STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

The valve masks have been a no-go at the hospital I work in. Can't even enter the door with one of those on.

The guidance changes I'm used to and are to be expected considering the novel nature of rona, so all the juelzing back and forth doesn't phase me.

As for the fashion ****, I'm not really one to talk. I always leave the house for the gym making sure my colors match (only ever clash intentionally with the shoes). :smh:

I prefer to spend gym money on equipment and shoes vs clothes that will just get ripped/sweated in anyways.

I always laugh inside when I see a dude or dudette in a $100+ outfit go and borrow a $20 beat-*** gym-owned belt, but that may be because I know a cat that blew out his back when a gym belt broke when he was mid-squat. :sick:

I only personally know one or two dudes that be on that Gym Shark-type wave and actually put up numbers. Everybody else I see dressed like that 'looks like Tarzan, lifts like Jane'.

Some folks would rather have a $10 outfit with a 10 cent lift I guess.
gym shark is like jordans
I finally was getting back into a rhythm. Finished class today and found out that both gyms on base are closed until the 31st 😑
(Full) Week 4, Day 2::

Back Squat:
1x1 @ 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300, 315, 335, 355, 375, 405
2x2 @ 315

Bench Press:
1x1 @ 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 305
3x3 @ 255

Weighted Chins:
2x5 +25
2x3 +45
1x5 +90
1x? +90 [5]

Accessory work:
Seated Cable Row 3x10
Lying Leg Curl 3x10
Overhead Cable Press 3x10
Cable Rear Delt Flyes 3x10

I wasn't home the last time I ran this for a double block in 2018, so I wonder if I can beat my progress from back then. (PLT increased roughly 150 lbs in 12 weeks.)

Main gym director told me they're gonna have a push/pull contest in the next few months (gotta iron out rona precautions) so I definitely need to have my numbers on point to represent. (I would have won the 220 class in the last one they did without even PRing.)
Gyms in NY can finally open as soon as Aug 24th. 33% capacity, mask on at all times and gyms need updated hvac systems. NYC still gonna get screwed probably.

These came in the other day. Discount code worked and everything. I think they're coming in from overseas. Pretty good quality as far as I can tell. Currently wearing the 2-in-1's and they're pretty damn comfortable. The name and logo goofy as hell though. Luckily no one gonna see me in my home gym.

Side note my 8 plates of 45s will be here Thursday. Can't wait! :evil:
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