STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

This guy eats nothing
All you had to do was look at the guys body to draw that conclusion lol. Dude might have super low body fat, but he looks like holocaust surviver (it's ok, I'm Jewish, I can say that)
yall hatin

dude isnt that small at all
Only been lifting for a year and i just got in the 1k club(260 bench, 415 deadlift and 335 squat at 5'7 180) . All raw no belts no straps no chalk. I :
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Haven't PR'ed in a while but currently repping 5 reps of:

Bench: 250
Squat: 285
Dead: 365

Total: 900

So close but yet so far. My squats are weak :frown:
^jonnie candito program bruh look into it guarantee you will truck through 1k barrier EASILY after 6 weeks if you really want that. :smokin all 3 lifts will go up. my squat has been skyrocketing since i started using his program. i actually had to kinda start from scratch because i used to only low bar squat but i switched to high bar when i started his prgoram and after 4 weeks so far ive surpassed what i used to do with low bar.
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^jonnie candito program bruh look into it guarantee you will truck through 1k barrier EASILY after 6 weeks if you really want that. :smokin all 3 lifts will go up. my squat has been skyrocketing since i started using his program. i actually had to kinda start from scratch because i used to only low bar squat but i switched to high bar when i started his prgoram and after 4 weeks so far ive surpassed what i used to do with low bar.

Thanks! Think I found my next routine after this next month. Hopefully being at a caloric deficit won't hurt the gains.
I'm in the 1K club with the Crossfit all u dudes barely in it with a bench as one are weak girls!!!!

JK!!!! LoL
^jonnie candito program bruh look into it guarantee you will truck through 1k barrier EASILY after 6 weeks if you really want that.
all 3 lifts will go up. my squat has been skyrocketing since i started using his program. i actually had to kinda start from scratch because i used to only low bar squat but i switched to high bar when i started his prgoram and after 4 weeks so far ive surpassed what i used to do with low bar.
Great advice! I rock with JC man, I just started doing a PPl split because of him. He is beastly strong for his size and can dunk 

I recommend anyone looking to get strong to subscribe to his channel. Dude knows his stuff and his form on all lifts is A+
It's really not that much. Maybe for a beginner, and yes it's more than average, but if you've been in the gym for a few years they aren't anything crazy.

I only count the weight that would get 3 white lights in competition. Squat breaks parallel, bench is PAUSED (this is what gets most people) and you don't drop the weight after you lock out the DL.

But didnt know we had some dudes in here that concentrate more on powerlifting, thought I was alone 
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That's a lot. Any particular reason you want to lift that much?

Just something i've always looked to do. No reason but to say, hey I'm in the 1k club lol.

That's a lot. Any particular reason you want to lift that much?

It's really not that much. Maybe for a beginner, and yes it's more than average, but if you've been in the gym for a few years they aren't anything crazy.

And yes, 4 plates on DL's and 3 plates on squats (for me at least) is :smokin

oh no! I misunderstood, I thought you mean 1k on each, not put together lmao watching powerlifter videos and strongman contests will have you taking every 'weight lifted' comment literally loll. If adding them up, then yea, it's definitely more than reasonable. Keep cooking.
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Only been to the gym twice this week and I'm supposed to go tonight but I'm not feeling it at all! Got that burnt out feeling and I'm just contemplating taking tonight and the weekend off to recharge the batteries and get back at it Monday.
I did strict keto this week. Less than 20 carbs every day. I'm already out of meal ideas. I trust myself more to count calories and go to the gym 4-5 times a week than I trust myself trying to stick to a keto diet. I hate vegetables outside of broccoli, corn, and potatoes. I'm gonna take the loss and cut the calories starting Monday smh.
is it pointless to do ab workouts when abs are truly "made in the kitchen" (ie diet-based)?

no, its a muscle. you still need to work them out.

keep working your abs and they will get bigger and stronger just like any muscle. once you get low body fat, your abs will look and pop more. thats what im hoping to accomplish on this bulk and build them like crazy so when i cut again and get to the same BF as earlier this summer where they will look :x :smokin
wish my traps would grow, maybe during this bulk and if i hit them hard enough they will. at least i hope :smh:
Abs are made in the kitchen. If ya do squats n deads an you got low bf you will have abs. Mine pop an I never do ab days I don't do arm days either.
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Abs are made in the kitchen. If ya do squats n deads an you got low bf you will have abs. Mine pop an I never do ab days I don't do arm days either.

body fat wise, sure. to see them you need to eat good/clean.

but what im saying, you still need to hit them hard regardless especially if you are bulking or plan to cut in the future. weak looking abs when your are low BF... :x
It cracks me up when people say "everyone has abs, you just have to have low enough body fat to see them". While that is true, everyone has biceps too and you must work them out to grow. Your abs are muscles that need to be developed too.

Don't let the trees get in the way of seeing the forest.
Yea traps are one of my genetically dominant parts. I never work them directly they just develop too fast. I have to work my shoulders a lot more to compensate for these football pads connected to my neck lol
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