first time taking a caffeine pill I didnt know the whole pill was 200mgs. I was in the gym floating around weights like a hummingbird.

many preworkouts have ingredients to facilitate a pump. you don't want that for running. evomuse put one out specifically for cardio called cardiotryx but i never tried it.
^ This

I just don't feel good when on pre work out and running, after I work out if the PWO is still lingering im ok.
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Yea his and neils t was crazy.
I did his 12 dtp and was in great shape by the end of it. Even sent do my progress pucs and he retweeted and shared them.
How much cardio are you guys doing post lift? Usually 10-20 mins for me by it doesn't seem like it's a lot. maybe if I ran for those 10-20 mins it would be more than enough
wonder how many people have died trying to do jackassish stunts just for lulz and online likes/shares.

anyway, got a new box of bars and these are really good. considering macros, taste, texture etc. i think these are my favorites to date.
How much cardio are you guys doing post lift? Usually 10-20 mins for me by it doesn't seem like it's a lot. maybe if I ran for those 10-20 mins it would be more than enough


I lost 45 pounds with no cardio lol.
I'm on week 8 or 9 of PHAT program
Think im going to switch it up next week

anyone on another program that's not 5x5
im cutting
looking for something possibly high rep

I love/d the PHAT program. the power days are getting a bit harder with less food in me now. (and since my schedule changed im not as many meals in as I use to be )
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My left shoulder been cramping lately every time I low bar squat, so to compensate, I've been high bar squatting.

I should've been high bar squatting, I go up and down smoother for some reason.
me too...i refrain from cardio during my cut until i get to like 9-10% when i need that extra boost to get really lean
Ive never been that lean but I feel like we have the same approach.

When i see people especially females grinding that treadmill hard with intentions to purely lose weight opposed to increasing cardiovascular health thinking cardio is the most pivotal part of fat/weight loss  i just chuckle. Once you understand that what you eat is literally 80% +++ part of the process when changing your body things become so simple.
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Ive never been that lean but I feel like we have the same approach.

When i see people especially females grinding that treadmill hard with intentions to purely lose weight opposed to increasing cardiovascular health thinking cardio is the most pivotal part of fat/weight loss  i just chuckle. Once you understand that what you eat is literally 80% +++ part of the process when changing your body things become so simple.
It's not even that hard. Just grasp the simple concept of Cals In vs. Cals Out. Very, very easy to understand and follow.

Cardio is still great exercise though.
Only running I do is sprints, and I only do it because What's the point of being slim if you ain't got no conditioning.

Hate cardio tho.
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I'm having trouble staying tight on my bench.

Any tips, advices, cues?
Shrug up, back, down, lock in place. Try to touch your shoulder blades. Dig them into the bench. Tuck your feet behind your knees. Try to "bend the bar" on the way down then flare out on the way up. Squeeze the glutes and push through your feet.

Send me a video of your setup and I can try to help.
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Shrug up, back, down, lock in place. Try to touch your shoulder blades. Dig them into the bench. Tuck your feet behind your knees. Try to "bend the bar" on the way down then flare out on the way up. Squeeze the glutes and push through your feet.

Send me a video of your setup and I can try to help.

Just benched this morning. I'll see if I can get a video on Friday.
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