STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

:stoneface: $300+/Year is a waste of money... actually a waste of time too, because you have to drive there.
Like I said, you don't need a gym membership, hell you can burn yourself DVDs of insanity, P90X, or Tap Out XT for free or buy it off someone for $10.
I stand by my statement, Nature is your gym. You want to lose weight? Gotta get out there and run. Oh, and eat healthier too! :wink:

I usually work out at home, but I go to the gym occasionally for a change of scenery. Helps keep me motivated at times. Its not always a bad thing. And a trick to not having to drive there is finding one in route or near to where you work. One thing I hate hearing is excuses for why people can't workout but they want too, i.e work, school, "activities". I work 10+ hour days, go to school part time, and still MAKE time to workout everyday. I just choose not to go home and watch 4 hours of TV. Im not criticizing anyone who doesn't choose to workout, just those who want to and say they "don't have time".
Anyone into weight training? I'm looking for suggestions for a good pre workout and post workout supplements to cycle.
I'm currently using Muscle Pharms' Assualt for a pre work out and ON's Hydro Whey. They're pretty good but I think My body's getting used to it.
Also forgot to mention I'm trying to gain muscle mass too!

Heard a lot of good things about White Flood for a pre-workout. As for post-workout, all I drink is a regular protein shake. Either the Cellucor or GNC Wheybolic for the shake.
Look into Cross-Fit bro... you don't need access to the gym, the world is your jungle gym. Run/jog around your block, push ups and sit ups on the floor, pull ups on a tree branch or stoplight bars... ect.
As for calorie intake, just be sure to burn more than you put in. Also eat 4-6 smalls meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism straight.

Contrary to popular belief, 4-6 small meals doesn't have to be a staple. Some people like eating 2 big meals a day, others maybe 3 medium meals. There are people who do IF...6 meals a day means they're eating damn near every hour and a half.

You're correct about the calorie intake you, it all boils down to calories in versus calories out.
I usually work out at home, but I go to the gym occasionally for a change of scenery. Helps keep me motivated at times. Its not always a bad thing. And a trick to not having to drive there is finding one in route or near to where you work. One thing I hate hearing is excuses for why people can't workout but they want too, i.e work, school, "activities". I work 10+ hour days, go to school part time, and still MAKE time to workout everyday. I just choose not to go home and watch 4 hours of TV. Im not criticizing anyone who doesn't choose to workout, just those who want to and say they "don't have time".

Agreed. I was never truly fat but I was overweight. People that knew me when I was bigger ask me how I lost weight. I told them I just stayed faithful to the gym and my diet...somewhat.

At the end of the day, whenever I'm feeling lazy, I just ask bad do you want it?

Alright so guys help me out here. I need to shed about 30 pounds, not in a rush but preferably quickly. How many calories should I be taking in daily? I've been jogging/walking in the morning maybe 4 days a week for about 2-3 miles but fell off because work picked up. But I want to start again. I see that you guys are saying lift + cardio but I don't really have access to a gym per se, because of distance and hours. I believe I have some small dumbells around here. Is there anything I can do at home? I'm not really pressed about gaining muscle at the moment, mainly just slimming down. Btw I'm 5'8ish and 200ish. Thanks for any help :nthat:

Find your TDEE daily and reduce it by 20%. By doing so, you are burning more than you're eating everyday. If you're not pressed about gaining muscle, it might even be easier since you don't have macro goals.
Dammit, ive been taking fish oil for the past week or so and ive started to get red bumps on my face starting about a week ago as well. This cant be a coincidence...

I took fish oil before but stopped, but damn, is there any alternatives if I need to make the switch? Flaxseed oil?

Maybe your taking too much, when I took a lot I broke out like crazy on my back
been running alot. just finished 5 miles today. i feel great. Still fat ( 5'11/ 225) but im losing weight. starting to do push-ups and sit-ups more regularly.
I do not do a 1,200 calorie diet, this is what I used to do in the past before I started Keto, with Keto I do not count calories, only eat when I feel like eating. Protein is pretty filling so I never overeat. I lose weight every week and my energy levels are fine.
This is not a permanent routine, I probably have 2 - 3 month left of this routine.
I plan to switch into a weight lifting routine, when I do I will follow a thorough macro . Right Now my main concern is to lose fat, it would be stupid for me to mix in weight lifting right now.

You're doing Keto and NOT lifting? How would it be stupid for you to start lifting? I don't get it. I hate when people associate losing fat with just cardio. You are actually better off lifting instead. You're going to end up skinny fat with no muscle mass and no those muscles out and put all that protein you're consuming to use
I've heard that gym is a waste of money discussion before. I don't believe in it, although it does hold credence.

I don't consider it a waste, because although I have acquired P90X and it's on my PC that's connected to my tele, I haven't used it once. I have ran at my old HS track, but I don't like it. When I step into a gym, I know what i'm there for. I like being there, but I don't like being there, I know my goals once they scan my card and knock those ***** es out as best I can, and make my way out when i'm done. I've thought about investing in weights for home use... but I have enough paperweights as is. To me, the $$ spent on that expensive LAFitness pass is all the motivation I need to do it.
How does one bulk up through workouts exactly? I lift my max already but i dont end up sore so i'm probably doing it wrong. Anyone have any great workouts to share?
Thank all of you for your input, I'm gonna lower my calorie intake and exercise more. Already cut out fast foods for the most part. I'll just continue running and doing sit ups, push ups, etc. until I get to school theen I'll go to the weight room.
You're doing Keto and NOT lifting? How would it be stupid for you to start lifting? I don't get it. I hate when people associate losing fat with just cardio. You are actually better off lifting instead. You're going to end up skinny fat with no muscle mass and no those muscles out and put all that protein you're consuming to use

Word...Keto is using up for body fat for fuel since you're barely taking any carbs in. So, you SHOULD be lifting with keto for maximum results. As for losing fat, I've definitely lost some body fat that I can see and I do 0 cardio.

How does one bulk up through workouts exactly? I lift my max already but i dont end up sore so i'm probably doing it wrong. Anyone have any great workouts to share?
How does one bulk up through workouts exactly? I lift my max already but i dont end up sore so i'm probably doing it wrong. Anyone have any great workouts to share?

Are you sure you're using proper technique? Technique is more important than the actual weight.
Those looking for a Pre workout should look into straight caffeine tabs

can get like 100+ for the super low which should last quite a while. All i use now, just pop one 30 mins prior and you should be good to go
Really feels good to workout trying to put on some muscle mass to look better even tho I'm not that off
TV bores the f out of me now a days I would rather go for run or lift
$10-20 a month isn't that bad to be able to feel and look better
What are yall tips for trimmin the gut? I been workin out, cardio, crunches, etc etc and can't seem to get rid of my gut. Been eatin healthier as well
How does one bulk up through workouts exactly? I lift my max already but i dont end up sore so i'm probably doing it wrong. Anyone have any great workouts to share?
Bulking up comes down to eating more calories then your burning. It's the exact opposite of cutting. The workout is just a stimulus to turn those extra calories into muscle and not just fat. No routine will bulk you up without a surplus of calories. A good beginner workout is starting strength. Follow that get a good deal of calories ( I'd do 4000 at the very least if bulking) and you'll watch your weight increase on the scale and your lifts at a very steady pace.
Yeah, thing is i'm always doing the same routine which doesnt get me sore. The only thing i notice getting sore from are 21 curls, that's it though.

Try Starting's a program that consists of compound lifts that works your whole body.

One day, you do Squats, Bench Press, and Deadlift.
Another day, you do Squats, Military Presses, and Power Cleans (I do Pendlay Rows myself over the Cleans)

Go 3 days a week with a day of rest in between workouts. One week, you should be doing the first workout which includes the bench 2x. The week after that, you should be doing the workout with the presses 2x. If you're not sore from this, then you're either lifting too light or using wrong technique.


Was thinking of eating at/above maintenance today but I resisted the temptation :pimp:
Gym tonight, I love doing the Bench/Squat/Deadlift routine of Starting Strength twice a week :pimp:
Bulking up comes down to eating more calories then your burning. It's the exact opposite of cutting. The workout is just a stimulus to turn those extra calories into muscle and not just fat. No routine will bulk you up without a surplus of calories. A good beginner workout is starting strength. Follow that get a good deal of calories ( I'd do 4000 at the very least if bulking) and you'll watch your weight increase on the scale and your lifts at a very steady pace.

Hmm, correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you only supposed to add 500 calories to your TDEE to bulk without gaining too much fat in the process? My TDEE is only 2300 so bulking at 4000 for me is :x
What's up fam, I'm new to this thread.

I've been using a mixture of body-weight/free weight exercises during my workouts. One day I'll do a free weight workout while the next I'll do inverted handstand pushups, tucked planche holds, etc. I recently learned how to do a backtuck, and I was wondering if doing, say, 10 for one workout would be considered a decent core workout? I heard someone say that doing one backtuck is like doing 20 situps, but I'd like more opinions.
What are yall tips for trimmin the gut? I been workin out, cardio, crunches, etc etc and can't seem to get rid of my gut. Been eatin healthier as well

As they say, you can never spot reduce, and yes usually the tummy area is the hardest to lose. Doing Cardio and Core workouts will help along with watching what you eat and how much you eat.
Try Starting's a program that consists of compound lifts that works your whole body.
One day, you do Squats, Bench Press, and Deadlift.
Another day, you do Squats, Military Presses, and Power Cleans (I do Pendlay Rows myself over the Cleans)
Go 3 days a week with a day of rest in between workouts. One week, you should be doing the first workout which includes the bench 2x. The week after that, you should be doing the workout with the presses 2x. If you're not sore from this, then you're either lifting too light or using wrong technique.
Was thinking of eating at/above maintenance today but I resisted the temptation

Gym tonight, I love doing the Bench/Squat/Deadlift routine of Starting Strength twice a week
Thanks, i'll try this
Anyone know the true Bane/Tom Hardy workout?

I know there are several fake versions but what is the real one?


I want to gain weight (muscle weight)Anyone know the true Bane/Tom Hardy workout?

I know there are several fake versions but what is the real one?


I want to gain weight (muscle weight)
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