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I think im pretty close, ive seen him go to 530 at the gym, My max paused is 475 in the gym. when i get healthy, i dont think 500 will be a problem paused. Touch and go i did 520 about 3 years ago, never really maxed out touch and go after that, just worked with 4-5 rep maxes.
Damn bro thats crazy, your on the same level as one of the best ever lol

Once your at your level just adding 5 pounds to a lift must be nice.
Anything with a elevated heel, Romaleos, Adipowers, Do-Wins.

On a budget, chucks.

Broke, barefoot.

Elevated heels aren't necessary for everyone, and they tend to mask the problem of ankle immobility rather than motivating people to correct it. They're especially unnecessary if you only squat to parallel, rather than ATG.

Chucks never fit me because of how incredibly narrow they are. I particularly like "barefoot" training shoes such as the New Balance Minimus line if you have to wear shoes while squatting, although there are other good shoes out there with firm soles. I personally like squatting barefoot and see no problem with doing so if you have adequate mobility to do so, regardless of whether or not you can afford olympic weightlifting shoes.
Elevated heels aren't necessary for everyone, and they tend to mask the problem of ankle immobility rather than motivating people to correct it. They're especially unnecessary if you only squat to parallel, rather than ATG.

Chucks never fit me because of how incredibly narrow they are. I particularly like "barefoot" training shoes such as the New Balance Minimus line if you have to wear shoes while squatting, although there are other good shoes out there with firm soles. I personally like squatting barefoot and see no problem with doing so if you have adequate mobility to do so, regardless of whether or not you can afford olympic weightlifting shoes.
How do you fix ankle mobility though? 

I didn't say they were necessary, I just believe they will yield the best results when squatting. Have you used any kind of pair before? The heel isn't the only benefit. When I get set in them in whatever lift Im performing, my feet aren't going anywhere, I feel stuck to the ground almost. They're worth it in my opinion.
How do you fix ankle mobility though? 

I didn't say they were necessary, I just believe they will yield the best results when squatting. Have you used any kind of pair before? The heel isn't the only benefit. When I get set in them in whatever lift Im performing, my feet aren't going anywhere, I feel stuck to the ground almost. They're worth it in my opinion.

Of course I've used olympic weightlifting shoes. I wouldn't comment on them if I had no experience with them. I don't believe they are an appropriate choice for most people that aren't olympic weightlifters or competitive powerlifters. I believe that they can be effectively cycled in for the average person for short periods of time for the sake of variation, but average people exclusively squatting in olympic weightlifting shoes is a poor choice in my opinion. If you are an olympic weightlifter or competitive powerlifter, or you are a higher level athlete who uses olympic weightlifting variations in your training, then these shoes may actually benefit you. If you're only doing squat and deadlift variations, I don't believe these shoes are necessary at all.

Fixing ankle mobility depends on the cause of the immobility, and it doesn't necessarily have to be the ankles that limit squatting depth and form. It is my experience that motor control issues are the main issue that needs to be addressed with tight calves. It is common for the calves to be overactive in movements that they aren't responsible for, such as hip extension. Myofascial release, corrective exercise, passive stretching, and active flexibility movements can all be useful in correcting an immobility issue. A few pages back I posted an excerpt from Charles Poliquin's former website describing a very effective way of passively stretching the calves. It is part of the puzzle, but the full solution must be individualized. Sorry that I can't make any blanket recommendations, but I don't believe that such a panacea exists, and using non-individualized advice regarding this subject can lead to joint instability, causing a lot of problems down the road.
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Legs today followed by a smorgasbord of protein 
 @nealraj006  I see your very knowledgable when it comes to fitness and all the science behind it but he asked for the best shoe to squat in and I believe most people will get the best benefits from a Oly shoe or at the very least some chucks, regardless of what your training for. Most people aren't going to spend the $200 on them anyway and defiantly won't only use them in cycles if they're serious about what they're doing.

It kind of like trying to play basketball in a pair of running shoes with no ankle support. They design certain shoes to help one preform better in whatever sport they're doing so why not use them.

Also I wouldn't  strictly DL in Oly shoes, a flat soled shoe is best or barefoot.
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Damn bro thats crazy, your on the same level as one of the best ever lol

Once your at your level just adding 5 pounds to a lift must be nice.

a lot of the times I'm going -5lbs lol

Dan will probably reach 550 by years end though :x
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My stats

500 dl
295 bench
365 squat

I weigh 200 my bench is terrible I dnt understand I go so hard on chest and do perfect form rotate between bb and db excerises it's still ****** (I have made more progress in the last 6 mnths than my entire life but it's still not up to my standards) my squat is kind of frustrating to I can get 315 6-8x but can barely get 365
My stats

500 dl
295 bench
365 squat

I weigh 200 my bench is terrible I dnt understand I go so hard on chest and do perfect form rotate between bb and db excerises it's still ****** (I have made more progress in the last 6 mnths than my entire life but it's still not up to my standards) my squat is kind of frustrating to I can get 315 6-8x but can barely get 365
Walking/balance is a hell of a lot worse today, I'm hoping its just a "today" thing, plus tomorrow is the girlfriends birthday, this weekend we're heading out of town, so I don't want to succumb to it so soon, will take the rest of the week to see how it goes...

If things don't get better, back to the ER I go
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I just wanna hit a 315 bench 405 squat and a 455 Deadlift by this time next year. Im 168lbs... gonna keep going til 160.

So far 265bench, 335 squat, 385 dead as 1 rep maxes. 
I just wanna hit a 315 bench 405 squat and a 455 Deadlift by this time next year. Im 168lbs... gonna keep going til 160.

So far 265bench, 335 squat, 385 dead as 1 rep maxes. 
Repped. That's pretty damn strong for your weight. Keep up the good work sir
wassup guys, anyone here mess with yoga? i tried it yesterday and today post lift and it was pretty challenging. also the girls were
I just wanna hit a 315 bench 405 squat and a 455 Deadlift by this time next year. Im 168lbs... gonna keep going til 160.

So far 265bench, 335 squat, 385 dead as 1 rep maxes. 
Damb that is really impressive famb good work.

I weigh 180lbs and i 1 rep max 365 squatting and 405 DL but i haven't ever hit 2 plates on bench 
.  My upper body strength is piss poor.  But im a soccer player...not a power lifter so i have never been concerned about it.  Maybe in the off season il try to get up there in bench press

Did DL yesterday.  My gym is the worst for Dead's there is 0 room to do anything i had the bar hovering over a pair of steps to a point where i had to roll it out to get another weight on just to have room to do anything 

135lb x 10

225lbs x 8

275lbs x 5

325 x 3

345 x 3

365 x 3

Then came down did abotu 6 reps at 275 then 10 more at 135.  Finishes with some close grip pull downs some wide grip pull downs some bar bell rows and some light cardio to end.  Slept like a baby
a lot of the times I'm going -5lbs lol

Dan will probably reach 550 by years end though
Thats crazy, he better keep progressing cause these damn Russians are like machines 
Walking/balance is a hell of a lot worse today, I'm hoping its just a "today" thing, plus tomorrow is the girlfriends birthday, this weekend we're heading out of town, so I don't want to succumb to it so soon, will take the rest of the week to see how it goes...

If things don't get better, back to the ER I go
Keep your head up bro.
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 I see your very knowledgable when it comes to fitness and all the science behind it but he asked for the best shoe to squat in and I believe most people will get the best benefits from a Oly shoe or at the very least some chucks, regardless of what your training for. Most people aren't going to spend the $200 on them anyway and defiantly won't only use them in cycles if they're serious about what they're doing.

It kind of like trying to play basketball in a pair of running shoes with no ankle support. They design certain shoes to help one preform better in whatever sport they're doing so why not use them.

Also I wouldn't  strictly DL in Oly shoes, a flat soled shoe is best or barefoot.

O-lifting shoes can be had for much less than $200. Saying that o-lifting shoes are the best shoes to squat in is like saying a sports car is the best type of car, period. For whom? What are their goals, experiences, structural problems, etc.?

Yes, many things have been designed to improve performance in a particular sport, but at what expense? Ankle support may help during the basketball game while the shoes are worn, but what happens when your shoes are off, or they wear out and you get a different pair of shoes? Ankle support and certain other "features" can actually lead to detraining of the structures of the foot and ankle, leading to problems down the road. Sure, LeBron James can benefit from basketball shoes, but what about John Doe who plays a few pick up games per week at the neighborhood park?

It is a similar story regarding running shoes: they are padded and provide "support", but they also lead to weakening of the foot and ankle, enforce bad movement patterns, and lead to injury down the road. I like the idea of the "barefoot running" movement that started, but I also believe that most people are approaching it inappropriately.

I'm not saying that no person should ever use sport-specific training equipment. I'm simply saying that we should be more skeptical and thoughtful about choices regarding such pieces of equipment, which are often worse(Running Parachutes vs Sleds), harmful (padded running shoes), or just a waste of money (TRX vs Gymnastic Rings).

Just some food for thought. I'll agree to disagree with you...
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O-lifting shoes can be had for much less than $200. Saying that o-lifting shoes are the best shoes to squat in is like saying a sports car is the best type of car, period. For whom? What are their goals, experiences, structural problems, etc.?

Just some food for thought. I'll agree to disagree with you...
I know they can be found for cheaper then that but the most popular choice ( Nike and Adidas) are around that price mark. The guy never told us his goals, he just asked a broad question of which shoes are best to squat in? I answered it with my opinion along with many others with the answer of Oly shoes. 

Every top basketball player plays in basketball shoes along with every average joe. Every top runner runs in running shoes, same with average joes. I was at the Chicago marathon last Oct and I didn't see anyone wearing something different. Lets not try to reinvent the wheel here, these shoes are going to help you preform better and thats why people wear them.

Now if dudes only goal is to be able to squat once a week and doesn't care about weight and hitting depth then by all means by some chucks or minimalist shoes like you suggested. But if your serious about getting stronger ( my opinion is based off this) then buy some Oly shoes and I guarantee you will like the results.

We don't have to disagree totally, I just put more importance on them then you. Better then seeing 10 questions about protein powders lol
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Oly shoes are like every other exercise accessory... If you cant do it right without it, you shouldnt use it.

Learn to lift without oly shoes first, then use the benefits of oly shoes once youve mastered the first step
And it begins....Topic: Oly shoes.

Personally I have them and will not squat or OHP without them. I've done it barefoot until I started getting up there in weight.
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