STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Had a great 2 hour session this morning. Arms and back. Mixed in some abs and cardio at the end. Gooood Morning Saturday
These always make me...

But its so weird that when it comes to protecting yourself in bodybuilding/weight training it's considered feminine.

i want to start Bill Starr's 5x5 workout Monday morning. supposed to me really good for increasing strength and whatnot. anyway, i downloaded the excel sheet for the program and let's say my 5 rep bench max is 170 lbs. is it correct that it's saying that my bench reps should be 5x95, 5x110, 5x125, 5x145, and 5x160 on the first day? i feel like i should be doing 5x170 for the last set on the first day since it's my 5 rep max. instead, i'm not doing 5x170 until the 4th week and by the 9th week i'm doing 5x197.

don't know if anyone knows what i'm talking about, but hopefully someone does.
Personally for my 5x5s I use the same weight for the first 4 sets and then add weight on the 5th one. Then the next week I will use the same weight for 3 sets then add weight for the last 2 sets. Eventually Ill use the new weight for 5 sets and start adding weight the next week. I know all that sounds redundant but it works. Try starting out with a 5x5 at 145 and see if you can complete with like 2 min rest max between sets. All those other weights are ok for warming up but arent gonna get you stronger.
I wear gloves. Not now cause my lifts are pretty light. When my pull workouts get heavier, the gloves help keep my grip throughout the workout.
These always make me...:rofl:

But its so weird that when it comes to protecting yourself in bodybuilding/weight training it's considered feminine.

I use gloves for shrugs, and straps on DL once I get past 315 raw.

I`m debating on going back to a 3 Day full body split once I start back cutting so I can fit in longer cardio sessions probably along the lines of

A Day
Squats 2X8, 2X5
Leg Press 4X8
Deadlift 4X5
Incline Bench 4X8
Decline 4X8
Chest FLy 4X8
Lat Pulldown wide 2X8 Lat Pull down close grip 2X8
Seated Rows 4X8
calf raises 4X20

B day
Squats 2X8, 2X5
Leg Press 4X8
calf raises 4X20
Stand Military press 4X8
side lat raises 4X8
rear delt flys 4X8
wide grip curls 4X8
close grip curls 4X8
preacher curls 4X8

2 days cardio for 30-40 min

2 rest days.
anyone try any of the arnold line of products yet from MP? just seen the protein at my GNC on base and was thinking about picking it up. I'ma run out of my current protein this week and have been thinking of trying something new.
I'm thinking about wearing gloves for shrugs and deads too. My shrugs at at 300 and the calluses are starting to kill me. 
anyone try any of the arnold line of products yet from MP? just seen the protein at my GNC on base and was thinking about picking it up. I'ma run out of my current protein this week and have been thinking of trying something new.

if you enjoy fillers have fun my boy. lol

About to write up my new macros and calorie intake for this cut decided to weigh myself for the first time in 2 months clocked in at 254 LOLOLOL. The strength gains have been awesome cant eem lie though.
i always see chicks and beginners rocking gloves.

straps are ok if you want to hit certain weight and dont have great grip strength.

i used to rock straps all the time years ago.

for the past couple of years its chalk now.

huge improvement on forearms and grip strength.
I wear gloves and still smash dimes. Fight me bros.

First great weekend weather of the year and I catch a cold. Oh well, still going out there to shoot around and maybe play a pick up game.

Took a while to get my forearm back.

But honestly am a fan chalk or nothing.

Guess it's all up to the believer.
How do you know if you are skinny fat? :lol:

Basically if you have a narrow frame that makes you look slim/normal with clothes on, but with the clothes off you have love handles

basically me during bulking :lol: I swear, when you have a narrow frame, even a couple of extra pounds of fat makes you look like a fat @#$ :frown:
Idk where y'all at but there are some strong ************* at my gym who rock gloves faithfully.

I personally am liquid chalk or nothing but don't sleep, gloves don't mean anything
People who rock gloves at my gym are 1 grandpa 1 homo and the rest girls. Gloves dont mean **** doe, I can see why some dudes wouldnt want calluses all over their hands, doesnt eem bother me doe.
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