STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

protein shakes are their just to get extra protein, not consume 50% or more of your protein macros from it.

go and consume 90% of your protein from real food while lifting heavy for 2 months and tell me you dont notice a difference.

compared to last year i look and feel soo much better while consuming most if not all of my protein from REAL food. Chicken and Eggs>>>>>>>>>>>protein shakes.

i rarely take protein, if i do its right after a workout which is why i rarely buy unless i get sick of a flavor. even then :lol:
protein shakes are their just to get extra protein, not consume 50% or more of your protein macros from it.

go and consume 90% of your protein from real food while lifting heavy for 2 months and tell me you dont notice a difference.

compared to last year i look and feel soo much better while consuming most if not all of my protein from REAL food. Chicken and Eggs>>>>>>>>>>>protein shakes.

i rarely take protein, if i do its right after a workout which is why i rarely buy unless i get sick of a flavor. even then :lol:

agree 100%

also on the layne protocol im on, he doesnt do protein shakes at all, an that guy is a natty beast

bcaa pulse, the rest is food

matter fact last time i even used a protein powder it was peptopro, nobody is tryna preach gospel if you just wanna lose weight keep doin what youre doin if you wanna look elite you gotta change your attitude sorry.

maybe thats not your goal though, so its all good, again, nothing wrong with chicken fingers. make sure you got that sauce to go with it though.
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Some advice. Working out too much, or too hard does contribute to hair loss. Just wanted to let all you super-athlete execisers out there know. There is stuff that can help you (such as Nizoral shampoo), but training like a madman day in and day out will definitely speed up the process. Some people may be genetically lucky and not be affected at all by this...but for most people it does matter. Just my conclusion based on the countless hours I've spent researching this. Getting in shape, eating well, etc is good. Overtraining is not.
Some advice. Working out too much, or too hard does contribute to hair loss. Just wanted to let all you super-athlete execisers out there know. There is stuff that can help you (such as Nizoral shampoo), but training like a madman day in and day out will definitely speed up the process. Some people may be genetically lucky and not be affected at all by this...but for most people it does matter. Just my conclusion based on the countless hours I've spent researching this. Getting in shape, eating well, etc is good. Overtraining is not.

Sources please
Some advice. Working out too much, or too hard does contribute to hair loss. Just wanted to let all you super-athlete execisers out there know. There is stuff that can help you (such as Nizoral shampoo), but training like a madman day in and day out will definitely speed up the process. Some people may be genetically lucky and not be affected at all by this...but for most people it does matter. Just my conclusion based on the countless hours I've spent researching this. Getting in shape, eating well, etc is good. Overtraining is not.

never heard of this in my life

def need a source, what is your explanation on this?

are you saying gym freaks build up more DHT in the hair resulting in baldness? only thing i can think of

genetics play a much bigger role in the amount of DHT a person produces
Nobody is saying protein shakes are better than something else, I never understand why people say whole foods is Better than protein shakes as if someone is saying they get all their protein from shakes? Serious question do some of you just not work 40 hours a week? It's easy to say how someone should eat and train when you don't work their schedule. A protein shake is a quick fix point blank, I don't think anyone in this thread is dependent on any supplement.

And the thing is cats in here have their own definition of cheat day, some people call eating fried chicken yet still being at a caloric deficit a cheat day. Cheating for me is eati at maintence. When your cutting at 1500-2000 calories eating at 3000-3500 is a treat and doesn't cause you to gain weight. I don't care who you are if you cut at more than 500 calories for an extended period of time you gotta give your body a break point blank. Dudes cut for 3-5 months and try to compare themselves to others is not the same at all.

At the end of the day I got to where I am by doing what I wanted and enjoyed, this is the issue with "fitness" you have all these people doing things they don't enjoy because someone else said they are suppose to do it and majority of people end up falling off.

I'm gonna keep taking my protein, taking my creatine whole cutting, keep eating my fried chicken when I desire, and keep making gainz like I've been doing.
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Nobody is saying protein shakes are better than something else, I never understand why people say whole foods is Better than protein shakes as if someone is saying they get all their protein from shakes? Serious question do some of you just not work 40 hours a week? It's easy to say how someone should eat and train when you don't work their schedule. A protein shake is a quick fix point blank, I don't think anyone in this thread is dependent on any supplement.

And the thing is cats in here have their own definition of cheat day, some people call eating fried chicken yet still being at a caloric deficit a cheat day. Cheating for me is eati at maintence. When your cutting at 1500-2000 calories eating at 3000-3500 is a treat and doesn't cause you to gain weight. I don't care who you are if you cut at more than 500 calories for an extended period of time you gotta give your body a break point blank. Dudes cut for 3-5 months and try to compare themselves to others is not the same at all.

At the end of the day I got to where I am by doing what I wanted and enjoyed, this is the issue with "fitness" you have all these people doing things they don't enjoy because someone else said they are suppose to do it and majority of people end up falling off.

I'm gonna keep taking my protein, taking my creatine whole cutting, keep eating my fried chicken when I desire, and keep making gainz like I've been doing.
all well and good but can you stop using "gains" with a z, really rumbles my Johnnies.
never heard of this in my life

def need a source, what is your explanation on this?

are you saying gym freaks build up more DHT in the hair resulting in baldness? only thing i can think of

genetics play a much bigger role in the amount of DHT a person produces

Genetics play the biggest role in everything...they are the platform for our potential. However, the activities that we do (or do not do) determine the extent, or speed, of what happens to us.

For me, hair is very important. I have a smallish head and don't look very good with very short hair or bald. I've tried it. It's not a look that works for me. As such, I've always been very conscious of how my hair looks. I'm also a princess when it comes to hair and have always liked styling it and finding what I think works best for me to pull wimizz. Not ashamed to say it.

Just from a pure observational standpoint I noticed living outside of the US that most people actually have a good head of hair up and through their dying days. It puzzled me. So obviously there was something genetic going on. However, I also suspected that it had a lot to do with lifestyle. When I was 25 I felt my hair starting to thin a bit. This freaked me out so much. And one of my friends mentioned it on a night out when we were partying. I hated it. I am all about accepting reality, but at the same time, this was a competition to me...what could I do in this modern era?

So, I researched and researched. I knew that ANY form of supplements to be taken internally was not worth it for me. I tried Hydroxycut once and that experience was enough for me to never want to try anything again ever. As such, the ONLY thing I did was take Nizoral shampoo. Read up on it. I use it about once every three days and also use a little hair oil. I stopped using hot water (luke cold or cold only now) on my hair. Since then and now my hair has gone about 70% back to prime hair of ages 19-22 (28 now). I'm going to add a topical DHT inhibitor and a growth spray in the next few months. See if I can't get back to 90%+. I just haven't been in the US and getting anything but the shampoo is too tough with foreign language barriers.

So, I went further down the rabbit hole and thought more about why some people lose hair etc. In my mind, in the US people are generally either really in shape, or really out of shape. However, in most other countries people are generally in decent shape..not so extreme one way or another. I did notice though..that in these other countries, people that were really in shape, or specifically, very yoked seemed to not be so blessed with as great hair as everyone else. I found that odd because I've been in some very homogeneous countries (such as S.Korea).

I read up more and more about this (don't want to link all the sources...too much effort right is your friend on this). Though the studies are not conclusive, the evidence does seem to suggest that heavy working out or exercising too much can lead to hair loss being sped up, or exacerbated. For people that just do a normal healthy lifestyle of eating reasonably, and being active...this does not apply. It only applies to those people that are exercising to a point that the body experiences a lot of changes. A good starting point of where I drew my conclusions from is this article:

It really is knowledge I've internalized that I've gotten through researching it from many different angles. Additionally, learning more about diets, training, etc has shown me that high calorie, high exercise is not really that healthy either. People in Japan rarely work out...but they live healthy, happy, and the longest in the world. It's genetic of course...but it's also the lifestyle. When your body is always in go-go-go mode (high exercise, high calorie) it can't repair itself. Lower calorie, with normal exercise/normal non sedentary lifestyle/good quality of food is vastly superior. IGF-1, something else to google if you are interested in living a long, healthy opposed to a really in shape, but susceptible to diseases/shorter life.

All in all...i try to eat well, be active, and gym an hour a day. From my research and studies this seems to be optimal to living life the way I think is good. My benchmark of good is being able to play sports to an advanced age, be pain-free, be disease/illness free for the most part, have good fertility, and live to a reasonably long age while still enjoying the foods that I love.
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Nobody is saying protein shakes are better than something else, I never understand why people say whole foods is Better than protein shakes

yeaaa. i stopped right here.

slow it down

Same dudes preaching this nonsense are dudes that say Protein shakes are BS and eat whole food like protein isn't derived from milk and or eggs.

do you man, fried chicken an all. i wont preach to you why i dont eat fried foods either. i enjoy PLENTY of good food, you have a misconception that a person who is lean doesnt get to enjoy food/life i guess. you also seem a lil hostile at that lol

also i work 40 hours a week and some for sure an i dont need protein shakes for a quick fix, fyi im not a white collar worker either.


ill check out the article now
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Cats don't even know what that is I posted and call it a cheat meal. LOL same cats in here saying I shouldn't eat African Food and I'm African. Dudes kill me with that brown rice and veggie BS that if you aren't eating that you aren't eating clean. news flash no such thing as eating clean, your body can't tell the difference between you eating a burger or salad all it sees is what ever nutrients and calories the item has, it's up to YOU to tailor and consume the number of calories and nutrients you feel will accomplish what ever goal works for you. I'm not gonna go out with my girl and force my self to eat a damn salad if I'm at a food spot that isnt a salad shop.That's like me going to Ruth Chris and ordering Chicken fingers. Go tell a Persian their food is bad and unhealthy. Dudes preaching this false gospel of what society deems healthy food, no better than these Atkins diet cats. I believe in having common sense, eating a burger one or two times a week didn't get me fat, NOT BEING ACTIVE DID. I'm in the gym 5-7 times a week and have been consistently for over a year now. If you think a burger or anything that isn't rice and veggies is gonna blow me up back to 300 lbs your an idiot.

Same dudes preaching this nonsense are dudes that say Protein shakes are BS and eat whole food like protein isn't derived from milk and or eggs.

You do know that all macros are not created equally? There are different fats, carbs, proteins, etc that affects basically everything your trying to accomplish? I get it, have a cheat meal here and there, my days are probably even worst then your cheat days but don't go around thinking or spewing that garbage that it's all about the calories.
You do know that all macros are not created equally? There are different fats, carbs, proteins, etc that affects basically everything your trying to accomplish? I get it, have a cheat meal here and there, my days are probably even worst then your cheat days but don't go around thinking or spewing that garbage that it's all about the calories.

Diff kinds of protein? LOL K.
yeaaa. i stopped right here.

slow it down
do you man, fried chicken an all. i wont preach to you why i dont eat fried foods either. i enjoy PLENTY of good food, you have a misconception that a person who is lean doesnt get to enjoy food/life i guess. you also seem a lil hostile at that lol

also i work 40 hours a week and some for sure an i dont need protein shakes for a quick fix, fyi im not a white collar worker either.


ill check out the article now

I don't have any misconception about anything, I'm stating that dudes in this thread try to preach there's only one way to eat. You might drink a protein shake but John Doe did at the end of the day you both got your protein in and your bodies can't tell the difference.

Just read the thread numerous times dudes will say someone shouldn't eat something in here, you gut guys like Matt ogus that eat chipotle every day, at the end of the day it's what works for you. All because you don't drink shakes really means nothing to me just like me drinking a shake means nothing to you. What I hate about this thread is dudes take THEIR experience and say it is the law of the land, all the science tied to half this fitness stuff is BS, unless I was personally tested there is no way to say this will impact me in some type of way because we are all different.
What you eat should not define your enjoyment of life. You eat to fuel your body, not for pleasure. However, these two things are not mutually exclusive. 

There is nothing wrong with a cheat meal, even cheat days (within reason), once a week. Stick to a healthy lifestyle because once you start deviating from it, it can be a slippery slope for those who have made a lot of progress. 
sleeping after back day :smh:, sides get real irritated and sleeping on my back just isnt comfortable in general. i cant be the only one
What you eat should not define your enjoyment of life. You eat to fuel your body, not for pleasure. However, these two things are not mutually exclusive. 

There is nothing wrong with a cheat meal, even cheat days (within reason), once a week. Stick to a healthy lifestyle because once you start deviating from it, it can be a slippery slope for those who have made a lot of progress. 

What is healthy? Everyone's opinions on this differs, you can say you eat chicken and veggies and a vegan will come in and say your gonna die and you're unhealthy. I can drink protein shakes all day and technically fueling my body. In my world and experience Healthy doesn't exist only Common Sense does. I don't want to live a Healthy lifestyle, I want to live on my own accord using common sense. Common sense tells me not to eat a bucket of fried chicken in one sitting because I will feel like crap not because a scientific study told me it isn't healthy. Common sense tells me not to eat pizza 5 days a week because when I go to do cardio I'm gonna feel like crap, I don't not eat it because someone told me its not healthy. American Science is nothing but a figure to make people believe in what ever agenda the machine wants to push. There are cats in here who probably take pre workouts every day yet have the nerve to tell someone don't eat white bread its not healthy.

I can put money that majority of the former fat people in here were not fat because they pigged out every day (of course there are people who do this) but more so they simply did not live active lifestyles. I believe an active lifestyle is what makes someone "healthy", food is simply fuel and if you're gonna fuel your body fuel it with stuff YOU enjoy.
Guys we need to use this thread to motivate each other, not to bash another man who has a steady regimen that is working for them.

We all have the same goal here: To get back into and to stay in shape.

It doesn't matter If one man drinks 3 protein shakes and eats burgers to get there

and another man only eats free range, antibiotic free ground turkey meat with brown rice and veggies to get there

Everyone's body responds a little bit different to the various nutrition sources so not one person's meal plan and regimen will yield the same exact results you have received.

Lets keep catchin gainz, fit fam :nthat:
I can put money that majority of the former fat people in here were not fat because they pigged out every day (of course there are people who do this) but more so they simply did not live active lifestyles. I believe an active lifestyle is what makes someone "healthy", food is simply fuel and if you're gonna fuel your body fuel it with stuff YOU enjoy.

I can vouch for these statements. I used to tip the scale in the 270's.

Sure, I ate like a pig frequently, but it wasn't like I lived like the way movies portray fat people.

I generally ate as much as my thinner friends.

Only thing was: I NEVER exercised. No basketball, no football, no running, no weight training, etc.

When I started training, my diet really didn't change a whole lot as far as volume, but it did change a little bit in content (dont eat a lot of deep fried food, dont eat a lot of white rice any more, etc.)

I still enjoy lots of REALLY good food, but i always make sure to give my training everything i have in order not to slip back into that horrible mess of a body i used to live in.

pic for reference.... by no means do i believe i have "arrived" to any kind of awesome physique... just another former fat guy who makes a decision every day to try and be better
What you eat should not define your enjoyment of life. You eat to fuel your body, not for pleasure. However, these two things are not mutually exclusive. 

There is nothing wrong with a cheat meal, even cheat days (within reason), once a week. Stick to a healthy lifestyle because once you start deviating from it, it can be a slippery slope for those who have made a lot of progress. 

What is healthy? Everyone's opinions on this differs, you can say you eat chicken and veggies and a vegan will come in and say your gonna die and you're unhealthy. I can drink protein shakes all day and technically fueling my body. In my world and experience Healthy doesn't exist only Common Sense does. I don't want to live a Healthy lifestyle, I want to live on my own accord using common sense. Common sense tells me not to eat a bucket of fried chicken in one sitting because I will feel like crap not because a scientific study told me it isn't healthy. Common sense tells me not to eat pizza 5 days a week because when I go to do cardio I'm gonna feel like crap, I don't not eat it because someone told me its not healthy. American Science is nothing but a figure to make people believe in what ever agenda the machine wants to push. There are cats in here who probably take pre workouts every day yet have the nerve to tell someone don't eat white bread its not healthy.

I can put money that majority of the former fat people in here were not fat because they pigged out every day (of course there are people who do this) but more so they simply did not live active lifestyles. I believe an active lifestyle is what makes someone "healthy", food is simply fuel and if you're gonna fuel your body fuel it with stuff YOU enjoy.

Yea you still have to live with HOW you feel, but science will tell you WHY you feel that way. I think it's important to know every side, that's the only way to make informed decisions, about anything. You must be informed.

Just look at smokers. Smoking kills hundreds of thousands of people a year. Yet, there are millions of people that have smoked all of their lives and live well into their 80s and 90s, with no cancer or anything like that. Reports never come out about the people that DON'T get cancer. So does that imply that smoking is safe because only a couple hundred thousand deaths can be attributed to it, while millions of others carry on just fine? True, everybody is different, and true, our bodies do process different things differently. But one thing that holds true, and seems to be a control is, high cholesterol, bad; high sodium, bad; the bad fats, bad; etc. It's not so much about wanting to just enjoy life, so you indulge in the temptations, but the healthy lifestyle comes in wanting to live for as long as you can, so you set yourself up for success, instead of gambling that you'll be one of those special ones that can do whatever they want and toss up Methuselah #'s.
Yea you still have to live with HOW you feel, but science will tell you WHY you feel that way. I think it's important to know every side, that's the only way to make informed decisions, about anything. You must be informed.

Just look at smokers. Smoking kills hundreds of thousands of people a year. Yet, there are millions of people that have smoked all of their lives and live well into their 80s and 90s, with no cancer or anything like that. Reports never come out about the people that DON'T get cancer. So does that imply that smoking is safe because only a couple hundred thousand deaths can be attributed to it, while millions of others carry on just fine? True, everybody is different, and true, our bodies do process different things differently. But one thing that holds true, and seems to be a control is, high cholesterol, bad; high sodium, bad; the bad fats, bad; etc. It's not so much about wanting to just enjoy life, so you indulge in the temptations, but the healthy lifestyle comes in wanting to live for as long as you can, so you set yourself up for success, instead of gambling that you'll be one of those special ones that can do whatever they want and toss up Methuselah #'s.

This is my thing dudes will confuse CUTTING BACK with NOT BEING HEALTHY. If in one month some has eaten fried foods twice dudes will be like "blah blah u gon die" it's almost an insult to the persons intelligence. If there are 30 days in a month and you eat what people "consider bad" foods 4 times out of those 30 days and you've worked out 25 of those 30 days chances are the odds of good health are in your favor.

Heck me eating Mediterranean food being considered cheating is pure stupidity. None of the food is fried or what ever its all grilled meats and veggies and rice, but its almost as if many of these pseudo fitness gurus are quick to attack anything that isn't chicken brown rice and a veggie, THAT is the mind set I hate about "fitness"
What is healthy? Everyone's opinions on this differs, you can say you eat chicken and veggies and a vegan will come in and say your gonna die and you're unhealthy. I can drink protein shakes all day and technically fueling my body. In my world and experience Healthy doesn't exist only Common Sense does. I don't want to live a Healthy lifestyle, I want to live on my own accord using common sense. Common sense tells me not to eat a bucket of fried chicken in one sitting because I will feel like crap not because a scientific study told me it isn't healthy. Common sense tells me not to eat pizza 5 days a week because when I go to do cardio I'm gonna feel like crap, I don't not eat it because someone told me its not healthy. American Science is nothing but a figure to make people believe in what ever agenda the machine wants to push. There are cats in here who probably take pre workouts every day yet have the nerve to tell someone don't eat white bread its not healthy.

I can put money that majority of the former fat people in here were not fat because they pigged out every day (of course there are people who do this) but more so they simply did not live active lifestyles. I believe an active lifestyle is what makes someone "healthy", food is simply fuel and if you're gonna fuel your body fuel it with stuff YOU enjoy.
I agree with you. I've gone off in this thread before on people's different views of what healthy is. 

On the other hand, I have no idea where you are going with this common sense argument. How has this derailed into "American Science is nothing by a figure to make people believe in what ever agenda the machine wants to push"? This is not a shot at you by any means (seriously), but that is the difference between an educated and uneducated person. Educated people are able to gather info from different sources and make their own conclusions from the info available. 

Your common sense tells you right from wrong because at one point science told you what was "healthy" and "unhealthy". It isn't as simple as eating a bunch of X makes you feel like crap, because eating a lot of anything will probably have the same effect (obviously extreme differences in various foods though). 

This has derailed fast. For someone like you who has made all this progress by counting calories and watching your diet, it seems strange to see this "common sense" thing from you (not saying you won't continue to closely monitor your intake). 

It is easy to go the gym and make progress. It honestly doesn't take much. Something simple as starting strength where you are in the gym 3 days a week is more than enough to start making progress.  
This is my thing dudes will confuse CUTTING BACK with NOT BEING HEALTHY. If in one month some has eaten fried foods twice dudes will be like "blah blah u gon die" it's almost an insult to the persons intelligence. If there are 30 days in a month and you eat what people "consider bad" foods 4 times out of those 30 days and you've worked out 25 of those 30 days chances are the odds of good health are in your favor.

Heck me eating Mediterranean food being considered cheating is pure stupidity. None of the food is fried or what ever its all grilled meats and veggies and rice, but its almost as if many of these pseudo fitness gurus are quick to attack anything that isn't chicken brown rice and a veggie, THAT is the mind set I hate about "fitness"

Meh, I got no problems with you Lucky, matter of fact I'm happy for you and it actually motivates me to see someone make such a drastic change in their lifestyle and realizing what was wrong. I think the hatred towards you in this thread is not so much direct at you but more so how you respond to "criticism." You started off wanting to learn more about fitness and why/how things worked with your body and it undoubtedly worked for you but as it progressed it just seemed like you throw everything back at people's faces when they say something you don't agree with. By all means, it's okay to disagree with statements but when something has scientific facts behind it, at least try to have an open mind about it.

Cheat meals, cheat days, are needed to keep us sane, but back on the grind NT. For someone that goes to school 8-5 then has to get the energy to study/workout/cook/browse NT, I'll tell you Natural foods and sources of protein will always be more beneficial to you the protein powder (even if you don't agree and think it's all the same) but I do enjoy my protein powder for convienance.

Went to Austin to help my little move in to his new place at UT and waited an hour for some BBQ so I'm feeling bad about it now, but I did work during the week anticipating this weekend so it's whatever. Finally getting my hydrostatic weight test done on Monday and I'm kicking the cutting into overdrive for the next 3 months.

This is my thing dudes will confuse CUTTING BACK with NOT BEING HEALTHY. If in one month some has eaten fried foods twice dudes will be like "blah blah u gon die" it's almost an insult to the persons intelligence. If there are 30 days in a month and you eat what people "consider bad" foods 4 times out of those 30 days and you've worked out 25 of those 30 days chances are the odds of good health are in your favor.
I endorse this statement lol
I endorse this statement lol

Throughout my entire journey i still had my weekly "cheat" days where I don't necessarily go over my calories but i would still be I'm a deficit or worst case eat to maintence. What I would do is simpl not eat all day and just have one huge meal.

It wasn't until last month/end of June where I stopped counting calories for like 3 weeks because I just felt my body was tired from cutting so hard for so long. I went back to the drawing boards and upped my calories from 1600 to 2100 and instead of lifting 3 days with 2 days cardio and 2 off I have started to life 5 days a week with cardio 2 days a week (still debating if I want to stick with 30 min of cardio 2 days a week or 15 min on non leg days and have 2 days of full rest)
so many words posted! too lazy to read them all.

Al Audi - tell me about the pulsing aminos please. i tried to look it up but could you give me an idea of your schedule/amounts and what pulsing does. i'm interested in trying this. thanks.
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