STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

yea they're definitely bad for your knees. Generally the bar goes over the ankle area and to exert leverage to get the weight up, unnecessary force is imposed on the knees. If you're trying to work quads, yes squats, leg presses are definitely beneficial. I like wide lunges as well. the stepping leg still only drops 90 degrees, but you feel it everywhere, quads, glutes, hams, calves. I havent experienced any knee issues from it and the burn is unreal. you can do body weight, or with the bar or dumbbells. thats pretty much all my leg work outs consist of. I like the basic movements. heavy leg press, heavy squat, 5-6 sets of 25 wide step lunges (depending on the weight, could be less sets), and some deads, and then some calf work. 45-1hr and youre toast.
sorry for the probably dumb question, but could you describe what a "wide lunge" is? or post a vid? thanks

well with my lunges, i prefer to take actual steps whereas some people step forward then back to the starting position. I just find a long path in the area, usually like 50-60 feet and just take large steps. keeping good posture and weight distribution on the stepping leg, its hell. with just body weight, i'm 200-205, I do probably 5-6 sets, getting about 20-25 steps each. works the entire lower body and core balance.
I promise this isn't a trolling, or an attempt to start a huge debate but...
I was on craigslist looking for ungrade to my stupid vinyl dumbbells that piss me off to no end, and saw a guy seeling his "the rack workout" for 40bucks. Does anyone actually have one of these? Or has anyone actually used one? Its really hard to find reviews of it, and I don't trust the ama+azon reviews. I would never buy it for 100+, but is 40 a decent deal for it? Thanx guys

While I have your attention, anyone have the Perfect Pushup version2? Thoughts or feelings on it too?
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glad y'all dudes gettin in shape. closely watching this thread so i can get cocky when i get my gym membership back. I was going all natural and saw significant definition but the second you slack maaaaaan you see it, feel it. gotta be consistant
man I`m getting addicted to the gym, been in it 5 days a week for 3 months straight (3 days lift then cardio, 2 day cardio)

Any of you dudes lift 5 days a week? Idk if I can do do the focus on 1 body part all workout stuff lol, I`m doing Starting strength so everything is compound, and i kind of lke having the just cardio day. I might switch it up once I finish my cut though (I plan on stopping maybe next August or when ever I feel my body fat is where I want it to be.)
Anybody have any experience with BCAAs? I'm thinking about picking up the optimum nutrition brand. I need a little kick to my bulking. I'm gaining weight but not really seeing results. I also want to gain more lean weight
Anybody have any experience with BCAAs? I'm thinking about picking up the optimum nutrition brand. I need a little kick to my bulking. I'm gaining weight but not really seeing results. I also want to gain more lean weight

I been using Xtend for intra workout, I mean I`m on a cut nd I`m taking creatine so I have seen my body fat drop while getting "bigger" but idk if Id attribute it to that one item, but I enjoy it.
Something super attractive about a woman who respects her body with physical fitness, clean eating, and general healthy lifestyle. I need that in a long-term partner.

Indeed, it bugs me when outta shape broads talk **** about them.

I just started going to the gym. I'm a beginner.
I just want to build muscle and have definition in my arms, chest, shoulder, and legs.
I'm at 5'8-160lbs
Can someone help me make a schedule on what to muscles to work on and what to do mon-fri with rest on the weekend.
I appreciate it

I always say start with a progressive strength training program like stronglift or starting strength, they work. If anything because you're new, it's a great way to learn the exercises, form, and adding weight, what muscles are being used etc, all the things that new lifters fumble with in the gym. But like the rest, you probably wont listen and keep fumbling around with diff routines for a bit.
What do some of you guys do for a warm up with arms or chest? Do you start off small, with 1 or 2 sets than go max or just go straight max? I usually go straight max but im ice cold :x
Anybody have any experience with BCAAs? I'm thinking about picking up the optimum nutrition brand. I need a little kick to my bulking. I'm gaining weight but not really seeing results. I also want to gain more lean weight

bcaa doesnt do much, if you eat food and take protein you get enough bcaa.

do some research, you will see that its a waste of money. only reason i have it is gaspari sent me two tubs to try and i dont even take it that much except for something sweet to sip on :lol:
bcaa doesnt do much, if you eat food and take protein you get enough bcaa.
do some research, you will see that its a waste of money. only reason i have it is gaspari sent me two tubs to try and i dont even take it that much except for something sweet to sip on
Word, thanks bro that's what I figured. I'm gonna try and restructue my diet a bit. I'm an a bulk so everyday I eat a protein (chicken, salmon, etc), a grain (brown rice, wheat pasta) and veggies. I've been cutting back on the grains a bit with only 1/2 a cup to a cup. I might just cut them out completely and get all my carbs from fruits and veggies
What do some of you guys do for a warm up with arms or chest? Do you start off small, with 1 or 2 sets than go max or just go straight max? I usually go straight max but im ice cold :x

Not smart. Better to stretch and do a warm-up/light set before going hard.
man I`m getting addicted to the gym, been in it 5 days a week for 3 months straight (3 days lift then cardio, 2 day cardio)

Any of you dudes lift 5 days a week? Idk if I can do do the focus on 1 body part all workout stuff lol, I`m doing Starting strength so everything is compound, and i kind of lke having the just cardio day. I might switch it up once I finish my cut though (I plan on stopping maybe next August or when ever I feel my body fat is where I want it to be.)

I lift 5 days a week. spending that whole hour working on a different body part, except on shoulder day when i do shoulders and abs. but yea, i actually prefer to focus on just one body part at a time, to fully break that down without having to keep some bullets in the chamber since i have other parts to work on that day. i can empty the clip with no remorse. the other thing I'll do is, after I've cut and my fat is super low so I can see all striations and sections split off, I do an evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses, then i'll solely work on those for a couple days. so like "upper, inner" chest (hate that description, but to give you a mental idea of where I'm talking) I'll focus on a lot of just straight incline movements for that day. I wanted to really develop my bicep brachialis, so recently I've been avoiding traditional curls and focusing more on hammers and reverse curls. It's your body, and it'll respond to whatever you do to it. You're the artist, so mold that clay as you see fit.

and as far as warmups, I do like 1-2 lighter sets. not too light, but significantly lighter than my working sets. just want to get that muscle warmed up and ready for the punishment I'm getting ready to put it through. Get that blood pumping. I personally wouldn't recommend going full one on the first set. you can hurt your joints and possibly pull something, not to mention you're just hindering yourself and holding back your full performance. you're getting the blood moving and oxygen flowing due to the hemoglobin releasing it as the muscle warms, which is a good thing.
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Isolation doesnt solve the problem though. If theres an imbalance between two sides when doing a bilateral movement, then training unilaterally only compounds the problem.
Also, leg extensions are terrible for your leg/knee. They have no benefit to anyone expect rehab patients.
I tore my ACL back in high school, I do leg extensions during every leg workout. You guys are saying I shouldn't be doing them? I though it would help strengthen my legs not hurt them.
Game Day here in Tally, still went for a morning run tho :pimp:

Ran around the stadium and the band was playing :pimp: Plus it's a beautiful day, clear skies and a breeeze
Isolation doesnt solve the problem though. If theres an imbalance between two sides when doing a bilateral movement, then training unilaterally only compounds the problem.

Also, leg extensions are terrible for your leg/knee. They have no benefit to anyone expect rehab patients.

I tore my ACL back in high school, I do leg extensions during every leg workout. You guys are saying I shouldn't be doing them? I though it would help strengthen my legs not hurt them.

How long ago was the injury? Are you 100% now?
Oh man it was in 2005. I don't know if it will ever be 100% because I can feel cartilage/scar tissue tear and stuff when I play ball, and it cracks and pops when Im walking lol But Im in my best shape since then for sure. I just want to strengthen it as much as I can so I don't worry about it when Im playing or lifting heavy.
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I tore my ACL back in high school, I do leg extensions during every leg workout. You guys are saying I shouldn't be doing them? I though it would help strengthen my legs not hurt them.

Leg extensions are known to be bad for the knee's because of the unnatural position the machine puts you in. Find other alternatives for leg extensions. Not worth jackin up your knees further.
Went ham on my legs today :pimp:

One rep max of 305 for Deadlift...I know it's not high but I set a goal to Deadlift 300+ before the end of the year.
Did Leg Presses...did a few sets at 450...I think I can probably do up to 2x5 at 600 by the end of Nov.
Squats on point...need to stop taking it easy and go up to at least 235 though.
anybody ever experiment w/ pro homones? ive been researching them for abt 2 wks and im still confused, i know i want to start them but dnt know where to purchase/begin
Leg extensions are known to be bad for the knee's because of the unnatural position the machine puts you in. Find other alternatives for leg extensions. Not worth jackin up your knees further.
Yeah I really just liked using them to warm my legs up. I'm going to stop using them now though or do very little weight just to get the blood pumping though my legs before I start my workout.
I tore my ACL back in high school, I do leg extensions during every leg workout. You guys are saying I shouldn't be doing them? I though it would help strengthen my legs not hurt them.

Leg extensions are known to be bad for the knee's because of the unnatural position the machine puts you in. Find other alternatives for leg extensions. Not worth jackin up your knees further.

i have no idea how people do leg extensions....kills my knees anytime i try and i've never had problems with my knees.

i stick to squats, lunges and presses.

A.J. Shukoori: Excellent physique. Part of the fitness movement towards a more aesthetic body-type.

My new goal, to look as if I compete in that category.

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