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Need some advice.
Want to get lean and build lean muscle. Really not a fan of the bulky look at all.
I've already been exercising and loosing wait and building muscle.
I just was wondering if anyone had any other tips beside eat right, exercise regularly, drink water, etc..
Man I wish I knew what it was like to NOT be able to gain weight 

Even on a clean bulk with just 300-500 more calories over my maintenance I could gain weight I feel like 
Need some advice.
Want to get lean and build lean muscle. Really not a fan of the bulky look at all.
I've already been exercising and loosing wait and building muscle.
I just was wondering if anyone had any other tips beside eat right, exercise regularly, drink water, etc..
Sleep. People tend to overlook that aspect whether it's bulking or cutting. 
Need some advice.
Want to get lean and build lean muscle. Really not a fan of the bulky look at all.
I've already been exercising and loosing wait and building muscle.
I just was wondering if anyone had any other tips beside eat right, exercise regularly, drink water, etc..
You already listed the essentials. But when you lift, go higher reps and lower-to-moderate weight. More cardio if you want a super lean look. Cut out junk foods and unhealthy snacks for oatmeal, Greek yogurt, nuts, cottage cheese, etc.
Advice please

I have to run a timed 1.5 mile in the morning. What would be good to have for dinner and breakfast in the morning. I always struggle with cramps when I run.

Any tips?
Advice please
I have to run a timed 1.5 mile in the morning. What would be good to have for dinner and breakfast in the morning. I always struggle with cramps when I run.
Any tips?
Hydration and electrolyte status and low calcium levels.

Make sure you take enough liquids pre-run. But not too much so you feel bloated or sick.

I like to have a lighter breakfast before big runs or races. Oatmeal, eggs, Greek yogurt.
anyone here use the Bodybuilding app?? I updated it on my ipod and now i can't find where you could watch videos on how to do exercises.
I go to the gym 5x a week but iv been cheating on diet, can y'all recommend me some meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Thanks
I think I have a herniated disk, its about to be a rough winter :smh:. Anyone has any helpful info.
What do some of you guys do for a warm up with arms or chest? Do you start off small, with 1 or 2 sets than go max or just go straight max? I usually go straight max but im ice cold :x

for chest i usually warm up on the flat bench at 135lbs with 2sets x 7-8 reps each (i weigh 165) then i do what i usually do which is 185lb 3sets x 8reps each. but when you do bench, i recommend you to bench what you CAN handle if you go to the gym by yourself. never feel "embarrassed" to start of with very small weights, but this also helps your form too which is also important. going to the gym with a partner is always a plus so you guys can spot each other. no ayo.

as for arms, it depends on what you want to do. biceps, shoulders, triceps etc... i always work on ONE muscle a day so for biceps, i usually start off with the simple dumbbell curls with some light weight and then move on onto some heavier weight.
Started a 5x5 routine today. Damn I love doing strength training over a bodybuilding routine. You feel amazing afterwards, pushing yourself to your limits every workout
^^ I have read and have been told not to do too much on warmups yet jump right into it after stretching throughly, my first set is 185 for 10, I use to do 135 for 12 as my first set making my second set of 185 only 6-7 reps, try this but stretch good at home and at the gym

yeah most of the times i dont do much on warm ups anyways
I heard cardio is bad for those looking to build muscle. I play basketball 3 -4x a week after an hour workout, is that ok? I play fullcourt basketball for about 3hours. I dont want to kill any muscle gain / growth though...

Also is ok to subsitute baskeball for the treadmill?
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I heard cardio is bad for those looking to build muscle. I play basketball 3 -4x a week after an hour workout, is that ok? I play fullcourt basketball for about 3hours. I dont want to kill any muscle gain / growth though...
Also is ok to subsitute baskeball for the treadmill?
Basketball is a great substitute but in all honesty, you're playing way too much. Thats 9-12 hours a week of cardio. That's too much, even if you're eating a lot of calories. When people are trying to gain muscle, they throw in 2-3 hours of cardio a week just to burn any fat or to keep their cardiovascular system healthy. In order to gain/maintain muscle while keeping up this routine, you're going to have to have A LOT of calories over maintenance
I just warm up by starting off light in whatever excercise I'm working on in the beginning.
And light I mean starting off with the bar light and increase of an even increment like 20, 25lbs at a time at a moderate to low reps.

For example if I'm benching:
45lbs x 8 reps
105lbs x 6
155lbs x 5
205lbs x 4
225lbs x 1
Working set:
245lbs x amount of reps

I dunno works for me :kanyeshrug

Man I gotta eat better :smh:
I read and started to implement this type of warmup. Take half the weight you are going to do and do a set of that. Easy enough
Gonna be a slow week for me. Got cleated in the ankle sunday my ankle is swollen as all hell and i got laid out on a run down the wing landed awkwardly and hurt my back pretty bad. I seriously hate playing teams full of hacks.

But going to have to mod my workouts now.

Anyone have a solid shoulder routine they love? I am going to try to get shoulders and back in tonight. Normally i will just do:

Seated Dumbell press
Upright rows (barbell)
Lateral Raises
Wide grip pull ups

With my back being all messed up i don't see myself being about to do any clean and lifts or standing bar press.

edit: Last Friday i benched my weight 2 sets 3 reps (yes im weak and weigh 175lbs) but going heavy on shoulders and triceps really seemed to help with my bench press.
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I just warm up by starting off light in whatever excercise I'm working on in the beginning.
And light I mean starting off with the bar light and increase of an even increment like 20, 25lbs at a time at a moderate to low reps.

For example if I'm benching:
45lbs x 8 reps
105lbs x 6
155lbs x 5
205lbs x 4
225lbs x 1
Working set:
245lbs x amount of reps

I dunno works for me :kanyeshrug

Man I gotta eat better :smh:

thats quite a bit of warmup bro. warm up should be 2 sets and some stretching, you just want to get those joints warm and blood moving. all those reps youre doing before your working set is just using up your potential energy and hindering your gains. imo.

just a tip, if you want to burn out the chest a little, next time you work it, start with a fly. preferably a machine for these sets since your muscles arent warmed. do 2-3 sets of some decent weight for you. really focus on that squeeze. then do a pushing exercise, preferably an incline. your pectorals will be flooded with blood by this point.
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im making progress since the last time i posted in here. i gained 7 pounds and i can deadlift, bench, and squat with 45s (at least) on each side
Man I feel so weak and helpless on the bench. In the summer of 2011 I was doing reps with 225lbs. I tried benching now and I'm doing 175lbs
I should've never stopped lifting. I'm going to incorporate weight lifting in my schedule after my 1st day of the month weight in November. I have a whole weight lifting station in the basement so I might as well put it to use.
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